Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Nederland/201612

Wikimedia Nederland report for November/December 2016

Community and Participation


Partnership workshop


WMNL participated in the Partnership Workshop (Berlin, 28-29 November) organised by WMDE. During this workshop, GLAM coordinators from several (mostly) European Wikimedia chapters discussed the foundation's strategy on international partnerships.

Public libraries


Public library Hengelo


As part of WMNL's public libraries program, Arne Wossink (WMNL) held a presentation at the public library in Hengelo (slideshow here). During this presentation, a general outline of the Wikimedia movement was given, and how public libraries can tap into that movement. The meeting was attended by 11 people, and follow-up meetings are scheduled as part of a so-called "Twentse Wikikring").

Meeting Bibliotheekservice Fryslân


WMNL gave a presentation on 24 November during a meeting for (public) library and archival professionals from Friesland. A number of different organisations were present and several interesting options for cooperation were discussed. Presentation slideslow here.

Pattypan training for GLAMs


On 19 December, WMNL organised a training for GLAM-employees on how to use the new uploadtool Pattypan. The training focused on how the tool works, the metadata standards that are used on Commons, and some wiki-syntax that is widely used on Commons. The training included a practical part during which some of the attendants made their first upload using Pattypan. The training was attended by 11 people from 8 different GLAM institutions. The slideshow of the training can be found here (in Dutch only). This training is part of a series of workshops that WMNL organises to increase technical expertise in its pool of volunteers and GLAM-partners.



ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen


A fifth student started her participation in this program. Two students wrote their preliminary evaluations, as required by the school. These evaluations suggest that students like the work and the diversity that comes with it. They also indicate that the practice of working for an online platform such as Wikipedia is very distinct from working for a commercial translation company. It is expected that the first student will finish the program in March 2016. Community response to the program is good, making it likely that her post will be filled again, and that we might even expand the program.

Universiteit Leiden


A meeting with staff from Leiden University was held on 7 November. During this meeting, progress on the Wikimedia-manual that LU is developing was discussed, as well as ways to publicize it (a lunch talk on Wikimedia in education will be held in 2017). Continued funding of the project in 2017 by LU was also discussed; the results were positive.

Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht


A meeting with staff from the Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht was held on 20 December. During this meeting, a potential new project was discussed, as part which students would work on assignments from Wikipedia editors for infographics, (stop motion) videos, animations and illustrations to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and used on Wikipedia. The process would be very similar to what is already in place for the ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen. We will gather feedback from the community on whether they would like to participate in this project. If feedback is positive, and if sufficient requests are received, the project is expected to run in April 2017.



On November 5th we had a Wikipedia/Wikidata workshop about 19th century women writers, we have organized this workshop together with Universiteit Utrecht. The number of paricipants was lower than we hoped (5), but in the same time it was a good possibility to have a discussion about using sources and the importance of sharing knowledge.

On November 29th we have kicked off the #100wikiwomen challenge. The gendergap taskforce invites editors to publish 1 new article about a woman, every day, from November 29th untill March 8th. We are impressed by the succes of this challenge, which is run by volunteers, a lot editors have registered to this challenge, check the projectpage for the current status.

We had a meeting at KNAW (The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) to explore possibilites to work together. In 2017 KNAW organizes several festivities in honor of the fact that Johanna Westerdijk was the first woman to be appointed extraordinary professor of plant pathology (Phytopathology). She was the first female professor at a Dutch university. We are planning to organize activities together.

Netherlands and the world


Wikimedia Nederland gave on December 15th a presentation to several govermental organisations in the Netherlands who are involved with Shared Cultural Heritage, including representants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The National Archives of the Netherlands, the Cultural Heritage Agency and Dutch Culture, centre for international cooperation. They were enthusaistic about the project Netherlands and the world and will follow up with them in 2017 for more concrete actions on cooperation and exchange of experience, contcts and knowledge.

New years meeting


We have sent out a invitation to our members, volunteers, donors and relationships for our New Years meeting on 21 January. The host of this year is National Museum of Ethnology . The museum has an extensive collection, objects from Africa, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Latin America, North America, Oceania, and Asia.



