Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand/Event Management Information

Event Management


Things to do for organising a WikiCon:

  • Establish Venue
  • Registration
Little Regie is very useful. Takes around 5% in admin and credit card fees. Excellent platform for registration. Allows bank account information to be logged. Allows additional questions for participants to be added. Allows for communication / emails to participants.
  • Event Wikipedia Page (a project page?)
  • Travel information
  • Accommodation information
  • Scholarships
  • Marketing
  • Media Pack
  • Draft email to GLAMS
  • Draft text for GLAM email.
Kia ora,
Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand is hosting a WikiCon on the weekend of Saturday X - Sunday X. This weekend event is focussing on
  • developing the skills of editors of Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Wikimedia Commons
  • encouraging the development of a regular meetup for interested editors located in X
  • expanding knowledge about Wikimedia Foundation and its projects (Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons etc) and the editing skills required into underrepresented communities – women, Māori, Pacific peoples - and GLAM (Galleries, libraries, archives and museums) organisations.

If you or other staff members in your organisation are interested in connecting with this community group and learning more about the Wikipedia movement in New Zealand, we’d love to see you there. More information about the event - including registration details are available here:

  • Draft text for Universities email.
Kia ora,
For: Humanities and Digital Humanities scholars
Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand is hosting a WikiCon on the weekend of Saturday X - Sunday X. This weekend event is focussing on
  • developing the skills of editors of Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Wikimedia Commons
  • encouraging the development of a regular meetup for interested editors located in X.
  • expanding knowledge about Wikimedia Foundation and its projects (Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons etc) and the editing skills required into underrepresented communities – women, Māori, Pacific peoples.

If you or students in your organisation are interested in connecting with this community group and learning more about the Wikipedia movement in New Zealand, we’d love to see you there. More information about the event - including registration details are available here: We would very much appreciate it if you could forward this information to those that might be interested in attending this event.

  • Catering
  • Staffing
  • Role desciptions, recruitment, contracting
  • Finances - establish payment process for expenses and invoices
  • Programme
  • Social Events
  • Pre WikiCon Dinner
  • Conference Dinner
  • Key notes
  • Learning opportunities
  • Sessions for newbies
  • Whakatau
  • Consider digital inclusion, accessibility, and other methods for lowering barriers to participation
  • Merch/Swag and prizes
  • Feedback survey for participants
  • COVID risk assessment tool
  • Equipment
  • AV equipment for presentations
  • lanyards
  • Photography of participants