Ka-ji̍p guán
Combatting cross-wiki spam takes a lot of manpower. By entering your name below, you can join the wikiproject and volunteer to serve as a point of contact when issues that affect your home wiki arise.
Please enter, under the header for your home wiki(s):
- lí-ê iōng-tsiá miâ-tshing
- the languages you can speak with enough skill to write a report in a community
- the best way to contact you
- if applicable, relevant local user rights or roles like administrator, checkuser, or SPI clerk
- if applicable, special skills you may be able to provide, like proxy checking, or helping with scripts and automation
- AFBorchert – contact me anywhere in English or German. Sysop at Commons & de-wp, member of VRT.
- DarwIn – contact me on meta (preferred), or pt-wp. Sysop in pt-wp & Commons, global renamer & member of VRTS team. Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
- Minorax – contact me on meta or commons. Global sysop and sysop at commons, wikidata.
- Aafi – contact me anywhere in English, Hindi, Urdu or Kashmiri. Sysop on Commmons and Urdu Wikipedia, global renamer and a VRT member!
- TaronjaSatsuma – contact me on ca-wp (preferred), or meta.
- AFBorchert – contact me anywhere in English or German. Sysop at de-wp & Commons, member of VRT.
- Itti – contact me on de-wp in English, German or French (though I will probably not reply in French, sorry); de-wp sysop
- Johannnes89 – contact me on any talk page, preferably on meta or dewiki (or just ping me); dewiki & metawiki sysop, steward.
- MBq – de-N, en-3, fr-2. Use Wiki-mail by preference since I'm sometimes offline for extended periods; de-wp sysop
- Millbart – contact me on de-wp or en-wp in English, German or French (though I will probably not reply in French, sorry)
- TenWhile6 – feel free to ping me or leave me a message on my talk page (anywhere). I'm a dewiki & metawiki sysop, global rollbacker, global sysop & abuse filter helper.
- MarioGom – contact me on en-wp (preferred), es-wp or meta.
- Nacaru – es-N, en-4, fr-4. Contact me through es-wp for a quicker answer.
- Blablubbs – contact me on any talk page of your choosing or ping me; de/en/fr/gsw; enwiki checkuser, experience with open proxy and VPN detection
- Beetstra – en.wp and meta admin, maintainer of User:COIBot and User:LiWa3 and the databases behind them (link additions). Contact me here or on en.wp.
- Firefly – best reached at my en-wp talk page. Bot operator on enwiki, know various programming languages, familiar with networking and proxies.
- GeneralNotability – enwiki sysop/abusefilter maintainer/SPI clerk/open proxy blocker, metawiki sysop (can maintain global abuse filters, too). en-N/es-1, prefer contact on my meta or enwiki talk pages.
- Giraffer – contact me on any talk page, but preferably en-wp or meta. en-N/fr-1; I'm not a sysop but I'm willing to help clean-up what I can as a regular user
- MarioGom – contact me on en-wp (preferred), es-wp or meta.
- MER-C — en.wp admin, abuse filter maintainer, ad-hoc coding and SQL, please contact me on enwp talk page
- TSventon – contact me on any talk page, but preferably en-wp or meta. (I'm not a sysop).
- TheresNoTime – enwp admin, checkuser & oversighter. Spend a fair amount of time on the Spam/UPE Sockpuppet Investigations.
- User:Smallbones - please contact me on enWiki, or better yet via email. I can still read Russian and a bit of French, but only write in English. I have no special skills, but I occasionally write up UPE or COI stories for The Signpost. (Some stories belong there, others don't) Please contact me if the story you have would benefit from public exposure.
- Arian - Contact me on meta, fa-wp or commons. I'm also usually lurking in #wikipedia-faconnect on IRC. I can help with proxy checking and automation. fa-N/en-4
- Bédévore — contact me on meta, en-wp or fr-wp; fr/en, can understand Italian; frwiki sysop
- Jules* — ping me preferably on the meta Wikiproject talkpage, or use my meta user talkpage; fr/en; frwiki sysop, VRTS team, abusefilter editor
- LaMèreVeille – contact me on en-wp or fr-wp
- Pa2chant.bis - ping me from anywhere or contact me preferably on my talkpage on fr-wp. fr-wp rollbacker, involved in the french antipub project. en-3, bur feel free to write in your own language if supported by Google translator.
- מקף📍 — he-N, en-3. Ping me anywhere (or: 💬💬). HeWiki Sysop; can also help with the other projects in Hebrew.
- ネイ – contact me on meta or jawiki. jawiki sysop, interface admin and abusefilter editor, global renamer. en-4, ja-4, zh-4.
- 20041027 tatsu - contact me on any talk page. Global rollbacker.
- DarwIn – contact me on meta (preferred), or pt-wp. Sysop in pt-wp & Commons, global renamer & member of VRTS team. Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
- Ferien – Contact me on simplewiki or anywhere that is most convenient. en-N, de-3, es-1 (simplewiki sysop)
- Eptalon – Contact me on simplewiki, or send me a mail; I am a checkuser, oversighter, bureaucrat and sysop on simplewiki (de-N,en-5,fr-5, es-3, ...)
- BRPever – Contact me on my talk page at meta or anywhere else. (simplewiki sysop, wikidata sysop and CU, and global sysop)
- Fehufanga – Contact me on simplewiki or anywhere else. id-N, en-4, zh-2. I am willing to assist in xwiki spam cleanup. (sysop on simplewiki, rollbacker on enwiki)
- User:A09 – Contact me on talkpage or send me mail. Admin (slwiki), rollbacker (Commons, Wikidata, enwiki). Sl-N, en-3, de-1
- Geonuch – contact me on th-wp (preferred), th-wb or meta. See all my rights in Wikimedia projects. th-N, en-2.
- ToprakM - Contact me via trwiki or metawiki. I am a Turkish Wikipedia sysop. I am also related to other Turkish projects.
- anerka - Contact me via trwiki/trwikivoyage or ping me on metawiki.
- Vincent Vega - Contact me via trwiki or meta. I am a sysop in tr.wikipedia.
- Yahya - Contact me on bnwiki or on meta. bnwiki and bn.wikivoyage (temporary) sysop. en-2, bn-N, bpy-2, as-1.
- MONUMENTA - Contact me on es-wikiversity or on meta. es-wikiversity sysop (temporary) en-2, es-n
- Ameisenigel – Contact me in English or German on my talk page at Wikidata
- Aafi — Sysop on ur-wiki, and Commons. Leave me a message anywhere in English, Urdu, Hindi or Kashmiri.
- Salazarov. I am a sysop on UzWiki. I am constantly active in my local wiki so I am glad to you when you contact me on my local and main talk page
- SCP-2000 - I am a rollbacker and SPI clerk on zhwiki. I am also a global rollbacker and VRT agent. Contact me on meta.