ويكيبيديا 25
في أقل من 12 شهرًا، سنحتفل بـعيد ميلاد ويكيبيديا الخامس والعشرين. نحن في مؤسسة ويكيميديا نود أن نسمع من المحررين أمثالك عن أفكارهم للاحتفال بهذا الحدث الهام في تاريخ ويكيبيديا.

In a talk page section, we'd like to get your thoughts on the following questions. Please write in whichever language you are most comfortable with.
- ما هي الرسالة الأهم التي تعتقد أن الذكرى الخامسة والعشرين لويكيبيديا يجب أن توجّهها للعالم؟
- If you remember previous anniversaries, like Wikipedia 15 and Wikipedia 20, what about them did you find most and least impactful?
- Is there something new you think we as a movement should try?
- Is there something you or a group you belong to is already planning?
While we may not be able to implement all of the ideas you share, we will consider as many as we can. We'd love to chat about your ideas in the next few months before we start implementing. This page will continue to evolve as a hub for the 25th birthday as the project takes shape.
٣٢٠ day to Wikipedia 25