Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Eesti/2012

Below is the Wikimedia Eesti annual activity report for the year 2012.

Divisions 1-4 contain information concerning the structure and divisions 5-11 present the activities of Wikimedia Eesti in the year 2012.

As an addendum a link directing to the overview of the media coverage of Wikipedia and Wikimedia Eesti in Estonian media has been added to present report.


General information


Wikimedia Eesti is a registered non-profit charitable association run in accordance with Estonian law and legislature and its own bylaws Bylaws

Wikimedia Eesti was founded on the 25th of July 2010 and officially registered on the 6th of October 2010.

Subsequent to the decision of Estonian Tax and Customs Board on the 27th of March 2012, Wikimedia Eesti was declared a tax deductible non-profit organization retroactively from the 1st January 2012.

Chapter structure


General structure


Wikimedia Eesti chapter consists of members, who have the highest decisive power through the general assembly. The number of the members of the association is not limited. The general assembly has a quorum if more than one-half of the members or their representatives participate in the general assembly.

General assembly appoints the members of the executive board of Wikimedia Eesti for 2-year term. The board consists of at least 3 members.

At least 3 members of Wikimedia Eesti can form a regional department, i.e. a division.

Wikimedia Eesti has its own bookkeeping.

General assembly appoints at least 2 members of the organisation, who do not participate in the executive board, to carry out the auditing of the organisation.

Executive Board


Board members


We started the year 2012 with an executive board consisting of 3 members.

General assembly of Wikimedia Eesti appointed a 4th board member on the 25th of February.

Following the elections carried through during the general assembly of Wikimedia Eesti on the 5th of August, the decision of returning to 3 board members was taken.

As of the 31st of December 2012, Wikimedia Eesti had 3 board members.

Board meetings


The board held 36 meetings altogether (3rd January, 10th January, 17th January, 24th January, 31st January, 7th February, 21st February, 28th February, 6th March, 13th March, 20th March, 25th March, 3rd April, 10th April, 17th April, 24th April, 8th May, 15th May, 29th May, 12th June, 7th August, 21st August, 28th August, 4th September, 11th September, 18th September, 25th September, 2nd October, 23rd October, 6th November, 13th November, 20th November, 27th November, 4th December, 11th December, 17th December).



Number of members


We started the year 2012 with 25 members.

By the 24th of June the number of Wikimedia Eesti members had grown to 31 members (growth of 24% in 6 months).

During the year a total of 7 members joined the organization and 1 member withdraw her/his membership.

As of the 31st of December 2012, Wikimedia Eesti has 31 members.

General assemblies


In total 2 general assemblies were held in 2012.

The first took place on the 25th of February in Tallinn. 13 members were present and 5 members were represented. The financial report of fiscal year 2011 was approved, the annual report of 2011 and the annual plan for 2012 was revisioned and a new board member was elected, augmenting the size of the board to 4 persons.

The second general assembly was gathered for the 5th of August in Hellamaa. The general assembly discussed the activities of the year 2012, including the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Estonian Wikipedia. Also new board elections were held, reducing the number of board members back to 3.



Meeting of members from Tallinn on the 5th of June.

Meeting of members from Tallinn on the 21st of June.



In 2012 Wikimedia Eesti did not have employees. We bought in the professional bookkeeping service.





From August 2012 Wikimedia Eesti rented an office space in Domus Dorpatensis, a local NPO hub in Tartu with an aim to have the space for weekly board meetings and also for our assets. As of the 31st of December 2012 Wikimedia Eesti still rented the office.

Financial report


The financial year of the Wikimedia Eesti starts on the 1st of January and ends on the 31st of December.

For financial report of 2012 see the document in GoogleDocs (in English)


Long-term projects


Digitization of Estonian literature for Wikisource


The objective of the project is to digitize copyright-free Estonian literature in Estonian Wikisource(Vikitekstid).

In the beginning of the year 2012, Wikimedia Eesti bought a laptop and a scanner for this project.

We have added into Estonian Wikisources six books of Estonian literature, both fiction and non-fiction. While our progress has been slower than we hoped for, we have gained valuable know-how.

For further information see the project page.



Tartupeedia is a project shaped after the example of Monmouthpedia and has as its object a profound and diverse representation of the city of Tartu in Wikipedia.

Although Tartupeedia is an extensive project consisting of article writing and translating, picture contribution and different listings, in the year 2012 the main contribution made to Tartupeedia project was inaugurating QRpedia in Estonian Sports Museum (see below QRpedia project).

We also opened a mirror site .

Co-operation of Fenno-Ugric Wikipedias


Fenno-Ugric cooperation is a project aiming to find solutions to small Fenno-Ugric Wikipedia's problems in a joint effort.

