Wikimedia South Africa/Media
This page lists instances of news and media coverage related to Wikimedia ZA. It is incomplete.
Below indicates the medium of the media appearance:
- TV -> indicates a Television or video media appearance.
- Radio -> indicates a Radio media appearance.
- Print -> indicates a Print media appearance.
- Other -> indicates other media appearance.
edit- Other ->Wikimedia South Africa 2025 13th birthday celebration February 2025 chapter meetup celebrating the 24th anniversary of Wikipedia and the 13th anniversary of the Chapter
edit- Radio Radio Overberg Afrikaans Wikipedia interview (31 July 2024) - A radio interview with Afrikaans Wikipedia Intern Maroné Van Veijeren
- Radio A South African Wikipedian and the President of Wikimedia ZA (19 January 2024) - A radio interview with Bobby Shabangu on SAFM.
- Radio -> Radio Overvaal Stereo interview with Deon Steyn about Afrikaans Wikipedia (24 January 2024).
- Radio ->[1](The Drive Rob & Roz En DEON) (24 February 2024)
- Radio ->[2] Pretoria FM Interview with Deon Steyn about Afrikaans Wikipedia Writing competition.
- Print -> Mother Tongues going digital (31 July 2024) - Online article around SWiP project workshop in the Central University of Technology in Bloemfontein
- Other -> SWIP Workshop Reflective blog post about SwiP workshops in the central region and how language communities might use renewable assignments. Written by Derek Moore (24 April 2024)
edit- Radio KKB - 231205- Afrikaanse Wikipedia Desember' (5 December 2023) - Regular Wikipedia interview program with Pretoria FM and Afrikaans Wikipedia editor Deon Steyn.
- Radio KKB - BYLAAG - AFRIKAANSE WIKI' (5 September 2023) - Regular Wikipedia interview program with Pretoria FM and Afrikaans Wikipedia editor Deon Steyn.
- Print Biggest South African language Wikipedias and their editors (19 July 2023), Hanno Labuschagne, MyBroadband: article is about the state of Wikipedia, in all languages, in South Africa and who some of the most prolific editors are in the country.
- Print The man who keeps Afrikaans Wikipedia alive (11 June 2023), Antoinette Slabbert, News24 (Afrikaans), article about Deon Steyn's efforts at expanding Afrikaans language Wikipedia.
- Print “We Are Second-Class Citizens on the Internet”: How Copyright Reform in South Africa Can Serve the Free Knowledge Movement Globally (30 March 2023), Franziska Putz, Diff (English), article about the Right2Reseach event and WMZA's copyright advocacy efforts.
- Other Rhodes University Library champions climate justice through free and open access to science knowledge. (14 March 2023)
- Radio KKB - 230223 - Afrkaanse Wikipedia' (23 February 2023) - Second of a regular Wikipedia interview program with Pretoria FM and Afrikaans Wikipedia editor Deon Steyn.
- Radio KKB - 230223 - Afrkaanse Wikipedia' (23 February 2023) - Second of a regular Wikipedia interview program with Pretoria FM and Afrikaans Wikipedia editor Deon Steyn.
- Radio [3] (19 January 2024) - Bobby Shabangu - A South African Wikipedian and the President of Wikimedia ZA.
edit- Radio Taaldinge 21 Augustus 2022 (21 August 2022) - "Die Afrikaanse Wikipedia groei aansienlik, en is van hoë gehalte. ‘n Direkteur van die Wikimedia-stigting Suid-Afrika, Deon Steyn, vertel van ‘n nuwe samewerkingsooreenkoms met die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns." WMZA board member Deon Steyn gives a 20 min interview to RSG about the Afrikaans language and Wikipedia. It was preceeded by an interview on Pretoria FM. Deon reports an outstandingly positive response to the interview with multiple expressions of interest and offers of help for Afrikaans Wikipedia; most notably from the academic community.
- Radio Multimedia journalist, media entrepreneur, founder and Editor in Chief of the digital (14 August 2022), Nobantu Modise gives an interview with SAFM where she talks about her projects as well as the Wiki world and Wikimania 2022.
- Print Bridging gender gaps in enhancing women empowerment - 11 August 2022, Oped by Bobby Shabangu, IOL
- Print Seven Wikimedia chapters rejected as permanent observers to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (15 July 2022), Wikimedia Foundation - Wikimedia ZA application to be an observer at WIPO, along with other chapters, was rejected due to pressure by China.
edit- Print BOBBY SHABANGU: Credible sources such as Wikipedia root out election disinformation (26 September 2021), Oped by Bobby Shabangu, Businesslive.
