وڪي‌ذريعات هل چل

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia movement and the translation is 22% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Wikimedia project logos
وڪيميڊيا(وڪيذريعات) تحريڪ (هل چل) جي تنظيم چارٽ
Comprehensive organizational chart and mindmap of the Wikimedia movement (June 2023)

The Wikimedia movement is the totality of people, activities, and values which revolve around Wikimedia sites and projects:

گڏيل اقدار

  • a collection of values shared by individuals (freedom of speech, knowledge for everyone, community sharing, etc.);

مشترڪہ پروجيڪٽ

  • a collection of activities around Wikimedia projects:
    • Wikipedia, in more than 352 language versions,
    • other content related wikis, such as Wikisource, Wikibooks or Wikidata,
    • 'backstage' wikis or organizational wikis, such as this Meta-Wiki,
    • conferences, workshops, wikiacademies etc. (offline activities);

Wikimedia organizations

وڪي ميڊيا فاؤنڊيشن

The owner of the trademark Wikimedia is the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF). Linked to the WMF are the Wikimedia Foundation's own organs and committees:

Wikimedia stakeholders

More generally speaking, Wikimedia stakeholders may also be part of the Wikimedia movement, i.e. readers of Wikimedia content, donors, schools, GLAM , similar-minded institutions, and companies co-operating with the Wikimedia Foundation or other Wikimedia organizations.

پڻ ڏسو