Glass negatives by early photographer Jan Goedeljee now on Commons


Jan Goedeljee (1824-1905) was a Dutch photographer working in his hometown Leiden and its surroundings. Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken, the Leiden municipal archive, holds a large collection of glass negatives, which has been digitised and made available for re-use on Wikimedia Commons. The collection includes photos of many well-known places in Leiden, such as the Academy Building and the Hortus Botanicus, and of buildings that have since disappeared, such as the old post office and railway station. The upload was done by Erik Zachte, using Pattypan and a custom script for the conversion of the metadata. Access the collection here.

Stained glass in the picture


User Ronn has completed a wonderful solo project. Thanks to a financial contribution of Wikimedia Nederland he purchased the book Glas in lood in Nederland 1817-1968. In 2013 there were about 370 photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons that were made for the book. The photos were donated by the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed) and were categorized on church/building. Ronn has put them all in one category and has linked the maker with each window, and done this for or as many windows in the buildings categories as possible. With the creation of 90 new categories for artists and commemoration windows on Commons the findability has increased for these photo’s. For the Dutch Wikipedia Ronn wrote or substantially improved a little over 100 articles. For the project he corresponded with several GLAM institutions, including the Rijksmuseum. On the base of this correspondence the Rijksmuseum released an extra 7500 photo's under a free license. Ronn spend a little more than one year completing this project. He calls it a solo project but, as he says himself, got help from many others. It goes to show that with the persistence of one person and help from others within the community and a relativly small donation from Wikimedia Netherlands a lot can be accomplished!

Erfgoed Gelderland


Michelle van Lanschot was appointed as WiR for the cooperation with Erfgoed Gelderland. She will start 1 January 2017. Project page can be found here (in Dutch only).

Netherlands and the world


Upload Temminck Groll Collection


In November, Temminck Groll Collection of the Dutch Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, consisting of 2,641 historical photographs, was uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. It’s a collection of photos of historical buildings and heritage in the following countries/regions:

  • French Antilles
  • French Guyana
  • Ghana
  • Guyana
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Dutch Antilles
  • Sri Lanka
  • Suriname
  • South Africa

These are all regions with which the Dutch have historical relations. The Dutch architect and architectural historian Coen Temminck Groll (1925-2015) shot these photos while travelling and studying 'shared cultural heritage' (heritage of the Netherlands located outside the country’s borders). These travels mainly took place in the 1960s and 1970s. Temminck Groll worked on the subject of the shared cultural heritage of the Netherlands his entire life, and has widely published about it.

GCE Exchange Platform


In July it was announced that The Dutch knowledge center for digital heritage has given Wikimedia Nederland a grant of € 16.000. This grant is for the development of an online platform to share digital heritage with the international Wikimedia movement. This platform is an exchange platform between the Wikipedia movement and GLAM institutions where supply and demand come together. The platform is being built as we spek and the planning is that is will be launched in the beginning of february 2017.

Communication and publicity


Open Up!


On 9 December, Arne Wossink (WMNL) and Wouter Daemen (Regionaal Archief Nijmegen) presented on the Wikipedian-in-Residence program with Erfgoed Gelderland during the Open Up! symposium in Apeldoorn (The Netherlands). This symposium focuses on how GLAM institutions can (digitally) interact with their audiences and on how they can make their collections available online.

Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland


On 19 November Wikimedia Netherlands organized the Wikimedia Conference Netherlands for the 9th time. More than 110 people gathered at Meeting Plaza to share knowledge and to catch up. Visitors could choose from 22 sessions on various subjects. We have managed to draw the attention of the media for the conference and Wikipedia. WCN program coördinator Ziko van Dijk was guest at RTV Utrecht, NOSop3 has published an entry in the radiojournal and an online article. Online newssites also paid attention to the conference and Wikipedia. Initial reactions from an evaluative survey of visitors show positive responses.

Video series: Wikipedia edit? Just do it!


Thanks to project group Nature we present a new series of videos: Wikipedia edit? Just do it! In this video, how to edit Wikipedia



We sent out our newsletter of November and December.