Wikipedia & Education User Group/Methodology

Wikipedia & Education User Group
Wikipedia & Education User Group



This methodological documentation was created in order to share with the community how the strategic process of Wikipedia & Education User Group Theory of Change took place. To achieve this, the methodology includes the context of the beginning of the strategic process, details of the main stages of its preparation, and the sections of the final document. The Theory of Change research was conducted by Rocio Aravena, who is serving as the researcher, and Bukola James, as the facilitator respectively. Their efforts are on behalf of the Wiki Education Foundation, Wikipedia + Education User Group, and the Wikimedia Foundation, with their work reflecting the collective input and insights from members of the Wikimedia & Education community.

A. The Literature Review Process


The first phase of the Theory of Change for Wikimedia and the Education research process revealed that “there is a growing interest among the affiliates to discuss how global trends and technological advancements impact the movement as a whole, with a particular focus on education programs'' (Hubs/Ongoing/Toward a Theory of Change for Wikimedia & Education, 2023). To contribute to the need for a more global dialogue with current educational and technology trends, in the context of this second phase of the research, a Literature Review was carried out. On the other hand, the design of a strong Theory of Change for the EduWiki UG must be based not only on the needs perceived by the members of the community but also on evidence provided by the research that is taking place in the field of Education and Technologies.

For this part of the research, we followed a mixed methodology that combined procedures from the Systematic Literature Review and the Scooping Review (Arksey and O’Malley, 2005; Cruz-González et al.,2019), “a type of scientific research whose main purpose is to objectively and systematically integrate the results of previous studies on the same research problem” (Ballesteros-Quilez et al., 2022, p.4). Through this process, this study located, selected, and evaluated the state of the art of Education and Technologies trends and research.

Before starting the data collection, we defined research questions considering the objectives of the Theory of Change. The definition of key research questions allowed us to delimit and shape the scope of the data collection and analysis, which involved documents such as academic papers, articles, reports, published thesis, and books. We used SCOPUS and Web of Science as the main databases. The election of the databases responded to their quality criteria and their accessibility through Cercabib, the search tool provided by the University of Barcelona.

A complete description of the Literature review process, considering the methodology, the main phases, and the data collection and analysis is detailed in Appendix.

The purpose of the Literature Review process was to

  1. map relevant literature related to Wikimedia and Education topics;
  2. identify the main trends and approaches in the field of Education, Technologies, Openness, and Wikimedia; and
  3. synthesize and systematize the findings for making recommendations toward a Theory of Change for the EduWiki UG.

The literature review for this study allows us to identify and evaluate the current trends in the field of Open Education (OE), as well as the results of different experiences integrating Wikimedia projects in pedagogical contexts.

Concerning OE, the research tends to focus on conceptualizing the several expressions and meanings of OE. Mainly, the documents were centered on the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) and the development of Open Educational Practices (OEP) by teachers and students, the policies to promote OE, and the challenges of integrating OE standards in the Global South.

On behalf of Wikimedia and Education, most of the articles reviewed for this study were focused on educational experiences integrating Wikipedia at the university and schools, and on the perceptions and valuations of Wikipedia in pedagogical contexts. None of the texts were centered on other Wikimedia projects, and very few of them were informed about the Wikimedia Programs around the globe regarding governance, assessment, and initiatives. The identification of these research gaps focused on OE and Wikimedia projects enlightens us about possible areas to explore in future research as well as the need to increase the research output of Wikimedia projects focused on its use in education as proposed in the objective.

The results of the literature review are presented below, systematized in three main sections based on the categories that emerged from the analysis of the data and the research questions that guided this study.


Since 2002, OE has gained an important place in the Unesco Agenda. From their definition and conceptualization, several studies and policies have been addressed to explore and promote the integration of Open Education standards for ensuring equal access to educational resources and for promoting a more participative education environment (Arinto et al., 2017). OE is thus a pedagogical approach, a social movement, and a research field. However, a lot of things have changed since The Cape Town Education Declaration summarized ten directions to move forward with OE in 2008 (The Cape Town Education Declaration, 2008). Attending social, technological, and pedagogical changes, the recent research has incorporated new perspectives for studying and analyzing the development of OE.

