Wikimedia South Africa/Operational Meeting 30 May 2023

WMZA OPS Meeting 30 May 2023 Previous minutes:



Douglas Scott Deon Steyn Ingrid Thomson Michael Graaf Bobby Shabangu Shupai Mchuchu Pfano Rwanedzi Zenande Mantlana Jan -Hendrik Du Toit



General Updates

  • If Bobby's ups is not working and he is need of one, we should consider, getting it it for him, before the board meeting as he needs it to conduct the Chpaters work


  • The chapter has been funded 1000 rands
  • 8000 rands left in our budget before the end of the financial year.

Namibia Trip


Outreach programme

  • Liasa conference, There will be a Liasa conference which will be taking place in the second week of October. It was suggested to discuss about the conference so the Chapter can have a presence at the conference. Ingrid to Speak to Naeem Hardy, whilst he is still the president. to get a slot/table for representation at the conference
  • UJ Conference , the university of UJ is hosting a conference with the association of libraries, which will be a 2 day conference. The conference is open to public on the first day, and the second will be for
  • Digital Humanities ass of SA conference .There is a a call for paper call conference at the Nelson Mandela University

The conference are in Cape Town, Gauteng and Port Elizabeth, all the conferences will be held in October, November and December.

  • As this will be a partnership, Ingrid will liase with board members in how they can get involved and volunteer, on the outreach programmes.

Language, Content gaps and Partnerships



  • We will be assisting the Morroconans with their WikiIndaba, organising is in the process

High-School Writing Competition


Wikimania 2023.

  • if applied should have received response by now
  • Applicable for 4 scholarships in Chapter
  • End of June to finish process of application
  • Scholarship committee cannot receive scholarship
  • NEED to nominate members for scholarship committee
  • Scholarships committee for Wikimania 2023 for South Africa
  • Committee for Wikimania ZA : Douglas, Bobby, Michael ( Confirmed) David ( Possible nominee - still to be discussed)
  • We need to see how to award wikimani scholarships, we have budget for for scholarship's, to send people to Singapore. We need to start the process of awarding scholarships. qwe can put the call ot for those who wants to apply for Wikimania scholarships, it will give a month for applications, A scholarship commetiite needs to be created to make decision. Douglas points himself to be part of the scholarships committee, and he will reach out to David Richfield to be part of the scholarship.
  • Bobby volunteer himself to be part of the scholarship committee of Wikimania aswell as Michael


  • There will be a project workshop with SADILAR at 2 pm on Thursday. SADILAR meeting is on matching our funding, to run editathons and training workshops on Wikipidea and this is targeted at universities. The budget can cover 4 universities, if it is matched we can con cover 9 universities.
  • The Chapter needs volunteeers to run workshops and they is a budget for volunteers to be remunerated for their services.
  • Request list of universities- Bobby
  • Bobby is offering his services for the SADILAR projects, as this will also ensure long running partnership with the universities.
  • Michael offers his services as well
  • Further discussion to be discussed on Thursday with SADILAR
  • There is a curriculum, which is a four stage process, which has been written out.
  • SADILAR will be funding (% or amount to be discussed)
  • 8 or 9 universities taking part - possibility
  • 2 or more days required for training
  • SADILAR Meeting @ 2pm - Thursday, 1 June 2023


  • We will be having our website 3rd phase meeting on Thursday on the 1st of

Chapter Flyers

  • To have the first flyer draft by Friday, small bios on what

Wikipedian Payments

  • Wikipedians are not paid for editing, especially as volunteers.
  • Wikipedians are paid when they run workshops, on their free time as volunteers, they are paid for the time spent for running workshops, on a reimbursement basis.
  • Wikimedians residency are paid as for volunteering their time and utilizing their skills, to train and equip others on various projects towards the growth of Wikipedia.
  • An agreement needs to be made, on what it entails on a chapter members, who volunteers their time and skills in running projects, what needs to be paid and when.
  • There is 550rands per hour for volunteers. A standard rate needs to be figured out, and see how many universities which we will be working with.

Scholarship committee for Wikimania: Volunteers for the committee

  • Bobby
  • Douglas
  • Michael
  • Douglas proposed to make an announcement in the first week of June, for the international scholarships, this will give applicants three weeks to apply and winners to be announced at the end of the month.

Visa application to be considered

  • South African Wikimedia scholarships open first week of July
  • Proposals approved with no objections.