Wikimedia Small Projects/Foundational Text
We, the wikimedians of the small projects, join a group with the mission of promote, improve, collaborate, coordinate, and spread all Wikimedia projects and establish these rules and allow the execution of all past and future objectives. The present foundational text, therefore, applies to all its members.
Name and objectives
- First section: The group, in compliance with the User Group naming guidelines, will be designated officially as Wikimedia Small Projects User Group.
- Second section: The secondary denomination will be Wikimedia Small Projects. Other names with which the group can be identified with will be WikiSP, WMSP WMSPUG or WSP.
- Third section: The logos used by this group are customized in compliance to the recommended practices by the Wikimedia Foundation, so they may or not use the official or secondary denomination.
- Fourth section: The group agrees to follow the Agreement and code of conduct of the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Fifth section: No disposition of this Foundational Text authorises to the group to the evade the agreements, codes, policies or principles established by the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Sixth section: The scope of this group will be global and its activities will be focused mainly in the communities of Wikivoyage, Wikinews, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikiversity, Wikispecies and Wiktionary, without excluding the Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata communities.
- This group will not be part of any organisation that conglomere to one or more chapters, thematic organizations or user groups.
- Seventh section: In case that some action interferes, in any way, in the jurisdiction of a chapter, thematic organization or user group of a territory or Foundation project, this group will communicate with the responsibles in compliance with the title three of this text.
- Eighth section: This group, in a report format, will communicate annually the performed activities in compliance of the sixth section. The reports related with budget requests to the Foundation will be delivered in the moment that it defines.
- Ninth section: In compliance with the seventh section, thirty calendar days before the celebration of an event, this group will communicate with the chapter, thematic organization, or user group to inform of its intentions to organise an event in its jurisdiction and request, if possible, their support in what the group requires, expecting their answer for fifteen calendar days since the respective communication was sent. When an answer is not received during this time, it will be understood that the chapter, thematic organization, or user group has been notified.
- If the event depends on a budget requested to the Foundation, it will be calendar sixty days before the event takes place. The waiting time for the response does not change.
- Tenth section: The founders are those members that have accepted to be representatives of this group and have signed the agreement described in the fourth section.
- Eleventh section: The honorary members are those members that have contributed to execute every aim of this group, in addition to having an unimpeachable behavior in it. The status is delivered by the Administrative Commission through recommendation of the Council.
- Twelveth section: The active members are those that have accepted the formalities of their defined status in the Members Statute.
- Thirteenth section: The observers are those that have not accepted the formalities of their defined status in the Members Statute.
- Fourteenth section: Every user that enters to the group automatically receives the status of observer. The change of status of any member will take place through the Council's decision by recommendation of the Administrative Commission.
- Fifteenth section: When a member is subject to preventive action by the Administrative Commission they can be suspended by the Council to exert their rights and privileges inherent to his status. The restitution of said rights and privileges will be through decision of the Administrative Commission.
- Sixteenth section: When a member violates this foundtional text they can expelled of the group by decision of the Council by recommendation of the Administrative Commission.
- Sevententh section: The group will have has main bodies a Council, an Administrative Commission and a Linguistic Commission.
- Eighteenth section: The Administrative Commission will be able to establish the subsidiary components that are deemed necessary.
The Council
- Nineteenth section: The Council will be made up of founders, honorary members, active members and observers part of this group.
- Twentieth section: The Council will be able to discuss any matters or questions within the scope of this text and, except for the twenty-second section, will be able to make recommendations about said subjects or questions to the Administrative Commission.
- Twenty-first section: All matter related to the projects within the planned scope in title II, section six that is of interest for this group can be discussed by the Council after being introduced by consideration of any member. Any decision that requires action by this group will be remitted to the Administrative Commission.
- Twenty-second section: When the Administrative Commission exerts the functions assigned to it by this text regarding any situation, the Council will not many any recommendation unless requested by the Administrative Commission.
- Twenty-third section: All the active, honorary and founder members of the Council will have right the right to a vote and its decisions will take be adopted by the vote of a simple majority.
- The observer members will only have right to intervene.
Administrative Commission
- Twenty-forth section: The group administration remains delegated to the Administrative Commission that will be made up of three members, the founding members will be permanent members of the Administrative Commission. The Council will elect another member, giving special attention firstly ot its contribution in the execution of the group aims.
- Twenty-fifth section: Non permanent members will be elected for a period of a year, being able to be reelected by the Administrative Commission for the following period.
- Twenty-sixth section: Each member of the Administrative Commission will have a vote. The decisions will be adopted by the vote of an absolute majority.
- Twenty-seventh section: The Administrative Commission has to meet annually in an ordinary session.
