Wikinews is a Wikimedia collaborative writing project to report the news on a wide variety of subjects using a wiki. Wikinews languages: English,

German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish. The (multilingual) IRC chat is on, channel #wikinews. On a semi-regular basis, we host chats on specific issues. These chats are planned here.

Saturday, February 5, 2005, 22:00 UTC: Wikinews and Blogs


This first open IRC meeting will focused on how Wikinews can become a part of the blogosphere, and how Wikinews content can be useful to blogs. We invited all bloggers to join.

The chat session will lasted about 2 hours, and users were invited to stay in the room and continue to discuss issues after that.

If you are late, the live chat log is here.


  • Introducing Wikinews: ca. 15 minutes
    • Questions: ca. 20 minutes
  • Wikinews RSS feeds: What options are there, what can we expect? ca. 10 minutes
  • Using Wikinews content in your blog: ca. 20 minutes
  • Providing content from your blog to the Wikinews project: ca. 10 minutes
  • Linking to blogs: ca. 10 minutes
  • Providing photos: ca. 5 minutes

Who will come:

  1. Eloquence 02:24, 28 Jan 2005 (UTC)
  2. Angela
  3. Joi
  4. Jimbo Wales (jwales on irc)
  5. Waerth I'll try to be there, probably just spectator
  6. Chatmag I'll be there, and I"ve also set up a browser accesible Java enabled chat channel interface for those not having IRC. Contact me directly at editor @ (remove spaces) if you'd like to use it, or I can post the link here.
  7. Amgine Of course...
  8. Conny
  9. Sean Bonner

Who will try to come:

  1. Anthere 05:19, 31 Jan 2005 (UTC), not certain I will be able to attend, if not, I would be glad to be able to see the log afterwards. Could you plan to archive it ?
  2. David Weinberger I'll try to be there, although the chances of my computing what time 22UTC is in Boston are slim. Damn math majors!
  3. McCart42 15:22, 1 Feb 2005 (UTC) Probably just spectator - David, 2200UTC=1700EST (5 PM), probably a joke
  4. Mats Halldin I'm not using blogs a lot, but normally I'm present on the channel.

Chat summaries, discussion


Information will be summarized on Wikinews and Blogs. Feel free to continue discussions on issues raised on that page.

Chat log
