This page is a translated version of the page Wikipedia 15/Media and the translation is 21% complete.
Wikipedia 15
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Råd om hur du kan sprida information om Wikipedia 15 genom lokala medier, sociala medier, och i övriga samhället.


Tips för att ta kontakt med lokala media, få uppmärksamhet i pressen m.m.

Press releases

We’ve received requests from some community members for a press release template for Wikipedia’s 15th birthday. This section includes a possible structure that can be adapted for your needs, as well as a more general press release if you want to see an example. Feel free to remix and translate in whatever way makes sense!

Why write a press release?

  • A press release is one way to raise awareness about an announcement.
  • Wikipedia’s 15th birthday is a global celebration, and local press releases can raise awareness in specific regions while showing the diversity of the movement.

How do you write a press release?

  • A press release should read like a news story, written in third-person, citing quotes and sources and containing key information about an announcement.
  • You can find a framework below that explains the structure of a typical press release.

How do I distribute a press release?

  • There are a number of ways to distribute a press release:
    • Share it by email with local reporters who might be interested. (Many publications have a contact us form on their website with reporter email addresses).
    • You can share a press release by email before you publish it “under embargo.” An embargo asks the journalist not to share before a pre-set time and date. You should check if the journalist will respect the embargo before sharing anything with them.
    • Publish it on an affiliate/community blog, or in the press section on your website.
    • Share a link on social media.
    • Use a press release distribution service (this costs money and is not always the most effective approach).

When should I distribute a press release?

  • Anytime! Many chapters and affiliates we’ve spoken to are publishing press releases a few days before the 15th to raise awareness about events before they happen. The Wikimedia Foundation will issue a general press release on January 15, 2016 but we hope many community and localized press releases will be out already.
  • You can share your press release with reporters before you publish it, so they have a “heads up” and are more likely to cover the news. This is sometimes called an “embargo.” For more tips on working with the media, see the movement communications skills page.


Here are a couple resources if you decide to publish your own press release!

Sociala medier


We’ve been asking social media users: What does Wikipedia mean to you?

By that, we mean – how do you use Wikipedia? What is Wikipedia’s role in the work you do and the ideas you share with your friends and the world? What does Wikipedia mean for the way you learn, the way you interact with information, and the way you understand the world? What does Wikipedia or free knowledge mean for your community?

We are hoping you will tweet mentioning #wikipedia15 and @wikipedia. Please say anything that is right for you. If you need examples, you could say something like:

  • Knowledge is powerful. Thanks @wikipedia for being open and free for everyone. #wikipedia15
  • I use @wikipedia to look stuff up with my kids. You never know what you’ll find. #wikipedia15
  • Happy 15th birthday, @wikipedia. Thanks for giving free information to the world! #wikipedia15

You can also consider including a Wikipedia 15 illustration or animated GIF too!

Uppdatering och sammanlänkning

Skriv gärna en rad och dela med dig om hur du arbetar med att nå ut till media med Wikipedia 15. Detta kan fungera som en direktöverblick över vem som gör vad var. Finns det något du kan hjälpa någon med? Behöver du själv inspiration? Vill ni kanske planera något tillsammans?