There are Fenno-Ugric languages in which Wikipedia will most likely remain if not the only encyclopedia, then at least the most important and most voluminous. It can also be open, up-to-date and independent. Small Wikipedias have many common problems that could be solved more easily together. In that enterprise, three big Fenno-Ugric Wikipedias − Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian − could provide some useful assistance.

In this perspective a joint seminar with Wikimédia Magyarország and Wikimedia Suomi and the representatives of small Fenno-Ugric Wikipedias was intended to take place in 2012.

In June 2012 the decision was made to postpone this seminar to 2013.

Covering Latvia in Estonian Wikipedia


Latvia 100 is a project which consists of two stages: first, creating a list of 100 most important articles on Latvia that Estonian Wikipedia should definitely have, and second, to write and improve those articles to some decent, informative level.

In 2012 Northern Latvia expedition was carried out from the 11th to the 12th August 2012 to better map and take photographs of locations in Northern Latvia. 247 pictures had been processed and uploaded by the end of the year.

Bringing Estonian science to Wikipedia


Bringing Estonian science to Wikipedia is a project for creating in Estonian Wikipedia biographical articles about most of Estonian scientists.

Though in several other countries it is not unusual to have the content of lexicons donates to Wikipedia, in the end of 2012 we had our first donation in Estonia: by our agreement with the Estonian Association for History and Philosophy of Science, we organize the transfer and melding of the contents of four-volume "Biographical Lexicon of Estonian Science" into Wikipedia. This includes about 8000 articles, 6000 of which will be new.



QRpedia project debuted with the joint exhibition of winning photos of Wiki Loves Monuments 2011 competitions of Estonia and Petersburg, exposed from the 16th of April to 16th of May 2012 in the Museum of Narva.

On the 8th of June 2012 Estonian Sports Museum started using QRpedia system in their permanent exhibition, being the first institution to use QRpedia system in Estonia.



Wikipedia in schools


Small scale presentations and workshops for teachers and pupils in 15 schools. Participation in e-study autumn seminar.

A survey about usage and knowledge of Wikipedia among students and teachers was conducted and a data processor was hired with short-term contract to handle questionnaire responses.

Wikipedia in universities


In the framework of the biggest course in the Department of Natural Sciences and Technology in University of Tartu, run in November and December 2012, students wrote more than 300 articles with the minimal length of 8000 characters. Also, our volunteers have been editing those articles constantly and giving feedback to the authors.



University of Tartu


Cooperation continued with the University of Tartu. For more information, see long-term project Education and its subdivision Wikipedia in universities. Also, university provided a special prize for WLM (photos of the monuments related to the university).

Estonian Association for History and Philosophy of Science


According to our agreement with the Estonian Association for History and Philosophy of Science we transfer and meld the contents of four-volume "Biographical Lexicon of Estonian Science" into Wikipedia. For more information see long-term project Bringing Estonian Science to Wikipedia.

Estonia-Ukraine Wikipedia co-operation


From the 26th of November to the 6th of December. Result: In Estonian Wikipedia, 7 participants created 80 new articles, several articles were also improved. In Ukrainian Wikipedia, 19 participants wrote 216 new articles, several were improved.



Workshop for the workers of Jõgeva library on the 16th of October, which earned a nationwide representation by Estonian Public Broadcasting.

Eesti Loodus


We created our own category named “Protected Areas of Estonia” in the year 2012 photo competition of the magazine Eesti Loodus (Estonian Nature). For additional information, see Photo competition of Eesti Loodus below.

City of Tartu


Several city officials were consulted in questions concerning the Tartupedia project and future cooperation with city institutions. As a result, a useful framework was set for the upcoming activities.

The city government provided a special prize for Wiki Loves Monuments photo contest and was also present in the competition jury. Also juridical questions related to the publication of texts produced and ordered by municipalities under the free licence were discussed.



Photo competitions


Wiki Loves Monuments


From the 1st to 30th of September 2012. Result: 2581 photos of 1404 heritage objects from 75 participants.

This year the competition was organized with the help of City of Tartu and University of Tartu as well as the National Heritage Board of Estonia. We received a financial donation of 400€ from Nordecon Betoon and free space for prize ceremony from Tartu Botanical Garden. Also various prizes were donated: from magazine and newspaper subscriptions and books, to monopode and gift cards for buying photo equipment.

The prize ceremony was held in Tartu Botanical Garden, where prizes were handed by the Mayor of Tartu Urmas Kruuse.

Wikimedia Eesti operates also public domain . For further information about this project visit the project page.

