Transmission of Möebius radio show: "From Amnistía Internacional to Güeros".
Meeting with the Coordinación de Universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia (Coordination of Open University and Long Distance Education) of the UNAM, WMMX was represented by Andrés Cruz y Corro.
April 15
Iván Martínez spoke about the Wikipedia Education Program in Mexico, at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana. Subject: "Wikipedia in the classroom: what for?"
April 16
Follow-up meeting with Google Mexico
April 18
Wikimania 2015 Volunteer meeting and kickoff at Chapultepec Forest in Mexico City.
April 20
Transmission of Möebius radio shoe: "From Partido del Té To Ecodiseño".
April 23
Wikipedia editing workshop at the Colegio Benavente, in Puebla, given by Pepe Flores.
WMMX participation at "Chicas en las TIC" (Women in IT) at the Telmex Hub. WMMX was represented by Carmen Alcázar.
April 24
Participation of Andrés Cruz y Corro at the Free Software Installation Festival (FLISoL) in Ciudad Madero.
April 25
Monthly Wikipedia editing workshop at the Telmex Hub, as part of the "Women in Technology" forum
Participation of Omar Sandoval at the FLISoL in the Technological Institute of Toluca.
April 27
Transmission of Möebius radio show: "From Piñericosas to antropofagia".
April 28
Participation of Laura González at the Annual Encounter of the American Alliance of Museums in Atlanta. Subject "The Museo Soumaya and Wikimedia Alliance: Open Knowledge".
April 29
Participation of Christian Cariño at Innovación y Tendencias en TIC ITTI 2015 in Guadalajara, Jalisco.