Wikiproject Witches/Translations

Persecuted witches


Witch hunts before the Middle

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Empress Chen Jiao (2. century BCE-110 BCE) Empress of China and first wife of Emperor Wu of Han + - - + - + - + 4 Q718077 17 +
2 Theoris of Lemnos (4. century BCE-4. century BCE) executed for witchcraft + - - + - - - + 3 Q29526216 11
3 Junia Lepida (18 CE-65 CE) descendant of emperor Augustus + + - + - - - + 4 Q2391729 17
4 Chu Fu (?) Chinese Han dynasty occultist (d. 130 BCE) + - - - - - - - 1 Q85881588 11
Zhang Liang (6. century-646, 655) Chinese chancellor + - - - - - - - 1 Q703666 19 +
Empress Meng (1073-1131) Chinese empress + - - - - - - - 1 Q5357910 17 +
7 Angéle de la Barthe (1230-1275) French witch + + - + - + + + 6 Q4764309 10
8 Ragnhild Tregagås (?) Accused and convicted for exercising witchcraft in Norway + - - - - - - - 1 Q7283197 8
Enguerrand de Marigny (1260-1315) French politician (1260-1315) + + - + + + + - 6 Q251884 20 +
Hugues Géraud (?) burned for witchcraft + - - + - - - - 2 Q3142547 13 +
11 Petronilla de Meath (1300-1324) Irish woman burnt for heresy + + + + + + - + 7 Q4156237 17
12 Katherine de Ronais (?) - - - - - - - - 0 Q66057205 10
13 Marion L'Estalée (?) French women condemned for witchcraft - - - - - - - - 0 Q50769419 14
14 Sibilla Zanni (?) executed for witchcraft - - - - - - - - 0 Q65119908 8
15 Pierina Bugatis (?) executed as witch in Milan - - - - - - - - 0 Q65145799 8
16 Jeannette Revergeade (?) French woman executed for witchcraft in Haute-Loire (France) - - - - - - - - 0 Q107338021 10
17 Jeanne de Brigue (?) French soothsayer accused of witchcraft (d. 1391) + - - + - - - - 2 Q3176214 11
18 Macette (?) - - - - - - - - 0 Q51616860 9
19 Stedelen (?) Swiss witch + - - + - + - - 3 Q7605585 11
Σ → Autolist→ gallery 13 4 1 9 2 5 2 5 41 avg: 2\5\27% 241  

Witch hunts from 1400



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Gilles de Rais (1405-1440) leader in the French army, companion-in-arms of Joan of Arc, convicted serial killer of children + + + + + + + + 8 Q311634 31 +
Catherine Deshayes (1640-1680) Alleged sorceress + + - + + + + + 7 Q442429 17 +
Urbain Grandier (1590-1634) French priest + + + + + + + + 8 Q726036 19 +
4 Adrienne d'Heur (1585-1646) Alleged French witch executed in 1585 + - - + - - - - 2 Q2825324 17
5 Abel Cartier (?) - - - - - - - - 0 Q59465497 11
Σ → Autolist→ gallery 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 25 avg: 5\3\63% 95  

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1 Helena Curtens (1722-1738) German executed for witchcraft + + - - - - + - 3 Q71222 17
2 Agnes Bernauer (1410-1435) Medieval German woman accused of witchcraft + + - + + + + - 6 Q76443 18 +
Sidonia von Borcke (1548-1620) Pomeranian noble executed for witchcraft + + - + + + - - 5 Q77264 18 +
4 Anna Schnidenwind (1688-1751) German executed for witchcraft + + - - - + - - 3 Q77861 17
5 Johannes Junius (1573-1628) Mayor of Bamberg and alleged witch (1573-1628) + + - - - + + - 4 Q78351 19
6 Anna Maria Schwegelin (1729-1781) Alleged German witch + + - + - + - + 5 Q87150 12 +
7 Katharina Haan (1581-1628) - + - - - - - - 1 Q1735904 11
Σ → Autolist→ gallery 6 7 0 3 2 5 3 1 27 avg: 4\3\48% 112  

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1 Matteuccia de Francesco (1388-1428) Alleged Italian witch + - - + + + - - 4 Q4948740 12
Σ → Autolist 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 avg: 4\1\50% 12  

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1 Alesoun Balfour (?) Scottish witch + - - + - - - - 2 Q26838323 17
Σ → Autolist 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 avg: 2\0\25% 17  

