Wikimedia Summit 2022/Eligibility Criteria

Criteria for the application process


Affiliate are eligible if they are:

  1. compliant on reporting
  2. recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation before 31 March 2021

Deadlines for application and registration


In order to be able to pull the event off under these difficult circumstances, your support and responsiveness is essential, as there will be no exceptions to these deadlines:

  • Application period: April 4-17 updated: April 4-24: For each eligible Affiliate, one representative participant can complete the application form, indicating if they plan to attend online or offline. Aside from questions around previous and future engagement in Movement Strategy, some personal information, including possible travel restrictions (visa, vaccination) to Germany will be asked in the form. Additional affiliate representatives will have the opportunity to register for online participation later during the registration period.
  • Selection process: April 17-29 updated: April 24-mid May: Applications will be reviewed by the Movement Strategy & Global Relations team at WMDE as well as members of the Movement Strategy & Governance team at the WMF and we will seek advice from additional members of our movement. Answers provided will be published on Meta to create an overview of Movement Strategy engagement, to indicate opportunities for exchange and partnerships, and to create transparency in the application process. The final invitation list will be announced in the second week of May after a thorough review of all applications.
  • Registration period for on-site participants: mid May-end of May: In order to start as soon as possible with the travel management and the design of our event program around the needs of the participants, the registration window is very narrow. Please stick to the deadlines to make sure the planning of the event can run smoothly; and already familiarize yourself with the requirements for visa applications as well as the COVID-19 restriction for entry into Germany.
  • Travel management: mid May- June 15: All Affiliate representative travel will be centrally managed via WMDE and funded by the Wikimedia Foundation. Due to the complexity of creating the hybrid event, increasing travel costs and overall restrictions and limitations, exceptions or extensions to the deadlines cannot be made. Although some of you might be eager to resume internal travels, extra wishes, extensions, or detours on travel bookings cannot be fulfilled this time.
  • Registration period for online participants: mid July - mid August