Wikimedians for Sustainable Development/Meeting minutes 20201206




  • Round of introductions (if any new people are attending)
  • Action points from last meeting:
    • Action point: Ainali will start a planning page as a subpage to our user group.
  • Report from the Global Conversations strategy meeting (Ainali)  
  • Women in Climate Change (Ainali)     



Report from action points


Report from the Global Conversations strategy meeting

  • Ainali reported that the SDGs was pitched as the high impact topics. This was received quite well.
    • Sadads mentioned he is thinking similarly on that front internal to WMF
  • Gnom -- reflection on the meetings not sure where the "we" is in doing on the strategy
  • Gnom -- feedback on the lightening talk -- yay cool on the chat
  • We also talked on what kind of events could be strategically good for us to do and if we are reaching the rigth people (and where the right people are). Ainali thought that we are in a starting phase so we need to experiment with all kinds of events. There are probably a lot of people who are interested in what we do and would like to help but do not know us yet, both inside and outside of the movement.

Women in Climate Change
