Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia España/2014-03-04
This is the chapter report of Wikimedia España for the months of March and April 2014.
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Activity report |
March/April 2014 |
edit- 02.03.2014: Board meeting on IRC
- 03.03.2014: Collaboration for press article about Wikipedia [1]
- 05.03.2014: Creation of Telegram group to improve communication of members
- 07.03.2014: Participation in "Taller d'experiències: Sí, les lletres tenen futur", a workshop about some different experiences in the world of humanities. In Vila-real, organized by Tardor 2013
- 07.03.2014: Photo coverage of Scorpions' concert in Madrid [2]
- 08.03.2014: Photographic coverage of XXXVII Spanish Championship of Athletics indoor junior in Valencia [3]
- 14-20.04.2014: Collaboration with evaluation committee of 2013/2014 (8th) edition of the Concurso Universitario de Software Libre (University Contest of Libre Software)
- 16.03.2014: Meeting of members on IRC
- 17.03.2014: Workshop about WikiArS, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons in Escuela de Arte 10 in Madrid [4]
- 20.03.2014: Wikimedia Foundation aproved our grant request for CUSL8 [5]
- 26.03.2014: Collaboration for press article about Crisis of Crimea in Wikipedia - Diario ABC. [6]
- 27.03.2014: Photo coverage (collaboration with AAAG) of María Casares 2014 Awards ceremony in A Coruña [7]
- 28.03.2014: Workshop for employees of University of Valladolid and librarians at Reina Sofía Library of U. of Valladolid [8]
edit- 04.04.2014: Workshop about editing Wikipedia at University Jaume I for librarians [9]
- 04.04.2014: Talk and workshop about wikiArS and Wikimedia Commons at Libre Graphics Meeting 2014
- 04.04.2014: Wikimedia Commons seminary at Campus de Jerez of U. of Cádiz Poster, pictures and video-recording of the conference
- 06.04.2014: Board meeting on IRC
- 07-13.04.2014: Wikimedia Exhibition, with Wikimedia Commons pictures, in IES Juan de Garay, Valencia [10]
- 09.04.2014: Follow-up session with the students of the Wikipedia edition activity at ETSIT, Polytechnic University of Madrid
- 10-13.04.2014: Participation in Wikimedia Conference 2014 in Berlin
- 11.04.2014: Two talks about Wikipedia and Wikimedia for students in IES Juan de Garay, Valencia
- 11.04.2014: Meeting and lunch in Valencia
- 12.04.2014: Photo coverage of awards ceremony of 12th Mestre Mateo Prizes in A Coruña
- 13.04.2014: Members meeting on IRC
- 22.04.2014: Meeting with FECYT in Madrid
- 23-24.04.2014: 4 Workshops (for professors and researchers; librarians; computer science students; agricultural engineering) about Wikipedia with the title "Wikipedia necesita a la Universidad" at University of La Laguna (Canary Islands) [11]
- 24.04.2014: Follow-up session with the students of the Wikipedia edition activity at ETSIT, Polytechnic University of Madrid