- Radio Interview on 5FM about Wikipedia and need for more local editors. (18 November 2021)
Wikipedia 20
editMedia referring to Wikimedia South Africa in the context of Wikipedia's 20th birthday. Wikimedia South Africa gave a webinar presentation to the Cape Town Press Club on 19 January 2021 to celebrate Wikipedia's birthday.
- Print Wikipedia’s moment of truth (14 January 2021), Business Day, by Chris Roper on Wikipedia's birthday and challenges facing it in South Africa.
- Print African Wiki geeks, where are you? Wikipedia wants to fill a knowledge hole (14 January 2021), Sunday Times, op-ed by Douglas Scott
- Print Wikipedia wants you to join the good side of the Internet (15 January 2021), Mail and Guardian, by Sarah Smit, interview with Douglas Scott
- Radio Pretoria FM radio interview with Deon Steyn (12:30-13:00, 16 January 2021)
- Print Radio Sonder Grense radio interview with Deon Steyn about Wikipedia's birthday in Afrikaans (18 January 2021)
- Radio Happy 20th birthday, Wikipedia – last outpost of the 'utopian' web (~6:45 am, 19 January 2021), Cape Talk Breakfast Show with Refilwe Moloto - radio interview with Douglas Scott.
- Print Wikipedia at 20 is more relevant than ever in a social media era (19 January 2021), Daily Maverick, by Sasha Planting - article resulting from the Cape Town Press Club event on the same day.
edit- <please add media referrals here>
edit- Radio #AFRIKANNARRATIVE: THE WIKIAFRICA PLATFORM AND ADVANCING KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION IN AFRICAN LANGUAGES (26 May 2020) Interview on SAFM radio with WMZA partner at the Moleskin Foundation about Wiki Africa. WMZA is frequently mentioned as a project partner.
- Print How to use Wikipedia as a journalist — the start of a story
- Print South Africans may get free data every day, and surf sites like Wikipedia for free, if Ramaphosa gets his way
- Print 26 January: Prof. Laurette Pretorius talks about the Afrikaans Wikipedia
- Other 8 Reasons to use Wikipedia in Teaching and Learning
edit- Radio Interview on SAFM radio with Douglas Scott about the Copyright Amendment Bill (19 March 2019).
- Print President Ramaphosa should sign Copyright Amendment bill - 25 April 2019, GroundUp, Douglas Scott
- Print Why Wikimedia SA supports the Copyright Amendment Bill - 24 April 2019, Business Day, Oped by Douglas Scott
- Print Google's lobbying drives haste around Copyright Bill]] - 19 April 2019, News24, Collen Dlamini
- Print CHECK THIS: The rise of Wikipedia … driven by a crucial difference in values - 18 January 2019, IOL, Wesley Diphoko
- TV The Impact of the South African Copyright Bill (19 Mar 2019), panel discussion hosted by Wikimedia South Africa.
editMost media appearances in 2018 were connected to the Wikimania 2018 conference that was hosted by WMZA in Cape Town.
- TV Africa, Wikimedia's new frontier (31 July 2018) by Chronicle Digital; interview about Wikimania with Dumi representing WMZA.
- TV Conference about Wikipedia’s future held in Cape Town (23 Jul 2018),CGTN America, interview with multiple Wiki members including Douglas Scott of WMZA.
- TV Wikimania 2018 Launches in Cape Town (19 July 2018), interview with Douglas Scott
- Print Need for African contributors highlighted at Wikimedia conference (21 June 2018), Yasmine Jacobs, IOL
- Radio Wikimania conference comes to CT in pursuit of more African contributors (20 June 2018), Cape Talk
- Print Wikipedia wants more Africa - 25 July 2018, Gadget
- Print Wikipedia to boost focus on African communities - 24 July 2018, IT Online
- Print WikiTongues and the search for the world's missing languages - 24 July 2018, Traveller24, Gabi Zeitsman
- Print Closing knowledge gaps a focus for Wikipedia, 23 July 2018, ITWeb, Joanne Carew
- Print Why Wikipedia needs Africa, 23 July 2018, ITWeb, Joanne Carew
- Print #Wikimania2018 Conference: One on one with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales - 23 July 2018, Independent Online/The Infonomist, Wesley Diphoko
- Print Almal kan help skryf - 22 July 2018, Rapport/Netwerk 24, Dawie Boonzaaier (paywall)
- Print Wiki Foundation wants to 'decolonise the internet' - 22 July 2018, Mail and Guardian, Deutsche Welle
- Print Mandela se 1962-dagboek nou op Wikipedia - 22 July 2018, Netwerk 24 (paywall)
