Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Czech Republic/Financial report 2010

This is the second version of the budget and annual report of the Board on the financial management of the WMCZ in 2010, now with addition of the resolution of the General Assembly on 16th April in Prague.

Budget and annual report of the Board on the financial management of the WMCZ in 2010


The main sources of income for Wikimedia Czech Republic in 2010 were mostly the WMF grant program, donations from partners of the Chapter, donations from various supporters and membership fees. Available funds allowed us without further restriction to implement most of the planned activities; on the other hand, it was not possible for financial reasons to implement plans to change the registered office and the professionalization of the chapter.

One of the priorities of Wikimedia Czech Republic in 2010 was preparation for fundraising - to participate in the Wikimedia Foundations fundraising campaign. However, a considerable bureaucracy, defined by legal framework, resulted in a fact that WMCZ decided to participate as a so-called "type II" partner only. This means that we participated only on localization of data for Czech partners and helped to communicate the overall message of the fundraiser. Thanks to our effort, the WMF fundraiser was well visible among the Czech subjects and attracted a few dozen donators who supported WM CZ financially from their very own initiative.

Part of the expenditures came from various chapter activities (Exhibitions, or the 'Prizes for development of Czech Wikipedia' contest); the rest is a sum of projects costs and running cost. 2010 income surpassed expenditures significantly. This was achieved mostly - but not solely - thanks to the grant donation from Wikimedia Czech Republic, obtained in the end of the year.

Item Subitem Subtotal
Own resources Membership fees 6 500 CZK 6 500 CZK
Liabilities Consolidated Grants 868 148.40 CZK
(EUR 34 260)
868 148.40 CZK [1]
(EUR 34 260)
Sponsorship donations Assigned donations 131 000 CZK 203 636.50 CZK
Other ... unassigned ...donations 72 636.50 CZK
Other Interest 36.08 CZK
(24.30 CZK + EUR 0.47)
286.08 CZK
(274.30 CZK + EUR 0.47)
Deposits[2] 250 CZK
Total income 1 078 570.98 CZK
(210 410.80 CZK + EUR 34 260.47)
Activities Exhibitions 5 944 CZK[3] 164 855.68 CZK
Wikiconference 5 176 CZK[4]
Chapters Meeting 2 976.- CZK
Prizes for developement of Czech Wikipedia 58 654 CZK
WMF 09-10 Grants 76 280 CZK
Wikimania 15 825.68 CZK[5]
Financial support for subjects creating free content Paluba 1 000 CZK 29 529 CZK
WMF/WMCZ projects[6] 28 529 CZK
Overhead costs Bank charges 1 185.34 CZK
(1 160 CZK + EUR 1.00)
1 972.34 CZK
(1 947 CZK + EUR 1.00)
Running costs 787 CZK
Accounting 0[7]
Domains Domains 300 CZK 300 CZK
Rewards Personal rewards[8] 3 000 CZK 3 000 CZK
Total expenditures 199 657.02 CZK
(199  631.68 CZK + EUR 1.00)
PROFIT 878 913.02 CZK
(10 772.12 CZK + EUR 34 259.47)

Table notes


This interim information on budget implementation adheres to the structure of the original budget.

Item notes

  1. The rate of the CNB 25.340 CZK / EUR
  2. Failed deposits for the autumn 2010 photoworkshop
  3. Including diets
  4. Including the Wikimedium magazine
  5. Including insurance of Braille line
  6. This contains FČO II. the photographic workshop 10/2010 extra expenses for the grants projects overcoming WMF approved limits (scanner etc.).
  7. An invoince was received in 2011, 2250 CZK total
  8. Danny B. and Packa received both 1500 CZK according to the board decision (15th May 2010)

The initial and final state of finances


As of 01/01/2010: 298 871.33 CZK

  • Of which 297 691.23 CZK Raiffeisenbank, 990.10 CZK Moneybookers and 190.00 CZK cash

As of 12/31/2010: 1 177 628.20 CZK

  • Of which 284 636.82 CZK Raiffeisenbank, 990.10 CZK Moneybookers, 8 866.32 CZK cash, 868 134.84 CZK FIO bank - WMF grants (of which 34 259.47€) and 15 000.12 CZK FIO bank - other purpose funds from Czech sponsors