Wikipedia & Education User Group/Glossary and References

Wikipedia & Education User Group
Wikipedia & Education User Group


Theory of Change
is a method that explains how a set of interventions is expected to lead to specific development.
Wikimedia and Education Movement
refers to the global community that is involved and advocates for the intersection between Education and the Wikimedia projects.
Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)
is a non-profit organization that hosts the Wikimedia projects.
Wikipedia & Education User Group (EduWiki UG)
is a global community affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) that facilitates, supports, and advocates for the integration of Wikipedia and its sister projects into educational environments.
Wiki Education Foundation
is a nonprofit organization specifically for the US and Canada that executes the Wikipedia and Education Program, promoting the integration of Wikipedia into the pedagogical communities.
Education-related Wikimedia projects/ initiatives/programs
Education-related Wikimedia projects/initiatives/programs are initiatives or programs designed to facilitate the incorporation of Wikimedia projects into educational settings, enhancing learning and teaching experiences.
Education-related Wikimedia resources
are the materials or resources created for supporting the integration of the Wikimedia projects in educational environments.
Wikimedia projects
refers to Wikipedia and its sister projects.
Education Hub
is an organizational unit that supports more than one volunteer community related to education. It is based on the idea of sharing power and decision-making.
21st Century Skills
refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and character traits that are necessary to success in today’s world. These skills have been grouped into three main areas: (1) learning and innovation skills; (2) digital literacy skills; and (3) career and life skills.
Open Educational Resources (OER)
teaching and learning materials that can be used, adapted,  and reused at no cost and with an open license.
Open Educational Practices (OEP)
are teaching and learning practices based on collaboration and participation. It can involve the creation or adaptation of OER, but also other types of pedagogical tasks.



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