Wikipedia Day 2023: Reactions, feedbacks, and goodwill messages from Igbo Wikimedians

To celebrate Wikipedia at 2022, the community of Igbo Wikimedians gave feedbacks, reactions, and goodwill messages. These feedbacks are mainly for the Igbo Wikipedia and will be used to get better in subsequent years. These feedbacks, reactions, and messages were retrieved from the community survey. Responses were collated below.

Reactions, feedbacks, and goodwill messages


What areas do you think we should improve on the Igbo Wikipedia?

  1. Venturing to a specific dialect
  2. More editors
  3. More training
  4. Please assign admins who can serve as checkers to articles because 50 percent of the articles on the ig pages were translated,not giving the equivalent of the source language.
  5. More translation tools should be added to the Igbo Wikipedia interface to enable translators have varieties of tools to consult while translating contents.
  6. The interface
  7. Addition of audio templates to Wikipedia. It will help tackle the mispronunciation of indigenous names on igbo Wikipedia.
  8. We need more competitions to improve the interactiveness.
  9. More active Wikimedians.
  10. Get more technical hands
  11. Cleaning up edited article
  12. On translation more translation should be done
  13. Clean up after contests is very important.
  14. Daily task should improve.
  15. I think organizing continuous training so as to imprint in the minds of people how to contribute rightly and correctly.
  16. I think we should make more information about the Igbo culture more available for people to and stop letting others hijack what's ours from us.
  17. To ensure the language becomes well known
  18. Making accurate edits during contest with the aim of presenting our language well rather than to win prizes.
  19. pronunciation, same things don't have Igbo pronunciation.
  20. Use of standard Igbo Language in creating contents or editing
  21. Interpretation of words in igbo editing.
  22. Professionalism in editing .
  23. In the area of Igbo poem translation.
  24. Well, I have not really thought about it, for me everything is fine for now.
  25. I think it's necessary to filter contributions.
  26. The teaching and learning of the central Igbo. Many translate and edit in their different local dialects. The use of central Igbo in editing and translation should be encouraged just like the one in the translated igbo bible which everyone is conversant with.
  27. Financial motivation
  28. The community is doing very well but given the inflation rate may be it will be fine to increase micro grant.
  29. Uniformity in use of translated Igbo words (e.g. some translate page as ibe, while some say it's peeji in Igbo language)
  30. Accuracy of the machine if possible
  31. You guys are already doing so well

What interests you most about Igbo Wikipedia?

  1. The Audio file
  2. It is because it's my language. It gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts and language to the world.
  3. The most interesting thing about Wikipedia is a wide space for everyone to explore
  4. They mentor well
  5. Translation and the Igbo keyboard
  6. The fact that one can Edit and write more about our language and our culture. Language visibility is the most thing that interests me to always contribute.
  7. As an indigenous language activist, Igbo #Wikipedia provides me the leverage to project my indigenous language (Igbo) at the digital space.
  8. The indigenous uniqueness
  9. The fact that I can freely share knowledge and also partake in the sum of knowledge.
  10. It lovely and engaging
  11. Am happy to be among Igbo Wikipedia because it's helps me to learn my mother tongue editing
  12. It's very much easier as i can contribute with easier as a speaker of Igbo Language
  13. The continuous hunger for innovation.
  14. It's very interactive
  15. It is added advantage to me to understand Igbo
  16. Convenience
  17. The ability of everyone to edit, contribute and add to knowledge
  18. Overall it's just the joy of having Wikipedia in my own language and the opportunity of contributing to global knowledge in my local dialect.
  19. The translation process or part
  20. I love that it makes English articles available in our local language thereby encouraging free knowledge devoid of language barrier.
  21. Everything
    1. Tolerance
    2. Discipline
    3. Knowledge facts sharing
  22. Its vast experience and knowledge
  23. It’s easy to contribute in.
  24. The fact that it is aimed towards Circulating and bring about the awareness of the Igbo culture.
  25. It gives me the opportunity to discover the Igbo translation of some English words I assumed to know.
  26. The fact that, igbo culture is well represented by the search engine
  27. The sharing of knowledge in diverse field of life interests me about Igbo Wikipedia. The preservation of culture is part of it too.
  28. It makes me to ask questions and on a very good day i wouldn't think of asking about them.
  29. Edit a ton
  30. Telling our story in Igbo Language
  31. The translation of articles from English to Igbo language
  32. Edit a thon and Wiktionary
  33. I’m happy I’m making my language ie the Igbo language visible to the world
  34. The editing is easier because it is my mother tongue.
  35. The uniqueness of the contents added
  36. What interests me mostly about igbo Wikipedia is the fact that it gives me an opportunity to edit in my local language and it helps me to be more expressive.
  37. Availability
  38. The passion to making Igbo language universal
  39. The fact that I'm helping to make my language and culture visible in the digital world.
  40. They friendly nature of the people i met, the way they socialize and how much patient they exercise to educate us, to list but a few.
  41. The passion to making the Igbo language universal
  42. The fact that I am promoting Igbo language and culture
  43. The fact that I can read articles in Igbo language.
  44. The zeal of the Wikimedians and their workaholic spirit
  45. What interests me most about the Igbo Wikipedia is how the little edits I make on Wikipedia impacts the world positively by the knowledge gain.
  46. Their Consistency

Do you have any advice for the Igbo Wikipedia admins?

