Wikisource Community User Group/Wikisource community survey 2013 report

As part of the Wikisource revitalization effort undertaken by the Wikisource Community User Group (WCUG) and with support from the Wikimedia Foundation, a survey was open for all Wikisource users and stakeholders to voice their opinion. It is expected that the results can provide an insight about the priorities of the Wikisource community, which in turn can help both volunteers and external organizations to get involved to solve detected defficiencies.

The initial draft can be found here: few tweaks were made to customize the survey yo the Qualtrics sofwtare (gently provided by the Wikimedia Foundation).



The survey was composed of 21 questions proposed by volunteers from the Wikisource mailing list and members of the WCUG. The questions range from general demographics questions (age, language, etc), to light technical questions and free text input. The questions were peer-reviewed and further corrected by volunteers from all over the world who translated the survey into 11 languages. The survey started from Oct 17 till Oct 31st, it was announced in all major Wikisource communities, and on the mailing lists. Additionally some communities made use of the MediaWiki sitenotice to give prominence to the survey for potential visitors to participate in the survey as well.

All data is published here (PDF, csv) with all sensible private information removed.


The present analysis and data have been conducted and translated by users. This is not a scientific analysis, and we apologize if translations or analysis did misunderstand the responses. some data are not present in this page, as vandalisms an juvenile answers to the survey questions.



Based on the relatively small size of the international community, it was stablished that 100 answers would suffice to guarantee a relevance of the results. When the survey was closed the number of completed answers amounted to 251 answers. The drop-out rate was significanly high, with the most answered question having 193 answers (Tasks I perform for Wikisource) and 40 answers the least answered question (free text field to express wishes).

General (Q1)


More than half the participants disclosed their gender (ca. 60% male, 7% female, 33% unknown), and their home community, which correlates with the size of the communities, with most answers coming from users in Italy, USA, France, Israel and Germany; Italy had the survey promoted in the sitenotice for days, and this explain the highest number of respondents. The age of the respondents ranges from 13 to 70 years, with the highest concentration between the ages of 20 and 40. These values are shared with similar surveys of Wikimedia users.


Country Responses
Armenia 1
Australia 9
Austria 3
Belgium 1
Brazil 2
Canada 4
Denmark 1
Finland 1
France 33
Germany 17
Greece 2
Hungary 1
India 7
Israel 20
Italy 41
Japan 1
Netherlands 3
Norway 1
Pakistan 1
Peru 2
Poland 9
Russian Federation 7
Serbia 2
Singapore 1
South Africa 2
Spain 8
Sweden 4
Switzerland 2
Taiwan 1
Ukraine 14
United Kingdom 13
United States 35
Uruguay 2


Sex Responses
F 18
M 149
Unknown 79

Tasks (Q2)


About 65% of the Wikisourcerors that have answered the survey state that their main task is proofreading, followed by formatting (55%), importing from other digital libraries (37%)and scanning (25%). Only 10% (19 users) write software or tools. A 45% of the responders declare themselves mainly readers/supporters.

Q2. Tasks I perform for Wikisource (193 responses)
Scanning 47 24%
Proofreading 125 65%
Formatting 107 55%
Importing from other digital libraries 72 37%
Writing software/bots 19 10%
I'm a reader / supporter 86 45%

Specifics of each language community (Q3, 5, 6, 7, 8)


Most users report that their Wikisource community uses the Proofread extension (about 90% of users that knew about it), while only 10 users report that their Wikisource doesn't use it (causes: poor i18n support of Japanese, sometimes links to Commons are easier, other). For 88% of users "text backed by scans" is the preferred material, followed by digital-born texts (65%) and manually transcribed texts of offline books (50%). Copied and pasted texts only have support from 44% of answers. The Proofread extension is used in the vast majority of Wikisources: only 5% of respondents say their Wikisource doesn't use it (bit 34% doesn't know; probably, they do not associate the "text back with scan" with the software extension).

A wide majority of Wikisourcerors report that their communities link both to Wikisource itself (wikilinks) and to sister projects (interlinks). Less popular seem to be in the current situation user translations and annotations (70% and 60% respectively). However, it is quite significant to note that for each one those that report that their Wikisource doesn't support either, there is a user that expresses their wish of support for both. Specifically, an ample majority (65%) shows in favor of supporting user generated translations. When asked how, it seems that both a different namespace and customisation of Extension:Translate are liked almost equally (31% and 36%, respectively).

