Wikimedia movement affiliates/Applications Pipeline

This is an automated public reporting page for the Affiliations Committee's recognitions pipeline and is updated frequently. It is the most snapshot of the pipeline. You can find historical pipeline status Archives for past snapshots of the Applications pipeline.

Wikimedia User group Applications Pipeline

Wikimedia Chapter and Thematic Organisation Applications Pipeline

New Applications (54 groups)

These groups have just started an application for recognition as a Wikimedia Chapter or Thematic Organisation. Check out their pages to learn more about their interests!

Bylaws Review (0 groups)

These groups have submitted their proposed bylaws to the Affiliations Committee for review.

Criteria Review (1 group)

These groups are documenting how they meet the Chapter and Thematic Organisation recognition criteria.

Committee & Staff Review (10 groups)

These groups have submitted their final Chapter or Thematic Organisation applications. The applications are now under internal review by the Affiliations Committee and the Wikimedia Foundation.

Recommendations Submitted (2 groups)

The Affiliations Committee has completed its review of the following applications and has submitted recommendations to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees.

Application Process Completed (0 groups)

These groups have completed the application process and have been officially recognized as a Chapter or Thematic Organisation.

Application Withdrawn/Cancelled (0 groups)

These groups have withdrawn their application for recognition as a Chapter or Thematic Organisation.