Wikimedia South Africa/Board Meeting/28 March 2018

Wikimedia ZA board meeting 28 March 2018 Begins: 6pm


  • Ian Gilfillan
  • Bobby Shabangu
  • Douglas Scott
  • Raymond Ellis
  • Coenraad Loubser (left 19:00, thanks all)


  • Deon Steyn

WM conference update

  • Bobby gave a brief update, all going well

WMF Funds used on Joburgpedia Digitization project update

  • There is disagreement with the WMF about funds they are claiming back (~$1600)
  • WMZA believes this is an administrative error from WMF
  • Bobby, Dumi and Douglas are meeting WMF tomorrow to clarify details
  • Bobby to find the request from WMZA and the permission granted by WMF to use unspent funds for Jobergpedia from a past grant. The past grant we would have requested unspent funds from would likely be the WMZA bridging grant:

* Actions: Bobby

Gill refund

  • Gill spent about R8500 of her own money on equipment for the digitization project over a year ago on the understanding it would be imminently refunded.
  • Agree to refund her ASAP, with interest (6% inflation) and get her a thank you card.
  • This comes to approximately R9500, which Bobby will attempt to pay tomorrow

* Actions: Bobby

Bank accounts

  • Currently to make payments from the one account, Bobby needs to drive to the bank, while Douglas sits on email. The bank then emails Douglas, he digitally signs, and then emails back. Bobby can then complete the transaction in the branch
  • APG money has come through thanks to Bobby completing forex details in branch.
  • Bobby to arrange internet banking, new password etc, so that we can properly run the bank accounts

* Actions: Bobby

Wikimania: SA Scholarships update

  • Everything accomplished so far
  • Discussed in email - we'll be including SADEC applicants, as Goethe Institute will sponsor three SADEC applicants
  • Banner is done, have to wait 10 days for it to start appearing
  • Content is up on wmza, Ian to add to the front page as well
  • Google form is ready
  • Need to start marketing the event through our channels (Bobby)
  • Ian to follow up with Theresa in a final attempt to get access to a Twitter account. If that fails, Ian to start a new WMZA Twitter account
  • Raymond to share details of Wikimania Cape Town Twitter account

* Actions: Bobby, Ian, Raymond

Wiikimania update

  • We have confirmed the location (Southern Sun hotel)
  • Douglas met with organisers of the Design Indaba, they are keen to help us organize, they have good contacts for fundraising and hosting
  • Douglas has chatted to Ellie - all happy to have their help.
  • They will also sponsor the event, about R1000 worth of complimentary tickets (in return they get 20 tickets to allocate to designers)
  • Douglas will be in Namibia until April 8, poor internet.
  • In spite of the unexpected deadline, a number of people applied to present at Wikimania: Deon on behalf of Afrikaans Wikipedia. Also Wikipedia in Education (in context of Afrikaans). Bobby submitted too, on behalf of Goethe Institute (who didn't have their own username)

Next meeting

  • Wed 11 April, 7pm

Meeting ends 7.05pm