Q3. What is allowed in your Wikisource? - stats
Yes No No, but I'd like it to Total responses Mean
User generated translations 91 20 14 125 1.38.00
Annotations 66 32 15 113 1.55.00
Wikilinks (links to authors and works on Wikisource ex.) 124 12 6 142 1.17.00
Interlinks (links to Wikipedia or other sister projects) 123 10 9 142 1.20.00
Other 6 2 1 9 1.44.00
Q3. What is allowed in your Wikisource? - graph & comments
  • Citations of authors and works via templates
  • Einbindung Bild/Ton (German: integration of images and sound)
  • Interlinks via Annotations
  • משחקים המבוססים על טקסטים (Hebrew: games based on source texts)
  • Autoren- und Themenseiten (Nachweis externer Digitalisate) (German: author- and subject-pages).
  • proofreading, adding/correcting bibliographical reference
  • Comparison pages
  • Bibliography within author pages
  • transcriptions
Q5. Should Wikisource accept user translations - stats
Responses Percent
Yes 127 65%
No 37 19%
No opinion / don't know 31 16%
Total 195 100%
Q5. Should Wikisource accept user translations - graph
Q6. If yes, user translations should be... - stats
Responses Percent
On a different namespace 59 36%
With a specific extension, like this one. 51 31%
No opinion/don't know 56 34%
Total 166 100%
Q6. If yes, user translations should be... - graph
Q7. Does your Wikisource use the Proofread extension? - stats
Responses Percent
Yes. We only accepts books backed with scans. 18 9%
Yes. We mostly accepts books backed with scans. 82 43%
Yes. We accepts books backed with scans, but they are few. 16 8%
No. 10 5%
Don't know 65 34%
Total 191 100%
Q7. Does your Wikisource use the Proofread extension? - graph & comments
  • It is not necessarily suitable to Japanese top-to-bottom writing mode.
  • It is used sometimes. But usually we use books backed with scans that are not edited with facing pages. Rather, a link is provided to the scan at Commons or offsite.
  • יש הרבה ספרים על בסיס של סריקה זמינה ברשת, אבל לאו דווקא באתר עצמו. בספרים רבים לא נוח לערוך אותם לפי דפים מסיבות טכניות. (Hebrew: there are many texts based on scans available elsewhere on the Web, but not necessarily on Commons. Many books are not easy to edit page-by-page for technical reasons.)
  • I do it manually from the existing source of books or my blog only
Q8. In my opinion, Wikisource should include - stats
Responses Percent
Copied and pasted texts (ie. without scans) 83 44%
Manually transcribed text from offline books (ie. without scans) 97 52%
Born digital texts (ie. not physically printed) 122 65%
Texts backed by page scans 165 88%
Q8. In my opinion, Wikisource should include - graph
Total responses

Global community (Q4, 12, 13)




The ideal partnership for Wikisource according to 80% of answers would be the Internet Archive. As a second choice (bracket 60-70%) there would be Project Gutenberg and the Open Library. Finally, as less preferred Google Books and OKFN (50-60%). Answers given as free text also provide interesting suggestions like national or local libraries, OCR manufacturers (ABBYY), IMSLP and other.

Q4. I would like Wikisource to partner with - stats
Number of votes Percent
Project Gutenberg 102 69%
Internet Archive 117 80%
Google Books 80 54%
Open Library 96 65%
Open Knowledge Foundation 78 53%
Other 55 37%
Q4. I would like Wikisource to partner with - graph & other suggested partnerships
Total Responses
  • Aozora Bunko
  • Public National Libraries
  • Biblioteca Cervantes
  • Biggest Ukrainian libraries
  • National Library of Australia
  • Opal Università di Torino
  • ICDL
  • any real library, really
  • BNF
  • GLAM
  • OPAL Torino
  •, אתר דעת (Hebrew:
  • Libraries
  • פרוייקט השו"ת, די בי אס, פרויקט בן-יהודה, דעת, היברו-בוקס... כל המרבה הרי זה משובח (The Responsa Project, DBS(?), Project Ben-Yehuda,,, the more the merrier)
  • LiberLiber
  • היברו בוקס (Hebrew:
  • (OCLC)
  • real world libraries around the world
  • Bibliotheken (German: Libraries)
  • IMLSP, ChoralWiki
  • international music score library project (IMSLP)
  • Wikilivres (French: Wikibooks)
  • Gallica, Bayerishe
  • LibriVox for audible texts
  • Depends on what you mean by a partnership.
  • Historical national libraries
  • Local initiatives
  • Gallica
  • GLAMs directly
  • everyone
  • Productive University libraries that have access to books which haven't yet been scanned
  • Every other one there is, because this is amazingly useful.
  • UK National Archives
  • Jstor & HathiTrust, & Universities
  • Project Runeberg
  • פרויקטים שעושים עבודה דומה אבל משום מה לוקחים זכויות יוצרים על הטקסט (Hebrew: projects doing similar work but that claim copyright for some reason)
  • other small online libs, created by enthusiasts, in Armenia we have 3-4 such online libraries
  • Wolne Lektury
  • VIAF
  • Hathi Trust, journal publishers
  • פרויקט בן-יהודה (Hebrew: Project Ben-Yehuda)
  • Penguin; Pleiade; Unesco;
  • World Cat
  • WorldCat
  • Everyone. Every digital library out there is a potential ally
  • local libraries
  • Russian State Library, ABBYY
  • runivers,
  • דעת, היברו-בוקס, פרוייקט השו"ת, פרוייקט בן יהודה, תורת אמת (Hebrew:,, Responsa project, Project Ben-Yehuda, Torat Emet)
  • Europeana, Creative Commons, Open Science project, UNESCO
  • there are tons and tons of books to be digitized we just don't have them.