A More Complex Approach to “Openness” in Education

The documents analyzed in this study demonstrate the existence of new perspectives for conceptualizing, researching, and promoting OE. Even if traditionally, OE was closely related to the development of OER, in recent years many researchers have extended their approach to the subject, considering other aspects of OE, such as (1) OE Policies; (2) Biases and Gaps in the OE field; (3) uses and perspectives from pedagogical communities of Open Education Technologies and OEP; (4) the impact of OE Initiatives on the student’s performance; and (5) the role of the Wikimedia Movement and the Wikimedia Projects to promote OE. Thus, this literature referred to a complex definition of openness. Two main perspectives that have contributed to a more complex approach to OE are described below, based on the literature reviewed: (1) OE from a Global South Perspective; and (2) From OER to OEP.

Finally, it should be mentioned that, while the Wikimedia Movement is part of the OE initiatives, a Theory of Change for the EduWiki UG should take into account these new approaches to the concept of openness and their influences on the definition of Education from a Wiki perspective.

New Challenges for the OE Movement in the 21st Century

A more complex approach to openness in education involves new challenges for the OE movement. While several changes are taking place in society as a whole, and, of course, in the educational field, the documents reviewed for this study evidenced an urgent need to rethink the OE Strategy to face the goals of an increasingly digitized society. It should be noted that these challenges must be also taken into account for developing a Theory of Change for the EduWiki UG.

As mentioned above, adopting open resources and open practices in countries of the Global South faces diverse difficulties and obstacles related to the inconsistent support to develop these projects over time and to the lack or poor access to technology and literacy.

  • Develop a more systematic, organized, and collaborative Open Education Movement
  • Face the technology gap between Global North and Global South
Endogenous Perspectives and Findings about Education and Wikimedia

The literature review conducted for this study reported on research in the field of OE, which was systematized as exogenous trends. At the same time, several texts specifically explore the link between Wikimedia projects and education. Systematized as endogenous perspectives, their main results are presented below.

1. The research in the Education and Wikimedia Field: main topics and methods:

The research in the Education and Wikimedia field is mainly focused on the integration of Wikipedia in educational contexts from different perspectives. Among the principal topics explored by the literature, the following stand out: (1) the use of Wikipedia in higher education with a special focus on the development of transversal skills; (2) the factors that affect the use or non-use of Wikipedia and the Web 2.0; (3) the relevance of Wikipedia for teaching specific knowledge; (5) the perceptions, attitudes and uses toward pedagogical uses of Wikipedia; (6) the Wikipedia environment as a digital community; and (7) the perceptions of Wikipedia in Academia. In summary, the research in this field involves the study of the factors that influence the integration of Wikipedia in educational contexts, the perceptions and uses of Wikipedia in universities and schools, the impact and challenges of the EduWiki programs, and the potential and opportunities of teaching with Wikipedia.

The methods and instruments used in the research considered for this report involve the Case Study Approach and the development of focus groups and questionnaire-based surveys, the Wikipedia content analysis and the literature review, and the Grounded theory.

2. Factors influencing the engagement with Wikimedia’s educational initiatives:

A lot of research in the field of Wikimedia and Education is related to the factors that influence the engagement of the educational communities. In this regard, two are the main determinants: the support and accompaniment of newcomers, and the digital gap.

