Wikimedians from Uruguay

This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedistas de Uruguay and the translation is 95% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Wikimedistas de Uruguay

Our mission is to build an open, equitable and diverse knowledge about Uruguay and Latin America in Wikimedia projects. We promote open tools to generate knowledge about the social challenges of our time, such as socioeconomic, racial and gender inequalities, and the environmental and climate crisis.

Wikimedistas de Uruguay
Location Uruguay
Country codeURY
Approval dateDecember 8, 2020
Official language(s)Uruguayan Spanish
WebsiteWikimedistas de Uruguay
Mailing listWikimedistas de Uruguay
YouTubeWikimedistas de Uruguay

Wikimedistas of Uruguay is a user group that promotes the Wikimedia projects and boosts the Wikimedia movement in Uruguay.

Our vision is an open knowledge ecosystem and Wikimedia projects that represent the diversity of knowledge and realities of Uruguay and Latin America.

Wikimedistas Of Uruguay is constituted by a community of voluntary people, a council voluntary aide and a squad of work that leads the implementation of programs.


  • Position to the projects Wikimedia like fundamental tools for the education and the learning of skills of the 21st century in Uruguay, through forming, lean and offer resources to the communities and institutions of knowledge.
  • Create robust communities that incorporate multiple diversities, including the geographic, identitarias, of gender and age, that maintain the vitality of the projects Wikimedia and do them more representative.
  • Promote and generate initiatives that position the knowledges of Uruguay and of Latin America in global subjects and with social impact inside the projects Wikimedia.


Community Engagement

The goal of the Community Engagement Program is to Generate strategies for communities of volunteers to feel empowered, enabled and supported to actively participate in the Wikimedia movement.

Heritage and education

In this axis, the general aim is to promote and generate opportunities of formation and support for the digital transformation of the institutions of knowledge through the tools that offer the projects Wikimedia.

Knowledge equity

The main aim is to implement initiatives that generate contained with perspectives subalternas and south Global, that answer to the needs of knowledge of the communities of Uruguay and Latin America.

Contact info

Contact us

Contact with WMF