GLAMs are also a source of potential partnerships with about 56% of users wishing partnerships. There are different hurdles identified by users, lack of volunteers of some language versions, software obsolescence (many repetitive tasks are done manually, old editing interface). It is also noted that atomization on core subjects is very detrimental for reaching external organizations as a group (different copyright policies, different policies on scans, etc).

The answers regarding specific partnerships are too diverse to sumarize and should be weighted individually (see Q13).

Q12. Are you, as a Wikisource user, interested in GLAM partnerships with Wikisource?
Response Number of responses Percent
Yes 93 56%
No 14 8%
I don't know 48 29%
I'd like to, but Wikisource is not ready yet. Here's why: 10 6%
Total 165 100%
Q12. Are you, as a Wikisource user, interested in GLAM partnerships with Wikisource? - graph & comments
I'd like to, but Wikisource is not ready yet. Here's why
  • As for Japanese Wikimedian environment, there are little touch with GLAM now.
  • Danish wikisource isn't ready anyway, due to the low number of contributors.
  • not enough editors
  • The editing environment is not suitable.
  • Absence of what exactly is the Wikisource project. Each language subdomain have their own rules. IMHO is a epic error maintaining subdomains *based on languages and a very epic error allowing to language communities making decisions on core subjects like copyright and acceptance of translations, works without scans etc
  • I have not wandered into the specifics of GLAM. I use wikipedia, wikisource, and wikiCommons since 2006 under other names such as Brother Officer &c.
  • Not enough participants
  • Insufficiently large userbase. The GLAM projects I've participated in dwindled pretty quickly.
  • Wikisource non riesce a importare o esportare il testo e i suoi metadati in modo strutturato. Non riusciamo a importare XML da altre biblioteche digitali, non riusciamo ad esportarlo. Non riusciamo a "ridare" indietro alle biblioteche digitali che ci regalano le loro scansioni un testo corretto, in modo che loro possano reinserirlo nel loro djvu. Tutto è sempre fatto a mano.
Q13. Explain what you would like to see. Which kind of partnerships and collaboration would you like Wikisource to have?
Total responses: 66
Aozora-bunko have a good collection on Modern Japanese literature, but their closed system would have a space of collaborating with wiki based system. Collabolation with Japanese GLAM, who still hold their collections in close, is still in stage of understanding each other. If they will go to open their belongings, we can make many manuscripts into common property.
Every Main state library. Congress Library, Biblioteca Cervantes, French Library
Gutemberg: importing tools (i.e. som tricks of their proofreading interface) Internet Archive: integration of wikisource transscriptions into their files
It would be nice to have access to OCR text that can be conveniently used, searched, etc.
Wikisource gets help from these organizations to transcribe works into plain text
Better integration for reimporting books from Internet Archive and Google Books to Commons and Wikisource. Colllaboration with the largest national libraries should make it easier to access scanned books that are in possession of libraries but are not made public or made public in the restrictive way. Wikisource and Wikidata should have all information that is in Open Library
Integrazione totale con gli altri porgetti
Possibility to use at least public domain materials from those sources - sometimes rare books are available on these projects but not available anywhere else
I wish the various institutions showed more interest in using our texts. Access to scanned texts is currently more than plentiful already so that is not an area of interest. But reuse of our works seems rare, and I believe it is something that could direct potential contributors our way. (Lack of contributors being the only real problem for us.)
It would be nice to have a scan-on-demand shared team of volunteers, with enough credentials to gain access to physical libraries. They would typically centralize the demands of books that are not available through the Internet yet and provide all those online libraries with the relevant scans.
Scambio di metadati con noi e di trascrizioni con le biblioteche che ci offorno metadati e pdf/djvu/immagini
I meet public library staff, in order to organise public workshop for Wikisource contribution in libraries.
Probably all those ilsted and more. I don't know the issues and constraints which would be costly or difficult. Mainly I want it to be easy for Wikisourcers to upload documents that matter to themselves. Internet Archive and Hathitrust have been especially useful for me personally.
Das Internet Archive nimmt Medien zur Digitalisierung an. Gemeinsam könnten Medien erworben und eingesandt werden.
Es sollte darum gehen, Ressourcen zu bündeln. Vor allem im Korrekturlesen sind diese sehr beschränkt und sollte sich nicht auf viele Projekte verteilen.
שימוש בסריקות ובטקסט מעוצב. (Hebrew: use of scans and formatted text.)
Projets de relecture communs (French:Common projects proofreading)
Libraries to scan key holdings and make available to Wikisource for transcription
