Wikimedia South Africa/Operational Meeting 11 July 2023

WMZA Operational Meeting 11 July 2023 Previous Minutes:


  • Bobby
  • Coenraad
  • Deon
  • Ingrid
  • Jan-Hendrik
  • Michael
  • Khethiwe
  • Shupai - attended briefly via WhatsApp on Douglas's phone
  • Douglas





Chapter's finances


Financial Year - July to June Financial report to be done by Copia at the end of July, to be presented at next financial meeting on 21 July 2023.

2022-23 Underspend of R423,595.16; Bobby notes that not expesnes for 2022/23 has been expended yet such as payments WMZA for financial management fee for WikiIndaba, to Bobby, and a few other expenses

  • in past 3 months WMZA has recieved
  • 2024 grant, WikiIndaba, Wiki Botswana, WMF Event (fiscial host)
  • 28 April 2023 for WikiIndaba Morocco 2023, paid 2,676,844 ZAR includes 239,004 ZAR management fee (WISCOM = Wikiindaba steering committee) 10% to WMZA
  • 16 June 2023 for General Support 2023/24, paid 1,923,798 ZAR
  • 16 June 2023 for Activating Botswana 23/24, WikiConnect: Building Bridges and Fostering Free Accessible Knowledge For All, paid 760,862 ZAR includes 69,169.27 ZAR management fee
  • 14 July 2023 for General Support 2023/24 grant increase, paid 492,342 ZAR

Wikindaba 2022 surplus to be transferred to chapter account Deon: We are not a fiscal sponsor but a facilitator. Michael: Fiscal host Khetiwe asks about suspense account. Douglas: We have separate account for WMF grant payments. So we have a foundation account and a chapter account. Khetiwe asks about access to bank account statments. Password is account number in Key Organizational Details document.

PBO Status


Coenraad aske about PBO Status. Was approved. Awaiting PBO Number. Douglas to resend update email cc

Tax refund


SARS mistakenly deducted R90k from our bank account. Accountants are attempting to get a refund.

Procedures around fiscal hosting payments


We need to review the procedures for Fiscal Hosting payments. Finance committee meets monthly.

AI Summarization tool for meetings


Douglas suggests we start using AI system to record minutes. Deon against (concerned about purpose of chapter administrator for this), Coenraad open to idea; Khethiwe, Michael, Bobby and Ingrid support. Coenraad: its an operational decision, but I support especially if we can get ALL meetings that board members conduct minute, and indexed and searchable by board, to improve our accountability.

Afrikaans high school writing competition


We need prizes and suggestions. Akademie, Pretoria FM (donating a trophy), WAT and a school committee. Group is still finalizing milestones, which will be shared with the board. Budget is R56 520:


edit Proposal on how the training will be conducted: Training proposal, after Feb Sadilar conference ~R100k from Foundation + ~R200k from SADILAR Bobby to forward mail trail to

Wikimania Nairobi 2025


Nairobi User Group want us to endorse and support them hosting Wikimania in 2024 Bobby: Maybe we should ask which countries are bidding and which one we would like to support. Choice between New York, Paris and Nairobi. All in favor. We will set up a meeting to share our endorsement and share

Wikimania Scholarships


Will be shared 15th of July 2023

AGM retreat


R178k Budget. 15 scholarships. 25 people. No venue has been selected yet. 15 - 18 Local chapter retreat 16th November - Afrikaans Wikipedia Birthday (Winning School will be announced at our Birthday too), this event will be integrated into the WMZA retreat program so they do not clash. AGM November 18. 2023 5 Year strategy, WMF supporting Objective is to be able to apply for 3 year grants, fully profesionalise the chapter, and grow the chapter and better fulfill the chapter open knowledge mission. Douglas might not be able to attend in person depending on scholarship availability to fly from London UK. Will discuss how to overcome this at a future ops meeting.

WikiIndaba update


Morocco - Nov 2-5 Scholarships being finalized Program under development Moroccan team needs to finalize with hotel: contract, bank letter Big budget items: flights, bank letter, ground travel translation of Arabic documents to English

2024 Wikindaba will be in Jhb

Next board meeting on Website September 5