Wikimedistas de Bolivia/Reports/2021-2022

Wikimedistas de Bolivia User Group
Annual activity report

This year the group of users was working to further formalize the activities with the aim of achieving greater goals and impact that respond to our lines of work:

  • Learnings and Education
  • Community and communication diversity
  • Free culturas and knowledge

Learnings and Education


Reading Wikipedia in the classroom

  • We conducted around 35 online sessions in two stages, the first of 4 groups in 2021 and the second of 2 groups in 2022, a BootCamp version of 10 face-to-face hours and other online hours, and the recording of 3 compact sessions for your asynchronous consultation.
  • We conducted 15 mentoring sessions
  • We accompany the elaboration of more than 50 lesson plans.
  • We had a total of 828 people registered in the project in two different calls. As part of our commitment to reduce the gender gap, we work to achieve the participation of women. Call 2021: 57.5 % women Call 2022: 52.5 % women.s.



Community and Diversity

  • Local content and work with bilingual teachers. As part of the program Reading Wikipedia in the classroom we work to improve the Module 1 of the Teachers Guide of the program and use the graphic line that actually is used in all the program.
  • The first module was translated into the three languages: Aymara, Quechua and Guarani, for use in bilingual education and distributed via USB to 50 teachers.
  • We work to improve our organization and with the aim of giving sustainability to the volunteer community and guaranteeing the renewal of leadership in the group we plan and present our first annual plan. We apply for a Grant for 2023.

Free knowledge


As part of the dissemination work on free knowledge and the logic of collaborative work on Wikipedia and in accordance with the objective of having more multimedia content we work in coordination with a local edutuber three videos about Wikipedia, its logic and operation.

  • ¿Qué es Wikipedia? obtuvo más de 900 visualizaciones en línea en 6 meses, hasta agosto de 2022. Disponible en español con subtítulos en inglés.
  • ¿Cómo funciona Wikipedia? obtuvo cerca de 600 visualizaciones en línea en 5 meses, hasta agosto de 2022. Disponible en español con subtítulos en inglés.
  • ¿Cómo editar Wikipedia? video con licencia libre, disponible en Commons.

Newsletter publications