הייתי רוצה שכל הטקסטים יהיו בויקיטקסט כך שיהיה אפשר ליצור קישורים ביניהם. (Hebrew: I'd like to see all texts on wikitext, so we'd be able to link between them.)
Promotion of some kind. Wikisource does not need more source texts (it would take years to even put a dent into the current supply). Wikisource needs editors to proofread texts; and, obviously, readers (who will hopefully become editors in time).
Uso di internet archive al posto di commons, se solo fosse possibile.
Keine ungeprüfte Zusammenarbeit mit den Massendigitalisierern. Wikisource hat den großen Vorteil, von Menschen geprüfte Qualität zu bieten. Wir brauchen nicht noch ein Angebot wie WorldCat, GoogleBooks etc. mit den Milliarden Fehlern.
בשכתוב המגילות העתיקות שנמצאו במדבר יהודה ודומיהם בעולם (Hebrew: transcribe the Qumran scrolls and similar manuscripts.)
Allow more original (self-created) content so that individuals may contribute educational materials (like translations) to Wikisource
Eviter d'avoir des sources en double, que les textes relus et validés remplacent les simples OCR --pas tjrs très au point-- de Int. Arch... (liens inter-projets vers les sources-scan si il n'existent pas d'un coté, ou inversement, vers les textes)... Mais... No GoogleBook : Le risque avec GoogleBook est qu'il pique l'info, puis la rende indisponible (business!) (French:Avoid having sources twice, that proofread and validated text replace simple OCR - not always well developed - from Internet Archive... (inter-project links to the sources-scan if it does not exist on one side or vice versa, to the texts) ... But ... No GoogleBook: The risk is that with GoogleBook steal infos, then make unavailable (business!))
כל מקור אפשרי של מידע. כמו reference desk עולמי, עיתונים מגזינים, פרסומים מדעיים... הכל. לפחות הקשר (link) למידע. לכן חובה להפעיל מנוע חיפוש יותר טוב מגוגל. מילתו המפתח חייבות להיות מרוכזות יחד בטקסט, ולא מפוזרות בלי שום קשר. גוגל והחיפוש המקומי שלנו מוצא יותר מדי ענינים וקשה למצוא בדיוק את הנדרש. (Hebrew: any possible source of information. Like a global reference desk, newspapers, magazines, academic articles... everything. At least a link to the information. Therefore we must operate a better search engine than Google. Keywords must be concentrated together in the text, not strewn about without rhyme or reason. Google and our own search current finds too much, and it's difficult to find what you're actually looking for.)
With music libraries. More features for integration of sheet music.
Mise en commun de ressources (partage plus direct de livres numérisés, etc.), principalement.
Per esempio riguardo alla musica se/quando (o lo è già?) sarà disponibile l'estensione lilypond per il software wiki
School partnerships would make a difference.
Libre circulation des documents et des travaux
Partnerships with National Archives, especially.
Con le scuole. Coinvolgere classi di studenti rilettori con una specie di sfida nazionale tra gli istituti. Premiazione finale. Sarei molto contento se si riuscisse a diffondere la wikicultura nelle scuole medie e superiori
Qualunque tipo di collaborazione che permetta di aumentare il patrimonio librario su Wikisource e che permetta di migliorare la trascrizione dei libri (con riferimento soprattutto ai manoscritti pre-1800).
Work with local archives to digitize their material, much as the Mormon Church has done with vital records held by churches.
sex and orno
Possibilità di importare metadati e testi
Digitization access, curationship expertise
Améliorer la recherche de sources à mettre en forme auprès des fournisseurs comme IA ou Google Books (renseignements sur les sources plus complets et plus précis), améliorer la diffusion des titres mis en formes auprès de l'Open library ou de l'OKF en leur transmettant des métadonnées de bonne qualité. (French: Improve sources research to shape from suppliers like Google Books or IA (information on the most comprehensive and accurate sources), improve the distribution of proofread documents to the Open library or OKF transmitting them good quality metadata.)
A way for the community to decide on books to request to be scanned that are not currently available online (perhaps with a certain amount of Wikimedia funds given to the project to allow this to happen).
Er, I would like to know what exactly wikisource is. i thought it was somewhat like project gutenberg, but phrases like your wikisource seem to contradict this, and now i'm confused. to whom do I owe the great amount of information that I have gotten from wikisource?
A wide range of topics from Reputable sources
I would have to know more details. I do not go looking for partnerships. I remain in wikipedia (2006), wikicommons(2006) and wikisource(2009) and I am on these areas every day and many nights. I am retired and these are my hobbies of greatest interest. I do not trust Google as far as $elling books go - they will sell with mistakes- untrustworthy. Jastor (sp?) & HathiTrust, & Universities