- Print #Wikimania highlights the need for African content - 21 July 2018, Independent Online, Luke Folb
- Print Meer van Afrika nodig op Wikimedia - 21 July 2018, Netwerk 24 (paywall)
- Print #Wikimania: You can now read Mandela's 1962 travel diaries on Wikimedia - 20 July 2018, Traveller24, Gabi Zietsman
- Print OPINION: Wikipedia hosts conference in Africa to save African languages - 20 July 2018, Independent Online, Wesley Diphiko
- Print Madiba's personal diary now online thanks to Wikipedia and the Nelson Mandela Foundation - 20 July 2018, Business Day, Bobby Jordan
- Print #Wikimania: Why you should care about telling your story online - 19 July 2018, Traveller24, Gabi Zietsman
- Print Wikipedia's call for African content starts with community - 18 July 2018, Daily Maverick
- Print Agriculture minister’s profile on Wikipedia distorted - 12 July 2018, Independent Online, Mphathi Nxumalo
- Print Wikimania conference in Cape Town aims to bridge knowledge gaps - 4 July 2018, Business Day
- Print Wikimania is about to hit Cape Town - 1 July 2018, Independent Online, Luke Folb
- Print Get into the mania, Wiki wants your contributions - 29 June 2018, Mail and Guardian
- Print Wikimania comes to Town - 13 June 2018, Netwerk 24
- Print Wikipedia Zero will soon be no more, 19 February 2018, ITWeb, Staff Writer
edit- Print Carl Niehaus ontstoke oor skelwoord op Wikipedia - 13 December 2017, Netwerk 24 (paywall)
- TV Wikipedia to pay special focus on women issues in Africa (3 August 2017), SABC News, interview with Bobby Shebangu.
edit- Print Wikimedia calls on more South Africans to write Wikipedia articles - (15 January 2016), Hypertext
- Print Wiki Loves Monuments South African photographic winners announced (20 October 2014), Hypertext
edit- TV Wikimania (5 April 2015), By MORLEY SAFER for 60 minutes (CBS). Interview with then Wikimedia South Africa president Dumisani Ndubane about Wikipedia South Africa.
editSee Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 Press mentions for a list of media mentions of the event organised by Wikimedia South Africa. WMZA appeared in a total of 11 media mentions during the course of that event.
- 2014-09-02, Help Wikimedia South Africa with photos and win prizes, htxt.Africa
- 2014-09-03, Aspiring photographers, get clicking, Rebecca Jackman, Cape Times
- 2014-09-04 Impact of no Freedom of Panorama in South Africa by Mapmyway.
- 2014-09-04, Upload our heritage to Wikipedia – and win!, Cape Town Partnership.
- 2014-09-08, Fine Music Radio interview, Fine Music Radio, 1:45pm.
- 2014-09-15, Photographers submit over 1000 images for SA’s Wiki Loves Monuments, Charlie Fripp,
- The biggest photo competition in the world has kicked off!, Philip Todres, Cape Town Green Map
- Wiki Loves Monuments - Quick snapshot at the halfway mark, Heritage Portal (South Africa)
- 2014-09-23 Wiki Loves Monuments on Expresso, Expresso Show, SABC 3 (Television), 7:33am.
- 2014-10-20, Wiki Loves Monuments South African photographic winners announced,
- Wikimedia announces winners for Wiki loves Monuments South Africa, Michelle Atagana, memeburn.
- 2014-10-21, SA photograph scoops top prize, Cape Times.
edit- Print South Africa; Celebrate Heritage By Photographing and Sharing It With the World, Western Cape Govt (07 September 2012)
- Print South Africa: Celebrate Heritage By Photographing and Sharing It With the World (7 September 2012), National Government
edit- Print Wikipedia 10th birthday celebrations in SA (MyBroadband - 11 January 2011)
- Print Wikipedia celebrates its 10th anniversary with 300+ events (Memeburn - 14 January 2011)
- Print Happy birthday Wikipedia (Bizcommunity - 12 January 2011)
- Print SA to get Wikipedia chapter (Techcentral - 24 January 2011)
- Print Wikimedia SA chapter now official (MyBroadband - 28 March 2011)
- Print South African Wikilove (WikiLove India - 30 March 2011)
edit- Print UCT Blog on Wikimedia South Africa workshop (mpaskevi - 19 August 2010)
- Print Northern Sotho Wikipedia needs help (greenman - 18 August 2010)
- Print Wikimedia kicks off SA chapter (itweb - 13 Aug 2010)
- Print Wikipedia wants South Africans to contribute (Memeburn - 12 August 2010)
- Print SA to get Wikimedia Chapter (MyBroadband - 11 August 2010)
- Print Wikimedia South Africa workshop (greenman - 9 August 2010)