Wikimedians for Sustainable Development/World Water Week ISA campaign

August 23-28 is the World Water Week. I suggest we set up a campaign for the ISA tool to improve metadata for media related to that, and perhaps in particular SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation . Below are the sections we need to fill in to configure it. Please help and suggest or improve.

The campaign has been created:
The dates are 2020-08-23 - 2020-08-28.
Please help share this widely.

Campaign Name


This is the name specific to your campaign, not the main project.' So, not “Wiki Loves Africa” but rather “Music and Dance in Nigeria”

World Water Week 2020

Short description of Campaign (144 characters)


What are users going to be working on

Help add structured data to water and sanitation related images during the World Water Week.

Start Date



End Date



Categories to use in this campaign


Choose categories to use in the campaign. Search for the Wikimedia Commons categories that contain the images you wish to use in your campaign. If you want a category and ALL of its subcategories use the 'Depth' option to choose how many levels down you want to go (leave depth on 0 for Wiki loves campaigns).

Metadata to collect in the Campaign




Select to collect Depicts metadata in the campiagn




Select to collect Caption metadata in the campiagn


Campaign Image


Enter the FILE NAME only of an image from commons to display on the Campaign home page.

The second image from the left will seem to make a better image for the campaign given its similarity to the type of drinking water source found in places like Asia and Africa where issues of drinking water and sanitation is of utmost concern. It captures the kind of water source that can be found in typical places having this said issue. In addition, it gives a view of what is in the environment, housing the water source....such as vegetation, sun, concrete floor and others alike.

Long description of Campaign (full about info)


Why it is important that users contribute to the campaign?

Water and sanitation are the cornerstones of Sustainable Development Goal 6. One in three people live without sanitation. This is causing unnecessary disease and death. Although huge strides have been made with access to clean drinking water, lack of sanitation is undermining these advances. If we provide affordable equipment and education in hygiene practices, we can stop this senseless suffering and loss of life. By improving metadata on the images, they can easily be found by anyone who needs them in educational resources.