partnerships and collaboration with GNU savannah! Well, this survey is about dreams, so the mine is to edit content in emacs as we do online, but also commit changes to git repo… For that we need a workflow and news tools, but IMHO, the sources we are working on should be seen as source code, the data shoud be available before packaging in readable formats. We could also allow people working separately as in GitHub, others in a central repo on wikisource to merge many contributions… But the most important for me is working on emacs offline… under git… Just a note to say that I oppose partnerships and collaboration with non-free platforms, including Google
Anything and everything that'll make Wikisource the best, most comprehensive and most user-friendly site for free source texts.
Direct import of scans. Mutual advertising to increase awareness of Wikisource and what its contributors do.
I would like to see our content re-used. When I take book scans from Internet Archive, I would like to be able to give back the text proofread and verified on Wikisource to replace the OCR-ef text (full of errors) that they have.
Mainly on (i) developing author pages as a deeper bibliographical resource with external links, (ii) importing more reference works into Wikisource, and (iii) cleaning up online metadata (i.e. cataloguing) information about works.
Any and every institution that has material we can transcribe which falls into our inclusion criteria.
I would like to see wikisource partner with long-running scientific journals, museums, and scientific societies in order to get the older literature accessible to more people. In particular, scientist and naturalists who study the names and classification of living things need to be able to access the literature where names, species, and classifications were published. Making the old literature availble would assist Wikisource, Wikipedia, and Wikispecies. I would also like to see partnerships with libraries to make available the literature of, corrspondence from, and related publications of major authors, so that schools worldwide can access Shakespeare's "first Folio", Milton's drafts and revisions of "Paradise Lost", newspaper articles of Mark Twain, etc. Wikisource can also function as the underlying database of literature for Wiktionary. Just as the Oxford English Dictionary uses published literature to support and show examples of usage for the definitions of English words, so Wiktionary uses quotations from literature (of all languages) to support definitions and demonstrate usage in context. A larger corpus of literature, in ALL languages, will benefit the Wiktionaries immensely.
Ideally, I would like to see wikiSource be able to partner with pretty much any internet archive for joint efforts in disseminating the images and easily readable texts of public domain documents.
Zoveel mogelijk universeel belangrijke teksten on line brengen in alle belangriike wereldtalen. Via crowdfunding professionele vertalers in betaalde dienst nemen. De Unesco zou een rol kunnen spelen in het vaststellen van de teksten die voor een dergelijk project in aanmerking komen.
Stumbled onto this page from a Wikipedia page on what is enlightenment.
For sharing of knowledge.
Vorrei che WS avesse collaborazioni con tutti i progetti che hanno attività simili sul web. WS è l'unica piattaforma che compie controllo umano e volontario dell'OCR, e potenzialmente siamo interessanti per tutte le biblioteche digitali là fuori (Google Books, Internet Archive, ecc.) Mi piacerebbe che noi potessi prendere i nostri dati bibliografici dai cataloghi delle biblioteche di tutto il mondo, e che potessi prendere dei djvu da una biblioteca e restituire un nuovo djvu con il testo corretto. Mi piacerebbe importare con pochi click un libro da GB su Commons e poi su Wikisource. Mi piacerebbe che ci fosse sinergia fra questi progetti.
I would like Wikisource (or more specifically the Proofread Page extension) to support indexing of external files (files stored outside of Wikisource or Wikimedia Commons).
More digitized books by libraries, Colloboration with commercial ORC software vendors, Sponsioring of open-source OCR projects.
Links to authors and works, the feature of automatic recognition and export from specified web-sites to Wikisource
אישור שימוש בטקסטים מהמקורות הנל ובתמורה נתינת טקסטים משלנו. (Hebrew: get permission to publish from other sources, giving our own texts in return.)
Col·laboració amb editorials que publiquen amb llicències lliures i copyleft per reproduir-ne els llibres de forma automatizada inclosos dins els protocols de producció.
Col·laboració amb organismes públics que publiquen en domini públic o amb llicències lliures per protocolaritzar la càrrega a viquisource.
Amb arxius que tenen documents al domini públic i que ja els tenen digitalitzats i transcrits per bolcar-los, que ja els tenen digitalitzats però no transcrits o no revisats per col·laborar-hi, que facin servir Wikisources per fer crowdsoucing i rebre col·laboració. Fer wikimaratons per ajudar a transcriure i revisar textos específics.
Amb centres d'estudis locals o sectorials que publiquen en revistes locals (en paper o online) per arribar a acords amb els autors i publicar articles o monogràfics (en terriotris parla catalana es podria fer acord amb Fundació Ramon Muntaner que els coordina i que en publica les revistes online).
Amb entitats rellevants en determinats sectors que publiquen diagnòstics, informes o llibres blancs sobre el seu sector i que podrien protacolitzar incloure'ls a wikisources.