  1. They should keep up the good work
  2. Keep working hard
  3. No I don't
  4. Let the work continue with the same agility
  5. Always appreciate the newbie's whenever they publish a new article by sending them email or by writing on their talk page. #It helped to motivate me back then.
  6. They should come down and be more accessible and transparent
  7. I want to appreciate the admins for their effort to make Igbo #Wikipedia stand out but will also encourage them to check articles during contest because most editors deviate from the meaning the text try to convey but only translate to win a price. I know it's can't be that easy but If there should be a way so as to have the exact meaning in the target language.
  8. They are wonderful
  9. Keep the good work going
  10. Keep up your good work, God bless you all
  11. We should focus on human development. Recruitment and training of new editors so as to be able to keep up with the vast information Wikipedia has to offer.
  12. They are doing great and more hands are needed as Admins
  13. Y'all should keep up the good work you're doing and we'll keep supporting you guys and together we'll make the Igbo Wikipedia second to none.
  14. Yes to be more educating to new comers
  15. Prompt warning in the case of vandalism should be activated.
  16. Igbo Wikipedia admins have been awesome/tolerable over the time, I only advice they keep it up.
  17. Kudos to them
  18. Please organize more training sessions. Thank you and be strong
  19. They are really doing well. I will advise they continue to put us through.
  20. They should keep the good work moving for more innovation
  21. First, I would love to say a big thank you to the admins for a job well done so far. Keep improving all round.
  22. They have been doing great all this time and i advice them to keep it up.
  23. Equity fairness justice and inclusiveness
  24. My advice is that they should keep up the good work because they are doing well already.
  25. Prizes and more opportunities with less rigorous process should be enable
  26. They are doing well, but need to encourage the new Igbo editors.
  27. The admins are doing really great,but they should look into the area of unprofessionalism ... Yes, everyone can edit on #Wikipedia but there should work on how to review people's work before publication or create a space where professionals can proofread works posted by others before publication.
  28. Raise more persons that will be able to access grants and carry out project
  29. There are doing well and I know that they will do better. They are good at what they do.
  30. Mr Ben biko take it easy with people, we're like your children don't scold us much
  31. Raise more persons on how to access grants and carry out projects
  32. Well done 👍🏼 You're doing great! But I think you can publicize more.
  33. Just encouragement to keep doing what they're doing. Proud to be a member
  34. My advice is that they should not relent in what they are doing.
  35. Continue doing what you are doing

