Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Wikimedia Nederland/20208



History Month


The Dutch Open Air Museum organises the annual History Month in October. During this major history event, hundreds of (cultural) institutions in the Netherlands organise numerous historical activities. Wikimedia Nederland works together with the Dutch Open Air Museum to make knowledge about history recognisable, representative and accessible to everyone via Wikipedia. Based on the project 'The Netherlands and the World', Wikimedia Nederland wants to describe the history of certain areas, including Indonesia, Surinam and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, more accurately on Wikipedia. To this end, Wikimedia Nederland organises various activities such as Wikipedia writing weeks and an online workshop. In addition, we also invite heritage institutions to participate and digitise their collections through Wikimedia, so together we can tell a more complete story about our common history that everyone around the world can use. See this publication on the website of History Month, published in August.

GLAMS and Content


WMID & WMNL collaboration in light of October History Month

One of the pictures that were donated, with a view of a village near Lake Maninjau near Padang

In October 2020, the Holland Open Air Museum will organise the Month of History with the theme East/West, therefore October is also dedicated to the Month of History on Dutch Wikipedia. In the context of history month, Wikimedia Indonesia and Wikimedia Netherlands are working together to make more content avalaible through Wikimedia. It concerns content that is relevant to Indonesian history which is housed in Dutch cultural collections avalaible through Wikimedia.

For example, the Special Collection department of the University Library of Leiden University, houses collections of historic photographs of several big cities in Indonesia. Wikimedia Indonesia asked their community which of these pictures would be valuable to be added to Wikimedia Commons. A set of 154 images of Padang, Jakarta and other cities were then uploaded by the staff of the library. These images will be described by the community members of Wikimedia Indonesia during a edit-a-thon and structured data will be added using the ISA-tool. For more information, please visit the projectpage of Wikimedia Indonesia.

Content donation of Japanese propaganda films

One of the films were the propaganda song 'Jaesjo' is sung by a choir

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision made a collection of 63 films produced by the department of Japanse military administration during the Pacific War when the former Dutch East Indien (now Indonesia) were occupied by Japan, avalaible through Wikimedia Commons. Shortly after the Japanese capitulation of August 15th 1945, a great number of the films was confisquated and consequently shipped to the Netherlands by Dutch autorities that were returning. The Japanese copyrights have expired which makes the films available in public domain and suitable to be added to Wikimedia Commons. The films all contain an elaborate Dutch description of the contents. WMIN is looking into ways to translate these descriptions to Bahasa Indonesian.

Wiki goes Caribbean meet-up


On Saturday afternoon August 29th in the Netherlands and early on Saturday morning in Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao some twenty people participated in the third online meeting of the project Wiki goes Caribbean (WGC) with the theme 'Slavery'. On August 17, the day on which the Curaçao slave revolt is commemorated, the slave and emancipation registers of Curaçao were made available online. Coen van Galen, associate professor at Radboud University Nijmegen and leader of this project, gave a presentation on the registers. After this the group split up to participate in working sessions in which they learned to edit Wikipedia and/or use the translation tool to translate articles from e.g. the Dutch Wikipedia into Papiamento. An overview of available sources, images and articles that are still missing can be found on the event page for the meet up (in Dutch).