Funds (Q21)


If the Wikisource community had funds to manage, according 65% of the users the top priority should be to spend them improving the software. Purchasing rare books and scanning equipment are the second choice. The last priority according to users should be commercial OCR software and proofreading grants (least wished).

Q21. If the Wikisource community had funds to manage, they should be spent on 1 2 3 4 5
Improving the software 63 25 34 16 4
Purchasing rare books to be made publicly available 34 28 33 25 22
Scanning equipment 17 43 28 35 19
Commercial OCR licenses for the community 15 26 28 35 38
Proofreading grants 13 20 19 31 59
Total 142 142 142 142 142

Technical platform (Q9, 10, 11, 15)


Wish list


The most wished development is an integrated ePub exporter (almost 40% list it at prio 1). After this, localized OCR (25%), improved workflow and wikidata (both with ca. 15%). As for future developments, software support for annotations (53%), bots to read aloud text (42%) and a research environment with entity detection similar to Perseus Library (38%) are the main favourites. TEI markup and gamification have a support of equal or less than 30%. Comments also highlight the need to improve the transcription of music scores and it is recommended to read them all.

Q11. What do you think are the core priorities for the Wikisource community? - stats
(1 = most important. 9= less important.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total responses Mean
Integrated EPUB exporter, active in every Wikisource 53 21 17 14 11 9 5 10 1 141 3.09
Localized OCR, with possibility of training in every language (eg. ABBYY Finereader) 31 20 17 22 17 14 9 11 0 141 4.16
Better and easier workflow 18 22 27 13 25 11 19 6 0 141 4.02
Wikidata integration 14 13 14 15 15 28 19 22 1 141 5.39
Visual Editor in the Page namespace 9 9 4 18 15 20 35 26 5 141 6.10
Metadata management system 8 28 28 27 23 17 7 2 1 141 4.28
Other 4 1 1 0 0 2 5 1 127 141 8.56
Import and export for both text and metadata in different formats (eg. HTML, XML) 3 19 17 16 19 21 7 35 3 140 5.24
Visual Editor in the main namespace 1 8 16 16 16 19 35 28 2 141 6.14
Total 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 140
Q10. What do you think are the core priorities for the Wikisource community? - graph & other suggested partnerships
  • Any useless staff
  • possibility to visualise and export a text as a single file (not split in chapters)
  • תצוגה אנטילגנטית של תוצאות החיפוש, מניעת כפילויות (Hebrew: intelligent display of search results, preventing duplicates)
  • Raising awareness of project to increase editor numbers
  • with the exception of OCR, i don't know what all these are.
  • To supply clear information with the ability for feedback for correction if information incorrect.
  • Improved Score extension
  • support for many-to-many interwiki links in Wikidata
  • lepszy i łatwiejszy import do pdf i doc/odt
  • For this space -- see what I wrote about the "Wikisource of your dreams" I don't know what "metadata management system" is and I have no interest in that. I am on wikisource for years now because I enjoy * working with and saving old books and illustrations as well as making friends and that's it.
  • Emacs and git support
  • More interproject collaboration and more prominent interproject linking
  • More texts, especially core literature
  • geen idee, geen technische kennis


Q15. What would you like to see in the future of Wikisource? Responses Percent
Annotations 62 53%
TEI markup 32 27%
Virtual Research Environment (eg. like the Perseus Library) 45 38%
Gamification and microtasking as on Zooniverse 35 30%
Companion Bots always ready to read aloud texts available 49 42%
Other 21 18%
Total responses: 118
Excellent, professional modern editions of classical literature (translated and professionally annotated).
eBooks export, officially supported
מהדורות מקצועיות ושימושיות של הקלאסיקה התרבותית. (Hebrew: professional and practical editions of cultural classics)
מערכת מעקב למידה - לכל גולש תהיה אפשרות לסמן כל טקסט שהוא לומד, וכך לעקוב אחר התקדמות הלמידה. כמו כן יהיו מבחני בקיאות והבנה אוטומטיים. (Hebrew: Study tracking system; readers would be able to mark texts and pages they are studying, to track progress. Automatic comprehension and content exams.)
more participants
Improved exporting tools
bessere Software, die ganze Proofreading-Software ist 100% eine einzige Katastrophe und völlig benutzerfeindlich, inclusive dem gesamten Seiten-Namensraum
intégration de notes / partitions (pour les recueils de chants populaires de Luzel, p.ex.) (LilyPond ? fonctionne en mode texte et serait parfaitement compatible...)
חיפוש לתמונות, יותר תמונות, סרטים והדגמות, (Hebrew: image search; more images; more videos and demonstrations)
Possibilities for editing of sheet music
Support for different versions of texts; both side by side comparison (or top to bottom of different versions in cases like the Bible), a display of all known published versions (including non-PD or digital editions) ordered by textual variation, and a way to view the differences (i.e. textual, not formatting).
Good OCR program in background
lepsza oprawa wizualna, tworzenie wizytówek książek takich, jak na tej stronie:
Read alout texts would be great. My wife is blind. I don't know what the choices are about in the empty boxes above.
working on emacs and git for editing… but also distribute the result not just online on wikisource but also for the GNU system and its GNU/Linux variants
Work thumbnails to create galleries of works
Reference texts as central
איזור בו יימצאו ספרי עיון בסיסיים ונדירים זמינים לעיון כל אדם (Hebrew: an area where basic but rare reference books would be made available for all.)

Visual Editor


There is a divergence of opinions regarding the VisualEditor. Around 40% of users deem it important/very important. The rest of users either consider it not important (20%) or doesn’t know / don’t mind (40%). As for what should implement the Visual Editor for Wikisource, compatibility with Proofread extension and ability of copy/paste formatted text are the most popular demands (69% and 64%). After this, identation and ability to add format (font, color, etc) have around 45% support.

