Wikipedia good articles

On this page we show the number of good articles on local wikipedias together with their rating criteria. However, some wikis will have different views of what a good article is.

GA - Good Articles
FGA - Former (Delisted) Good Articles

Number of good articles

Language # of GAs /
#GAs/#articles * 1000 Date GA criteria Consensus GA Removal Candidate # of FGA
Albanian 26 0.3 2024-03-21
Alemannic 91 3 2024-03-21 Yes Consensus is reached after one week if there are at least five supports and no objection. After one month a minimum of 75% support and at least 3 favourable votes are required. Nomination fails after three months. Yes
Arabic 710 0.6 2024-03-21 Yes All article nominations must go through a peer review phase, which takes anywhere from 21 to 60 days. If the article passes the review successfully, it moves on to a voting phase where it must receive a minimum of 75% support (at least 5 votes, including 2 votes from reviewers). Yes
Azeri 383 1.9 2024-03-21 Yes Yes
Bavarian 61 2.2 2024-03-21
Bengali 179 1.2 2024-03-21
Belarusian (Taraškievica) 151 1.7 2024-03-21 6
Breton 1 0 2024-03-21
Cantonese 73 0.5 2024-03-21 Yes 1
Catalan 171 0.2 2024-01-25
Cebuano 113 0 2024-03-21
Chinese 3043 2.1 2024-03-21 Yes Consensus and quorum are necessary. Consensus is reached after 1 week of voting. An article is promoted when it receives at least 6 votes net in support of the promotion. Yes 867
Classical Chinese 159 11.8 2024-03-21
Czech 767 1.4 2024-03-21
Danish 168 0.6 2024-01-25
English 39312 5.8 2024-03-21 3580
Esperanto 372 1 2024-03-21 Yes Yes
Estonian 79 0.3 2024-03-21
Finnish 503 0.9 2024-03-21
French 3969 1.5 2024-03-21
Galician 112 0.5 2024-03-21 Yes
German 4361 1.5 2024-03-21 Yes Consensus is built within 20 days. Preceding review is recommended. Yes
Greek 64 0 2024-03-21
Hungarian 497 0.9 2024-03-21
Icelandic 90 1.5 2024-03-21 Yes
Indonesian 202 0.3 2024-03-21 Yes Yes
Japanese 2069 1.5 2024-03-21
Latvian 110 0.9 2024-03-21
Lezgi 2 0.5 2024-03-21
Lithuanian 92 0.4 2024-03-21
Min Nan 16 0.5 2024-04-03
Norwegian 1013 11.3 2024-04-03
Occitan 28 0.3 2024-04-09
Polish 3655 2.3 2024-04-03 Yes Consensus is built within two weeks, if nobody has any objections (each must provide a specific rationale that can be addressed) Yes 217
Portuguese 1867 1.7 2024-04-03
Romanian 492 1.1 2024-04-03
Russian 4664 2.4 2024-04-03 Yes Yes 713
Serbian 404 0.6 2024-04-03 Yes Consensus and quorum is necessary. Consensus is reached after 1+1 week. Voting is taken place where at least 10 users must participate and where you need at least 80% "for" votes or at least 8 for votes if number of voters is below 10. Yes
Simple English 85 0.3 2024-04-03 Yes Yes 18
Spanish 3525 1.8 2024-04-03 Yes
Swedish 458 0.2 2024-04-03
Turkish 332 0.5 2024-04-03
Ukrainian 907 0.7 2024-04-03 Yes
Vietnamese 484 0.4 2024-04-03 Yes Yes

See also


More lists of Wikipedias by various criteria :  [ edit ]