Wikipedia & Education User Group/By-laws

ARTICLE I - Mission, Vision & Objectives


Section 1. Mission Statement


Throughout the world, educators use Wikipedia and its sister projects as a teaching and learning tool. We are an international group that facilitates the work and supports the needs of the global community working with Wikimedia in education. We aim to enhance and scale local and global educational efforts, advocate for the use of Wikimedia projects in education, and elevate the narrative outside our movement.

Section 2. Vision Statement


We strive for a world where, through formal and informal education, every member of society will be able to know how to contribute to and learn from open knowledge.

Section 3. Objectives


Our organization has three main objectives:

  • Through meetings, mentoring and networking, develop a community of Wiki-Educators.
  • After identifying the needs of our community, create resources and infrastructure to scale up our work.
  • By partnering and collaborating with others in the open knowledge ecosystem, spread the word through global outreach.

ARTICLE II - Members


Section 1. Membership


Membership is open to anyone 14 years of age or older who supports the mission of the User Group and who is not banned under the Wikimedia Foundation’s Global Ban Policy. Applicants who have been banned on any Wikimedia project but not globally will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the Board. To apply for membership, a potential member should fill out the membership form, and the Membership Admin will review and approve or reject the application.

Section 2. Meetings


The membership will meet annually at a General Assembly to elect board members and, if the organization has received funds, to evaluate the Treasurer’s annual report. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by two‐thirds of all of the members of the Board.

Section 3. Notice


Notice of regular and special meetings will be through the mailing list at least 10 days before the date of the meeting. Notice of a special meeting must state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called.

Section 4. Quorum


At all meetings of the members, quorum will be achieved if at least 10 members are present.

Section 5. Organization


The Chair will preside at all meetings of the members. The Secretary will act as secretary at all meetings of the members. In the absence of either, the Board will appoint acting officers at the meeting.

Section 6. Voting


At any meeting of the members, each member will be entitled to one vote. Voting may take place either: (1) in person or (2) via an online call.

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, board elections will be held via Google Form open for 1 week after the General Assembly, where candidates were announced.



Section 1. Powers and Number


The Board will have general power to control and manage the affairs of the User Group in accordance with the bylaws. The number of board members will be not less than 4 nor more than 7. The number of board members may be increased or decreased by amendment of these bylaws by a vote of a majority of the entire Board. No decrease will shorten the term of any incumbent board member.

Section 2. Election and Term


Board members will be elected to two-year terms at the General Assembly by a plurality vote of the members present at the General Assembly. Terms begin at the General Assembly. Any existing board members may be re-elected.

Section 3. Removal


Board members can be removed in two ways: (1) A majority vote of the members, or (2) A 2/3rds vote of the Board (“The Board” in this definition includes the member whose removal is under discussion).

Section 4. Resignations


Any director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chair or Secretary. The resignation will take effect at the time specified in the notice, and, unless otherwise specified, the acceptance of the resignation will not be necessary to make it effective.

Section 5. Vacancies


A vacancy in the Board arising from any cause will be filled by a vote from the majority of Board members. Board members appointed to fill a vacancy will serve the remainder of the term to which they are appointed, and will then be subject to re-election through the normal Board member election process.

Section 6. Meetings


The Board will hold regular meetings, as directed by the Chair. At least one Board meeting will be held each calendar year at the General Assembly.

Section 7. Notice of Meetings


Regular meetings of the Board will be discussed among the Board members. Special meetings can be called by the Chair, and notice via the Board mailing list must be given for special meetings at least 1 week in advance.

Section 8. Place and Time of Meetings


Board meetings take place either (1) in person or (2) in an online meeting space.

Section 9. Quorum


At all Board meetings, quorum is at least one half of the members.

Section 10. Conflicts Policy


Board members play many roles in the Wikimedia world, and conflicts of interest will arise. Board members will identify to other members any item under discussion in which they may have a conflict of interest. In a situation in which they have a conflict of interest, Board members may provide input in a discussion, but will not be present for a final deliberation and will abstain from voting. Meeting minutes will acknowledge this abstention. For the purposes of quorum, an abstaining Board member will be counted as present.

ARTICLE IV - Officers


Section 1. Officers


The officers of the Board may consist of a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Membership Admin, all of whom will be chosen by and will serve at the pleasure of the Board.

Section 2. Election, Term of Office, and Qualifications


The Board will elect officers annually during the General Assembly. Officers will serve a two-year term, beginning at the General Assembly. One person may hold multiple offices, but the Chair cannot also serve as Secretary.

Section 3. Removal


Any officer elected or appointed by the Board may be removed from their officer role by the vote of a majority of the Board.

Section 4. Resignations


Any board member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chair or Secretary. The resignation will take effect at the time specified in the notice, and, unless otherwise specified, the acceptance of the resignation will not be necessary to make it effective.

Section 5. Vacancies


In the event of a vacancy, a new officer will be appointed by a vote of the majority of Board members.

Section 6. Chair


The Chair will preside at all meetings of the Board, except if the Board is considering the removal of the Chair. In the Chair’s absence, the Vice-Chair will preside. The Chair will oversee the work of the User Group.

Section 7. Vice-Chair


In the event of the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will preside at meetings and oversee the work of the User Group.

Section 8. Secretary


The Secretary will act as secretary of each meeting of the Board. In the absence of the Secretary, the presiding officer of the meeting will appoint a Secretary of the meeting. The Secretary will prepare an annual report of User Group activities.

Section 9. Treasurer


The Treasurer will keep financial records up to date, should the User Group receive funds. The Treasurer will prepare an annual report of User Group finances.

Section 10. Membership Admin


The Membership Admin evaluates and approves applications for membership based on the criteria outlined in Article II Section 1, and maintains a list of active members.

ARTICLE V - Amendments


Section 1. Bylaws


These bylaws may be amended at any time by a vote of the majority of Board members.



These Bylaws were adopted by the Board on 9 January 2020.