  • Support and accompaniment of newcomers.
  • Digital gap
  • Perceptions and uses of Wikimedia in Educational contexts
  • Conceptions and reluctances about Wikimedia projects
3. Challenges perceived by educational communities when integrating Wikimedia projects:

When analyzing pedagogical experiences using Wikimedia projects in educational contexts, most of the teachers identify challenges and the need for support and accompaniment for the integration of technologies such as Wikipedia. In this sense, some of the possible initiatives mentioned by teachers that could be developed within the framework of Wikimedia educational programs are:

  • having a catalog of best practices;
  • having colleagues explaining their own experiences;
  • receiving specific training; and
  • getting more institutional recognition (Aibar et al., 2015).
4. Using Wikipedia to Foster 21st-Century Competencies and Skills:

The research focuses on the uses of Wikimedia projects in educational contexts mainly related to the integration of Wikipedia for teaching and learning. In this regard, the literature reviewed reported experiences of using Wikipedia as a pedagogical resource for developing 21st Century (C-21) competencies and skills. Fostering digital literacy through Wikipedia is one of its most common pedagogical uses (Obregón-Sierra and González Fernández, 2021). Five main transversal competencies and skills related to the use of the Wikimedia projects were constantly mentioned by researchers: (1) learning depth; (2) high-quality reasoning; (3) findings sources; (4) communicating science to a general audience; and (5) collaborative work (Mareca and Borel, 2019). The use of the Wikimedia projects to teach digital literacy in the framework of Open Education has been underlined by Unesco on several occasions and through the years this potential has become more and more relevant (Fisher et al., 2015; Grewerc and Davis, 2017; Hilton, 2019; Petrucco and Ferranti, 2020; Unesco, 2015).

5. Using Wikipedia to develop collaborative didactic and formative assessment:

Along with fostering 21st-Century Competencies and Skills, another frequent pedagogical approach considers Wikipedia as “a promising learning environment for collaborative knowledge building, as well as offering a teaching strategy that complements traditional approach” (Petrucco, 2018). From this perspective, integrating Wikipedia into teaching practices can promote not only 21st-century Skills but also new forms of student participation in online communities, as well as formative assessment for teachers.

One of the common expressions of using Wikipedia to develop collaborative didactics are initiatives of Service Learning which involve the collaboration between students and specific communities throughout the development of local projects.

B. The Focus Group Discussions


The focus group discussion, held from October 26th to November 24th, 2023, involved 19 participants and was a critical component of our research methodology, complementing the literature review to ensure the Wikipedia & Education User Group Strategy accurately represented the global Wikimedia Education Movement. These discussions were designed to be critical and empowering, setting clear expectations for participants and fostering a comfortable and open environment for sharing insights. Utilizing Zoom for virtual meetings, supported by presentation tools and real-time transcription services, the sessions accommodated the global distribution of participants, including 9 females and 10 males from diverse regions such as East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific (ESEAP), Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, West Africa, North America, Southeast Europe, South Asia, and Central Europe. These individuals, who were Education Program Officers from different Wikimedia Affiliates and certified Trainers of the "Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom" program, brought valuable perspectives from their extensive experience in the EduWiki program and related fields. Their selection was based on active engagement and leadership in Wiki-Education activities, with a strong emphasis on privacy and confidentiality throughout the process.

Data collection was meticulously conducted using Taguette, and the narrative qualitative research study method employed focused on identifying thematic patterns by integrating personal experiences and viewpoints of participants. This approach ensured that the findings were both aspirational and grounded in practical and ethical considerations. We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed their perspectives, making the strategy truly representative of the diverse and dynamic nature of the Wikimedia Education Movement globally.

