Wikiradio (tool)
Wikiradio internet bidezko zuzeneko audio zerbitzua da. Zerbitzu honek hainbat irrati-estazio eskaintzen ditu, musika mota guztiak eta baita Wikipediako artikuluak hizkuntza desberdinetan ere, Wikimedia Commonsen eskuragarri daudenak. Soinuak komunitateak aukeratzen ditu, Wikipedian edo Wikimedia Commonsen nabarmendutako lanak bereizten diren bezalaxe.

Zer da Wikiradio?
Rather than listening to several audio files in Wikimedia Commons, which require clicking "play" one after another, the Wikiradio tool works not as a radio streaming service, but instead as a synchronized (with UTC time) set of tracks so that everybody can hear at the same time, simulating a radio.
How I can add my station?
- Create a page in meta with your dayparting with your music list like [[Wikiradio (tool)/playlist/<my_Station>]]
- For example, for clasic music station we have Wikiradio (tool)/playlist/classic
- Edit the Template:Wikiradio (tool)/stations and add your station like {{RadioUrl|<my_station>|<My_station>}},
- For example, for classic music we have {{RadioUrl|classic|Classic}}
- Ready, now you can listen your music in Wikiradio page!!
- Note: Alternatively, you can archive your dayparting and ask for an administrator to protect those pages.
How does Wikiradio software work?
Wikiradio loads javascript pages dynamically from meta pages to make the dayparting. This is thus in order that the community can choose the music to be placed in these pages. Please edit the page of the station when you want hear your music.
Ikus, gainera