Science photo competition 2012


Wikimedia Eesti’s annual science photo competition was run from the 1st to 31st October 2012, with the support of Nikon and Ministry of Education and Science. Results: 267 photos from 48 authors. The prize ceremony took place in AHHAA center in Tartu on the 2nd of December.

For further information see the project page.



Head Eesti Looduse Pildid (Good Estonian Nature Pictures) was organized for the third time in 2012. It was held from the 1st to 30th of November 2012 and resulted in 307 photos from 21 participants.

For further information visit the project page.

Photo competition of Eesti Loodus


On one of the best known annual nature photo competitions in Estonia that is run by Eesti Loodus, the oldest and largest nature magazine in Estonia, Wikimedia Eesti provided its own prize for the pictures of nature reserves. The competition was held from the 1st of September to the 1st of October. Results: 25 photos from 14 participants.

For further information see the webpage

Article competitions


Translation bee


From the 1st of March to the 30th of April. Result: 56 translators translated 139 articles from 13 languages. Most of the contributions are of a high quality.

Translation bee has been run in Estonian Wikipedia since 2010 jointly by members of the community and the local office of the Translation Directorate of the European Union. It is not strictly a competition, but it is very popular and there are large prizes.

For further information see the project page.

Article competition about Jõgeva County


From the 1st to 31st of December 2012. Result: 68 articles from 10 participants.

This was our first county-themed competition. It was quite unexpected, as we were approached by the Association of Municipalities of Jõgeva County, asking if we would fancy such an enterprise. The results were somewhat more impressive in media than in Wikipedia, but not bad nevertheless. We're going to proceed with similar competitions, while trying to enhance the participation.

For further information see the project page.





See long-term project Covering Latvia in Estonian Wikipedia.

Itinerant exhibitions


Wiki Loves Monuments 2011


A traveling exhibition of winning and honorably mentioned photos of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2011 contest of Estonia was exhibited in 5 locations in the first half of the year 2012, namely:

  • In the beginning of January 2012 in Mustamäe, Tallinn, in Kännukuke raamatukogu.
  • From the 16th of January to the 15th of February 2012 in the main building of Tartu Oskar Lutsu nimeline Linnaraamatukogu.
  • From the 21st of February to the 14th of March 2012 in Tartu Annelinna haruraamatukogu.
  • From the 21st of March to the 13th of April 2012 in Kuressaare kultuurikeskus.
  • From the 16th of April to 16th of May 2012 in the gallery of Narva Muuseum, together with winning photos of the winners of Wiki Loves Monuments competition from Petersburg, Russian Federation.

Wiki Loves Monuments 2012


On the 18th of November the traveling exhibition of winning and honorably mentioned photos of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 contest of Estonia started its tour from Tartu Town Hall. On the 18th of December the exhibition continued in Võrumaa muuseum.

Wikipedia and Wikimedia community events




Wikimedia conference


From the 30th of March to the 1st of April 2012 the Wikimedia Conference was held in Berlin.

Two representatives from Wikimedia Eesti were present. We participated in the sessions about funding, chapter development, WCA etc, gaining a lot of useful information.



From the 12th to 15th of July Wikimania took place in Washington DC. There was a single representative from WMEE. We gained a lot of useful contacts, gathered information and maintained our presence in WCA.

WMCEE conference


On the 13th and 14th of October two representatives of Wikimedia Eesti participated on the first WMCEE Conference in Belgrad.



Wikipedia Summer Days


From the 4th to the 5th of August Wikipedia Summer Days were held for Estonian Wikipedia community on the isle of Muhu in Estonia.

For further information see the event page.

10th anniversary of Estonian Wikipedia and 100,000 articles on Estonian Wikipedia


These events were publicly celebrated jointly in August 2012 in Tartu. The main public event was opening an exhibition of pictures from Wiki Loves Monuments 2011 photo competition (from Estonia and Russia, in cooperation with Wikimedia Russia) in the historical railway station.

For further information see the event page.



In January and February 2012 we participated in the anti-ACTA activities. We wrote explanatory articles and gave interviews to several news channels. For further information see the page on Estonian Wikipedia.

On the 27th of March, twenty minutes before our representatives were due to court in a dispute with Estonian Tax Board, we were announced that Tax Board had revoked its earlier decision and given WMEE tax deduction retroactively, starting from the 1st of January 2012. See the related news from Estonian Public Broadcasting.

From January to April 2012 the Wikimedia Eesti team participated in the activities of the Quiz Club of the University of Tartu, finishing the 2011/2012 season with the 1st place. From September 2012 we have continued well in the 2012/2013 season.

Addendum: Media coverage


See overview of the coverage of Wikipedia and the activities of Wikimedia Eesti in Estonian media.