Q9. What is your opinion about customizing the Visual Editor for Wikisource (once the bugs have been removed) - stats
Very important Important Neutral Not important Do not know Total Responses
40 29 35 35 23 162
Q9. What is your opinion about customizing the Visual Editor for Wikisource (once the bugs have been removed) - graph
Q10. Which features of the VE are a must? - stats
Responses Percent
Ability of copy and paste formatted text 86 64%
Integration with the Proofread extension (support for pages in namespace Page and the pages tag) 93 69%
Other 20 15%
Indentation 59 44%
Font (size, color) 63 47%
Q10. Which features of the VE are a must? - graph & other suggestions
Total Responses
  • Formatting tools
  • Advanced formatting (compared to regular wikitext).
  • Facilità di formattazione
  • כשמעתיקים טקסט מעוצב מ"וורד", חשוב שהטקסט יועתק בצורה נכונה לקוד ויקיטקסט - שלא יהיו יותר מדי תגים מיותרים כמו שיש בשמירת דף רשת של וורד (Hebrew: when copying formatted text from Microsoft Word, it's important that the text be correctly converted into wikitext, without extraneous tags.)
  • Semantic-oriented editing instead of appearance-oriented
  • ability to see a complete text in a single page (text split in chapters in not nice for machine search)
  • Buttons to add WIkisource-specific templates quickly
  • Tables
  • formatowanie tekstu
  • background color to protect eyes from strain of white pages
  • Right to Left Text Direction.
  • weet niet
  • None
  • Il VE dovrebbe permettere una facile importazione di testi *già* formattati nel web, tipo HTML. Adesso non si può, ma sarebbe una rivoluzione su Wikisource.
  • Opposed to WYSIWYG visual editors in general
  • inline markup editing
  • Line numbers in poetry, author/text infoboxes
  • קישורים פנימיים נוחים (Hebrew: easier internal linking)
  • a very good way to create tables and alignment

Wikidata (Q18)


At the time of answering the survey about 50% of users reported to be familiar with the effort undertaken on Wikidata to support Wikisource’s interwiki links and metadata.


Q18. Are you aware of Wikidata and Wikidata:Books task force? Responses Percent
Yes 33 21%
Yes, but I don't work on Wikidata 46 29%
No 78 50%
Total 157 100%

Future: wishes and threats (Q16, 17)


Users highlight the growing importance of Wikisource as the growing trend in society favours digital texts and digital readers. Wikisource must seek to become an integrated platform with more outreach and visibility in other related projects. Wikisource should also piggyback on other trends like portable devices, creating an interface where mobile users can collaborate more easily. In the end, it should be possible to have an unified library of high-quality public domain materials that can be searched easily in all languages and be the internet referent for high quality contents.

Lack of volunteers and of public awareness are perceived as the biggest hurdles to fulfill these wishes. Other users mention the high complexity and that the project has little visibility compared to similarly-sized projects.