Goodwill messages

  Wikipedia Day 2023
  • Happy birthday to Wikipedia It's been good working with you guys. Many prosperous years ahead. - Ngene Blessing
  • I'm excited that I can preserve and digitize my language through you. Long live Wikipedia -Tochi Precious
  • Let the zeal continue and more to come we see wikimedia become more great again than this. Happy wikimedia day to all.-Obedmakolo
  • I love the open concept of Wikipedia. It's a good experience to read, edit and contribute to knowledge on Wikipedia. There's always something to be do on Wikipedia...I so much love the Language diversity.-Goodness Ignatius.
  • Happy Wikipedia Day 2023 to the Wikimedian community. Keep up the good work in providing free knowledge to all. Ndewo! -Adaora Obuezie
  • May God bless the Wikipedia foundation and am wishing Wikipedia more days of celebration...... -Mary Ogochukwu
  • Happy anniversary Wikipedia. I am proud to be a Wikimedia. Let's continue to strive to make knowledge open and accessible to all for equity and inclusion. -Dr Chiemezie Atama
  • Hurray!!!. A hearty congratulations to Wikipedia @22. Shine on 🎉🎈 Yours Sincerely,- Viva
  • I am so much Interested in the move of the wikimedia world , it's so much interesting to see another year again as editors and seeing wikimedia moving higher.
  • I heartly congratulate the Wikipedia Foundation on its 22nd Anniversary. I Wish the foundation a more fruitful and sustainable years ahead, touching lives in the area of free knowledge depository. With best Regards -Ngoudechi
  • Ana m asị Wikipidia "aṅụrị agbam afọ iri abụọ na abụọ" Ọdịnihu ga-amakari ọ... - Achukwu Onyinye Jane
  • Wikipedia is amazing and intriguing -Dr. Ngozi Perpetua Osuchukwu
  • Thank you Wikipedia for creating this platform that does not only enhance free knowledge but as well increases the visibility of indigenous languages. More productivity come next anniversary. -Iwuala Lucy
  • Frankincense Ifeanyi Diala is wishing Wikipedia a Happy 22 Years of Existence. Keep flourishing like the Cedars of Lebanon and the Olives of Israel.
  • More greater heights and many more things to accomplish -Ramzyshelby
  • I really appreciate everyone in the Igbo Wikipedia am happy to be among you all and happy birthday to our Wikipedia, May the good God keep us going
  • Judith is wishing Wikipedia wonderful happy return in Jesus name amen. Happy birthday Wikipedia
  • I go by the name Lebron jay and I just want to wish Wikipedia a very Happy Birthday.
  • Being a repository of free knowledge made accessible to just anyone is something that's worthy of being acknowledged and celebrated. Long live Wikipedia!
  • Long live the Wikimedia foundation, long live Wikipedia. Cheers to more knowledge. Happy birthday Wikipedia 🔥🔥 More success -Momoh Khadijat
  • Wishing many more years of celebration
  • Happy 22 years of free knowledge sharing, Happy 22 years of impacting lives, Happy 22 years of existence, More years to celebrate with greater achievements
  • Ndibo banyi mama nu dalu olu
  • Happy birthday the world wide open source of free knowledge movement. You have impacted many with the free knowledge disposition. Many happy returns to the entire community.
  • Hello I am Senator Choko wanna wish Wikipedia a happy birthday and more success and great ideas to the community...
  • I sincerely wish Wikipedia rapid growth. -Nelospecial
  • I wish Wikipedia a happy birthday on its 22years birthday and I hope it continues to get us close to the world.Thanks Wikipedia!🎉🎉🎉
  • I wish Wikipedia a smooth sail in attaining it's organizational goals & objectives this year.
  • More years to becoming the best among many others in this 2023. -Abubakar ibrahim
  • I celebrate Wikipedia @22 today. It has been an awesome one year experience contributing to Wikipedia in my language, Igbo, and I am willing to do more.
  • More years to celebrate free open knowledge and making the world a better place. Cheers-Mbenma Esther User(Chikeme Chizurum)
  • Wow, happy birthday to Wikipedia, as we Celebration you i pray that the rest of this year will be great for this family. -Adakaibe
  • Godspeed in all our endeavors Wikipidia!
  • Oke mbara Na-Enye mmụta, Nghọta, Amamihe na nkuzi ọgbara ọhụụ, Nnabata onye ikwu na onye nta. Mgbasa mmụta n'ụwa niile. Ọnwa zuru ụwa ọnụ. Ị dị afọ iri abụo na abụọ ugbu a. Ka ọgbụgba afọ gị mịta mkpụrụ Ezi mmụta, agamnihu, udo na Mbawanye. -Oby Ezeilo
  • Congratulations to Wikipedia @22 and many more years to Wikipedia. Bravo to the super community of editors, you guys rock. keep the ball rolling my language elites.
  • Happy birthday Wikipedia, the Igbo wiki network loves you. We appreciate your choice of including the Igbo language in the media. - Dr. Okafor O.E
  • I love Wikipedia and Wikimedia movement. Greater heights and more
  • Hi wiki, I just wanted to say a very big thank you, for giving me the privilege, exposure and opportunity to learn, edit and meet wonderful people around the world that I can learn from. I really appreciate all the help and enlightenment I have gotten,but most especially for bringing me this opportunity. It means a lot to me. With lots of thanks -Nwonwu Uchechukwu
  • Am glad that Wikipedia is growing especially Igbo Wikipedia. I congratulate the Wikipedia family on this Wikipedia day. May God grant us wisdom to do more.
  • We extend our best wishes to you on your fifteenth anniversary of service with the Doe Corporation. Throughout the years we have enjoyed your dedication and enthusiasm for your job.
  • To show our appreciation for your hard work, we invite you and your wife to attend the Doe Corporation's annual awards banquet next month. You will receive your complimentary tickets in the mail.
  • We wish you continued success for many years to come. Cheers to the accomplishments so far and to more in the future!
  • I kwesike Nkwachukwu Nuria (Dagentle) extend my best wishes to Wikipedia on her twenty second anniversary of service to the world at large. Throughout the years we have enjoyed your dedication in making sure the encyclopedia can be accessed and editted by anyone, support and enthusiasm towards world and Africa especially. I wish you continued success for many years to come.
  • I've been involved (as an editor on Wikipedia) for barely 3 months and it's been amazing- editing and translating articles on Igbo Wikipedia! Thanks for providing the platform to do this! Keep up the good work. I'm so happy to be part of this organization that works hard to make information available to everyone for free. Pray that God will reward you all abundantly.
  • Congratulations Wikipedia on your 22nd birthday. I celebrate you as an avenue for free knowledge, Reliable Informations and Access to open knowledge. Congratulations for the opportunity given to Contributors to build and develop their Media and Information skills. -Akwugo
  • Happy Anniversary Wikipedia and many more to come. Cheers
  • I Nwokoye Mmesoma Blessing (Excel Mimi) wishes Wikipedia happy birthday... Congratulations on your 22nd birthday Accept this as my token of gratitude for always being there.
  • Anam esoro ndi ozo no na otu anyi na ekele Wikipedia na mmeme afo iri abuo na abuo nke ha na eme. Aham bu -Babatope Ihuoma Sandra (Ph.D)
  • Cheers to Open knowledge, cheers to more contributions. Happy birthday Wikipedia - albertoblaq
  • Happy Anniversary Wikipedia -George Blessing
  • Wikipedia @22! Thank you for the impact. Long live Wikipedia!!