Wikimedia press releases/Advisory Board/zh
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佛羅理達州聖彼德斯堡 -維基媒體基金會宣布,理事咨詢會(Advisory Board to the Board of Trustees)已成立。咨詢會員為各行業中之佼佼者。他們將以其專長協助維基百科之主持者,事項中包括長遠計劃。 前任維基媒體理事、維基亞(wikia) 之同創者 安珠拉 比士利(Angela Beesley)暫為主席。
「我們非常幸運,有如此眩目之才華加入維基媒體隊伍。我們期盼與咨詢會共事,以用其技與其知。」-佛羅倫斯 德伏瓦,維基媒體主席。
- 安珠拉 比士利( Angela Beesley), 維基亞之同創者、 前任維基媒體理事
- 沃德 根寧咸 (Ward Cunningham), Director of Committer Community Development of the Eclipse Foundation, and Co-Founder of Cunningham & Cunningham.
- 海德 福特(Heather Ford), iCommons 行政主任(executive director),南非創作共用主任(public lead) 。
- 馬利沙 兢曼(Melissa Hagemann), Manager of Open Access Initiative, Information Program of the Open Society Institute (OSI)/Soros foundations.
- 丹尼 希里斯(Danny Hillis), Co-Founder of Thinking Machines Corp., Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Applied Minds, Inc, and Co-Founder of the Long Now Foundation.
- Mitch Kapor, Co-Founder of Lotus Development Corp., Electronic Frontier Foundation, Mitchell Kapor Foundation, and Open Source Applications Foundation. He is currently an adjunct professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
- 約理士 高文(Joris Komen), 納米比亞學校網(SchoolNet)行政主任, 前任納米比亞國立博物館雀鳥部管理員(curator)。高文在推動非洲博物館電子化有不可或缺之貢獻。
- 拉碧加 麥建倫( Rebecca MacKinnon), 香港大學新聞及傳媒研究中心助教;全球之聲(Global Voices)同創者;前有線電視新聞綱北京局及東京局主任。
- 韋因 麥金塔(Wayne Mackintosh), Education specialist, eLearning and ICT Policy at the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Vancouver
- 賓雅閔 馬高 希爾(Benjamin Mako Hill), Debian 拆家,《Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 Bible》 與 《The Official Ubuntu Book》 作者。現下希爾事麻省理工媒體實驗室電腦文化組。
- 艾倫 麥堅(Erin McKean),牛津大學出版社「美洲辭典」(American Dictionaries )主顧問編輯,VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly (語言季刊)編輯。
- Trevor Neilson, Partner in the Endeavor Group, and former Director of Special Projects at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- 阿察爾 柏拉伯哈拉(Achal Prabhala),印度班加羅爾知識產權研究員、作者。
- Jay Rosen, Associate Professor and former Chair of New York University's Department of Journalism. Founder of NewAssignment.Net and author of PressThink.
- 克理 舒爾基(Clay Shirky),紐約大學互動電信課程 (Interactive Telecommunications Program) 教員,前亞美利根合衆國會圖書館數碼保存組 (Digital Preservation Working Group)主任。
- 彼德 舒巴(Peter Suber), Research Professor of Philosophy at Earlham College, Senior Researcher at SPARC, and principal drafter of the Budapest Open Access Initiative.
- 拉奧 韋勒(Raoul Weiler), Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science and Chair and Co-founder of the Brussels-EU Chapter of the Club of Rome.
- 艾坦 速嘉文(Ethan Zuckerman), co-founder of Global Voices, and research fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School.
完整履歷在 。
維基媒體基金會(The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.) 為美國註冊之 501(c)(3) 可免稅非牟利慈善組織。彼主持維基百科及其他維基媒體計劃之網址。