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1 Johann Albrecht Adelgrief (2. millennium-1636) Alleged German prophet + + - - - - - - 2 Q87461 15
Elisabeth Plainacher (1513-1583) Austrian witch + + - + + + - - 5 Q88208 12 +
3 Catherine Repond (1663-1731) Swiss woman executed for witchcraft + + - + + - + - 5 Q118984 16 +
Magda Logomer (b. 1706) person persecuted in witch hunt in Croatia + - - + - - - - 2 Q109943207 12 +
Anna Göldi (1734-1782) last European to be executed for witchcraft + + + + + + + - 7 Q123561 17 +
6 Issobell Gowdie (b. 1632) Alleged witch + + - + - + - - 4 Q276382 11
7 Maria Renata Saenger von Mossau (1680-1749) Nun executed for witchcraft + + - + - - + - 4 Q276462 17
8 Barbara Zdunk (1769-1811) executed for witchcraft in Poland + + - + + - - - 4 Q276500 12
Leonora Dori (1568-1617) Italian noble + + - + + + + - 6 Q291133 21 +
Gilles de Rais (1405-1440) leader in the French army, companion-in-arms of Joan of Arc, convicted serial killer of children + + + + + + + + 8 Q311634 31 +
11 Alice Kyteler (1263-unknown value) Hiberno-Norman noblewoman accused of witchcraft + + - + + + - + 6 Q388039 11
Catherine Deshayes (1640-1680) Alleged sorceress + + - + + + + + 7 Q442429 17 +
Catherine Cadière (1709-18. century) French woman alleged to be a witch + + - + - - - - 3 Q467924 16 +
14 Margarete von Alertshausen (1600-1629) executed as witch - + - + - - - - 2 Q542765 11
Katharina Henot (1570-1627) German accused of witchcraft + + - + + + - - 5 Q547021 20 +
16 Anna Witthovedes (16. century-1585) executed for witchcraft - + - - - - - - 1 Q563631 13
17 Amina bint Abdul Halim bin Salem Nasser (?) executed for witchcraft - - + + - - - - 2 Q691649 10
Zhang Liang (6. century-646, 655) Chinese chancellor + - - - - - - - 1 Q703666 19 +
Urbain Grandier (1590-1634) French priest + + + + + + + + 8 Q726036 19 +
20 Anaxilaus (?) Greek philosopher and physician + - + + + + + + 7 Q760203 6
21 Christina Morhaubt (2. millennium-1627) victim of the Bamberg witch trials + + - - - + - - 3 Q1083224 14
22 Dorothea Flock (1608-1630) alleged witch + + - - - + - - 3 Q1246190 15
23 Grete Adrian (1610-1655) executed as witch - + - - - - - - 1 Q1445319 14
24 Klemus Bjarnason (?) last person condemned for witchcraft in Iceland + - - - - - - - 1 Q1652698 5
25 Thuridur Olafsdottir (?) icelandic witch + - - - - - - - 1 Q1661465 11
26 Katharina Steb (2. millennium-1666) German woman convicted of and executed for witchcraft - + - - - - - - 1 Q1735997 13
27 Margery Jourdemayne (1400-1441) English witch; cunning woman (before 1415 – 1441) + + - + - - - + 4 Q1895244 13
28 Pieter Dhondt (?) - - + - - - - - 1 Q1928477 8
Tituba (1650-unknown value) 17th-century slave woman + - - + + + + + 6 Q1986812 14 +
30 Marigje Arriens (16. century-1591) Alleged 16th-century Dutch witch + + + - - - - - 3 Q2159791 16
31 Mechteld ten Ham (?) Alleged Dutch witch + + + - - - - - 3 Q2191943 8 +
32 Junia Lepida (18 CE-65 CE) descendant of emperor Augustus + + - + - - - + 4 Q2391729 17
33 Johan Prickelke (?) condemned as werewolf - - + - - - - - 1 Q2410768 5
34 Cathelyne Graeve (1566-1611) executed for witchcraft in Belgium - + + + - - - - 3 Q2428285 13
35 Martha van Wetteren (1646-1684) condemned for witchcraft + - + - - - - - 2 Q2610353 10
36 Adrienne d'Heur (1585-1646) Alleged French witch executed in 1585 + - - + - - - - 2 Q2825324 17
37 Abigail Hobbs (b. 1678) teenage girl arrested for witchcraft in Salem + - - + - + - - 3 Q4667683 13
38 Abel Cartier (?) - - - - - - - - 0 Q59465497 11
39 Abraham Babelley (?) executed for witchcraft in Switzerland - - - - - - - - 0 Q59463914 11
40 Adelheid Muggli (?) executed for witchcraft in Switzerland - - - - - - - - 0 Q54650696 15
41 Adelheita Düggeli (?) executed for witchcraft in Zurich - - - - - - - - 0 Q55500465 12
Σ → Autolist→ gallery→ timeline 29 25 11 23 12 14 9 8 131 avg: 3\16\40% 561  

North America



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1 Ama Hemmah (1938-2010) executed for witchcraft + - - + - + - - 3 Q54239065 10
2 Amina bint Abdul Halim bin Salem Nasser (?) executed for witchcraft - - + + - - - - 2 Q691649 10
3 Fawza Falih (?) Woman condemned to death for practicing witchcraft + - - + - - - - 2 Q4117217 11
Σ → Autolist 2 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 7 avg: 2\1\29% 31  

Contemporary persecutions





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Wikidata st.
1 Loudun possessions Notorious witchcraft trial in Loudun, France in 1634 + + - + + + + - 6 Q1500771 3 +
Louviers possessions event of alleged demonic possession in 1647, which led to the conviction of the nun Magdelaine Bavent + - - + - + - - 3 Q6689886 4 +
3 Affair of the Poisons murder scandal in France during the reign of Louis XIV + + + + + + + - 7 Q1248576 4 +
4 Westfalen witch trials witch trials - + - - - - - - 1 Q1616855 4
Σ → Autolist→ gallery 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 0 17 avg: 4\2\53% 15  

Witch hunters

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1 Pierre de Lancre (1553-1631) French judge and witch hunter + + - + + + - - 5 Q2252953 15 +
2 Ulrich de Torrenté (unknown value-unknown value) inquisitor and witch chaser - - - + - - - - 1 Q11837368 11
Johannes Nider (1380-1438) German theologian + + - + + + - + 6 Q66836 18 +
Σ → Autolist→ gallery 2 2 0 3 2 2 0 1 12 avg: 4\2\50% 44