S/N Name Affiliate Country
1 James Taylor Auckland Museum/NZ User Group New Zealand
2 Erina Mukuta WMCUGU Uganda
3 Melissa Guadalupe Huertas Wikimedia Foundation Global
4 Ruby Brown OFWA Ghana
5 Luisina Ferrante Wikimedia Argentina Argentina
6 Amanda Jurno Wiki Movimento Brasil Brazil
7 Patricio Romero Wikimedia Chile Chile
8 Romeo Ronald Lomora Wikimedia community user group South Sudan South Sudan
9 Azogbonon Constant Réseau @pprendre Cameroun
10 Ben Vershbow Wikimedia Foundation Global
11 Mounir Neddi Wikimedia Morocco UG Morocco
12 Jackeline Bucio WMMX · UNAM Mexico
13 Maxwell Beganim Open Knowledge Ghana Ghana
14 Rafiul Bahar Rafi NDEC Wikipedia Editorial and Research Bangladesh
15 Kemi Makinde Wikimedia Nigeria User Group Nigeria
16 Oby Ezeilo Senior Citizens Network Nigeria
17 Cesluase Ogbonnaya Wiki in Africa Francophone Region
18 Anne-Sophie Waag Wikimedia Germany Germany
19 Nebojša Ratković Wikimedia Serbia Serbia

Appendix: Literature Review Process


Brief description of the methodology


For this part of the research, we followed a mixed methodology that combined procedures from the Systematic Literature Review and the Scooping Review (Arksey and O’Malley, 2005; Cruz-González et al.,2019), “a type of scientific research whose main purpose is to objectively and systematically integrate the results of previous studies on the same research problem” (Ballesteros-Quilez et al., 2022, p.4). Through this process, this study located, selected and evaluated the state of the art of Education and Technologies trends and research.

Before starting the data collection, we defined research questions considering the objectives of the Theory of Change. The definition of key research questions allowed us to delimit and shape the scope of the data collection and analysis, which involved documents such as academic papers, articles, reports, published thesis, and books. We used SCOPUS and Web of Science as the main databases. The election of the databases responded to their quality criteria and their accessibility through Cercabib, the search tool provided by the University of Barcelona.

Phases of the Literature Review Process


The literature review process followed the stages below:

a) Definition of the research questions


Considering the purpose and objectives of the Theory of Change for the Wikimedia and Education movement, we defined these research questions: (1) What are the current trends in the field of Education, Technology, and Educational Change?; (2) Which evidence about pedagogical and organizational challenges reveles the literature?; (3) What are the main recommendations from the literature for designing a Theory of Change?

b) Data collection


Using the databases mentioned above, the search included a combination of these keywords: Open Education, Education, Technologies, Wikimedia, Wikimedia Programs, Strategy, Educational Change, Educational Transformation, and Innovative Trends. Applying the Boolean operator “AND” allowed us to combine these different words.

To ensure the relevance of the search for this study, we defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were different kinds of publications such as books, book chapters, academic papers, articles, published theses, government reports, and reports from international organizations. On the other hand, to map the recent research production, one of the exclusion criteria was literature published before 2012, and to guarantee the quality of the literature reviewed, we excluded from the collection the thesis unpublished.

For the selection process, we followed the Prisma protocol (Shamseer et al., 2015) consisting of four main phases. During the identification phase, we collected all the documents that appeared from the keywords, and then, in the screening phase, all the articles that were not directly related to the study scope were eliminated. In the eligibility phase, we finally decided on the articles that would be considered for the analysis phase, resulting in 67 documents, including articles, academic papers, published thesis, and reports.

c) Data analysis


In the analysis phase of the 67 selected documents, a content analysis was carried out. The content analysis is based on the codification of the text and the construction of axial categories (Cardno, 2018). From an inductive approach, we read all the documents and, considering the research questions, we identified their main topics and key ideas and created a set of five categories: (1) Open Education; (2) Wikimedia in the classroom; (3) Governance; (4) Educational Change; and (5) Recommendations for strategic design



(APA format)

Year of publication Type of document Topic DOI or Link
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Petrucco, C. (2018). Wikipedia in university courses: teaching practices and educational benefits. Research on Education and Media, 10(2), 10-16. 2018 Article Wikimedia and Education
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Aibar, E., Lladós-Masllorens, J., Meseguer-Artola, A., Minguillón, J. and Lerga, M. (2015). Wikipedia at university: what

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Colón-Aguirre, M. and Fleming-May, R. (2012). “You Just Type in What You Are Looking For”:

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