General Coordinator
- Twenty-eight section: The leadership of the Administrative Commission and, by extension, of the group, remains under the position of the General Coordinator being the highest ranking administrative member of the group.
- Twenty-ninth section: The General Coordinator has, as functions:
- Represent the group in any subject related to it.
- Lead the Administrative Commission meetings.
- Make the group annual plans and present them to the Council.
- Propose the economic budget to the Administrative Commission.
- Bring any subject of interest for the group to the attention of the Administrative Commission or to the Council.
- Thirtieth section: The General Coordinator will provide reports annually on the state of the group, recommending the measures deemed timely and necessary to his consideration.
- Thirty-first section: The General Coordinator will exert his functions for the term of a year without a limit of renewal of the period.
- Thirty-second section: When considering the renewal of the period, it will be deliberated by the Administrative Commission thirty days before the end of the term of the General Coordinator. If the Administrative Commission refuses to extend the mandate of the General Coordinator, the Council, fifteen days before the term end, will have to choose its successor among the candidates proposed by the Administrative Commission.
- Thirty-third section: When the General Coordinator is separated from his position or is unable to exert it, the Administrative Commission will choose to their immediate successor. If group staff exists, the highest ranking position will become General Coordinator while simutaneously exerting the functions of their position in the staff until the inability cause or choose a new General Coordinator.
- Thirty-fourth section: The group staff will be appointed by the General Coordinador after being approved by the Administrative Commission,
- Thirty-fifth section: The group staff will continue their functions while they keep a good conduct and will receive, on regular intervals, a remuneration for their services that will not be diminished during their service time.
Linguistic Commission
- Thirty-sixty section: The aim of the Linguistic Commission is to promote the coordination and cooperation between the projects Wikimedia and the group. They will make recommendations about the actions that the group should do with regard to a project within his scope and will collaborate together with the Administrative Commission and the Personnel so that all the aims set by the group are fulfilled.
- Thirty seventh section: The Linguistic Commission will be composed in the following way:
- A linguistic representative for each project contemplated in the general scope of the project. These will be chosen by the Administrative Commission between the candidates,
- A linguistic coordinator for each language that have minimum three represented projects. These will be chosen by the General Coordinator between the already designated representatives.
- Thirty eighth section: When the second clause of the previous section is not fullfilled, the Administrative Commission will choose the linguistic coordinator between the existing representatives.
- Thirty ninith section: The members of the linguistic commission will continue their functions while good behaviour and regular activity remains. If a community wishes to change of representative, it will notify to the group to suspend to the current one and allow to elect the following.
- Fortieth section: The members of the linguistic commission, in the time that they exert their functions, will be considered in the group as honorary members.
- Forty-first section: This group will organize conferences in any time of the year with the purpose of letting know the participants of to collaborate in the projects contemplated in its general scope.
- Forty-second section: The conferences will be organized in the countries with the greatest number of members in the group.
Complementary policy
- Forty-third section: The complementary policies are extensions detailed of this Foundational Text.
- Forty-fourth section: Any complementary policies will be superior to this Foundational Text.
- Forty-fifth section: The complementary policies are created by the Administrative Commission.
Amendments and reforms
- Forty-sixth section: When the Administrative Commission considers it necessary, it will propose amendments to this Foundational Text or to his complementary policies.
- Forty-seventh section: The Council will be able to requisition amendments to this Foundational Text or to its complementary policies.
- Forty-eighth section: The amendments to the Foundational Text will be approved when it obtains a simple majority from the members of the Council. In the case of the amendments to the complementary policies, they will be approved when they obtain an absolute majority from the members of the Administrative Commission.
- Forty-ninth section: No amendment will affect in any way fifth, seventh, octave, ninth, sixteenth, eighteenth, fortieth first and fortieth seventh sections of the Foundational Text.
Final clauses
- First clause: The Fundamental Committee composed by the original members of Wikimedia Small Projects User Group have adopted this Foundational Text.
- Second clause: Likewise, the Fundamental Committee has made the following appointments:
- As General Coordinator, Galahad has been appointed.
- As founding members founders and representatives of Wikimedia Small Projects User Group of the Foundation Wikimedia, Galahad and Jorge Abellán have been appointed.
- As members of the Administrative Commission, Galahad, Jorge Abellán and Millars have been appointed.
- Third clause: The Fundamental Committee encourages the Wikimedia Small Projects User Group representatives to make the respective formalities of the formal recognition of the Wikimedia Foundation of this group.
- Fourth clause: Being the functions exerted by the Fundamental Committee completed, the Committee is dissolved its functions established in this text are conceded to the General Coordinator until a formal recognition by the Wikimedia Foundation is effective. Upon this, the functions conceded will be transferred to the respective components.