Q16. Please write about the Wikisource of your dreams.
Wikisource should have a much richer and more customisable visual experience, that better integrates the original formatting, while still offering a plain-text solution. Wikisource texts should be exportable as ebooks with all the formatting of the online version perfectly rendered, and within-text links, for ereaders and mobile devices, such that Wikisource becomes the go-to place for public domain and free culture ebooks.
1: a shared, perfect, common, multilingual proofreading interface implementing bes tools and sharing the same templates/scripts/css 2: a common, shared repository for Index: and Page: namespace 3. a large use of interproject transclusion using shared, common Index: and Page: repository 5524as internal source
The entire realm of human literary culture is available in excellent, modern editions of professional quality, in every language.
I would to see in Wikisource every single book in Ukrainian and nay other language available in public domain. Every such book should backed up with a scanned copy. Readers should be able to find easily any book by author, genre or any other criteria. Adding a new book should be smooth and easier; one would need to fix some OCR mistakes and not devote much time on formatting and other common routines.
High-quality digital library containing all available public domain and freely licensed materials
As many contributors as wikipedia...
* Most importantly: easy upload of new documents and getting them into the proofreading format. * Integration through hyperlinks with Wikidata, Commons, and Wikipedias. Much works well already, but would like easy access to translations that have also been scanned, user translations, and author information elsewhere in Wikimedia. * In my research I have carefully digitized some bibliographies and would like the original text on wikisource. I can offer some value-added databases made of the scanned book. Can do this through talk pages or user page. * Would like videos or training materials to offer to colleagues in academic fields of economic history and technological history so they can understand and use Wikisource.
Una Wikisource dove la formattazione risulta semplice e veloce come scrivere un testo su word. Mi piacerebbe fosse potenziato il nsPagina tanto da permettere la visualizzazione con scansione o senza, eliminando così la necessaria presenza del doppione in ns0. Una uniformità e integrazione con tutte le wikisource nelle varie lingue, soprattutto in favore di testi multilingue.
Ein Lese-Modul, mit dem sich fertige Texte mit Anmerkungen und ergänzenden Bildern/Tondateien lesen und in andere Seiten einbinden lassen.
Un corpus cohérent, mis en valeur et en lien par les wikisourciers.
nella wikisource dei miei sogni sono digitalizzati, ben curati nella formattazione e rilettura, testi di ogni ramo del sapere, letteratura o scienza, importanti ma anche sconosciuti ai più.
כל התרבות הקלאסית במהדורות מקצועיות ושימושיות ומתורגמת לכל השפות. (Hebrew: all of classical culture in professional and easy-to-use editions, translated into all languages.)
Books will stay in Validation for just 3 days...
Better tool for exporting to epub: table of contents better formatted in epub, the hierachical divisions of the text should be saved in the epub, a complete epub should be generated from a page of links (the epub export tool should be capable to follow the links until the final text, no matter the distance between the link and the text : volume 1 (link) -> division 1 (link) -> subdivision 1 (link) -> text
יש בו את כל הכתבים היהודיים והתורניים שבעולם, עם אפשרויות נרחבות לכתוב חידושים. בנוסף גם אפשרות נוחה ללמוד. (Hebrew: contains all Jewish religious texts in the world, with options to contribute commentary. Study options.)
א. סדר מופתי בקטגוריות. ב. כל טקסט קיים. (Hebrew: A. impeccable order in categories; B. every text is available)
In my country (and in my field which is musicology) there are often valuable books published in very small quantities and some other works of respectable authors may remain unpublished at all because of socialogical obstacles (publishers not interested in literature about music, readers don't have enough money to buy books, etc.). I believe Wikisource should allow self-published works because that will help make valuable educational materials available to the public on terms of free licenses when the work couldn't or be published by other means because of different obstacles present in society.
reliable texts, users digitalising texts on their own, instead of inserting mainly those that are already available on the internet
It has every public domain document ever scanned and transcribed. It uses library-like organization to allow users to browse for good reads rather than needing to know what they're looking for.
מנוע חיפוש משופר - עם פקודות בינאריות כמו WEST לחיפוש משפטים ותקדימים. החיפוש יתרגם את המילים לשפות שונות ויחפש בשפות הללו בצורה אוטומטית. אם החיפוש נותן מיליוני תשובות והתשובה הנדרשת היא במקום המאה, הענין לא שימושי. גישה לכל מידע שפורסם במחשב לשרות הקהל ואפילו רק ללקוחות - להיות בעל אפשרות כמו ספריה ציבורי. לקבל גישה לכל ספרית הקונגרס, וספריות דומות בעולם, אפילו בשפתם. לאפשר למתנדבים להעיר הערות על איכות הטקסט, בלי לשנות את הטקסט עצמו, ולארגן את ההערות בסדר עדיפות וחשיבות, ולא לפי זמן הכתיבה. כל מספר שנים לארגן את ההיסטוריה, ולמחוק זבל, ולאחד נושאים על ידי עורך אחד - codify
Actually, to add support of sheet music. I. e. Wikisource should include not only literature works, but music ones as well. For vocal music, there should be a possibility of substitution of literature texts in different languages, and, for all, search by a music phrase.
Je me sers principalement de Wikisource pour lire des oeuvres dans le domaine public, et il en va de même pour quelques personnes qui utilisent également Wikisource que je connais. La qualité des textes, leur nombre et le comfort de lectures sont donc importants. Des partenariats avec des GLAMs peuvent permettre la disponibilité sur Wikisource de textes plus rares qu'il serait difficile de trouver ailleurs, et des partenariats avec des sites comme le Projet Gutenberg ou l'Internet Archive permettent d'éviter la redondance, car il arrive qu'une même oeuvre soit disponible plusieurs fois. Cela n'est pas un problème en soi, mais les ressources utilisées pour rendre ces oeuvres disponibles pourraient être utilisées plus efficacement pour en rendre d'autres disponibles. L'ajout d'un système de gestion des métadonnées, très préférablement intégré avec Wikidata, permettrait de rendre la recherche d'oeuvres plus efficace et permettrait surtout une meilleure intégration de Wikisource avec des outils externes.
Bibliothèque universelle et database intégrée
The Wikisource of my dreams would be 99% automatized, with bots running, importing, uploading and checking for general issues constantly.
Sogno una forte collaborazione tra il mondo dell'istruzione e wikisource. Sogno studenti che collaborano alla rilettura dei libri e che fanno crescere esponenzialmente i contenuti. Mi piacerebbe che fosse disponibile un'app android/ios per poter accedere ai libri e leggerli, con segnalibri etc... Sarebbe un'ottima presentazione per il progetto
My dream Wikisource will index (both text and metadata) an ever bigger number of books, especially unkwnown and ancient texts.
Todos los libros bien transcritos y traducidos a todos los idiomas disponibles.
Encourages translations into many languages; Provides more annotations and links to other material directly in main space. Coordinates contents of multiple editions of same work, noting how they differ. With dictionaries and encyclopedias makes it easy to see how corresponding articles differ.
Fine delle formattazioni senza valore aggiunto (intestazioni e n. pagina delle versioni a stampa!), storia delle versioni del testo (dei testi originali si intende) link ai testi correlati (critica, biografie, traduzioni, altre opere sullo stesso argomento, ecc.)
A project unified by their content rules
Wikisource's strength is in easy user editing, and producing something great by allowing lots of users to do this. As a result, my dream Wikisource would automatically grab all the metadata from Open Library, WorldCat etc. and allow the user to edit it in an ordered way that removes all the inevitable redundancy, but has those sources' comprehensive data, and with other online text repositories (e.g. Gutenberg) to automatically compare the texts and allow the user to compare the differences with the scans. This would be fed back to them through metadata to allow them to correct and improve their services. Wikimedia would support editors to work on the projects they want, by allowing them to request books that are important or interesting to a subject but not yet digitized, and providing research services for things the editors aren't able to find out without access to a library themselves (e.g. edition information, the accuracy of a scan etc.). But at the heart of Wikisource would remain the texts themselves, and by providing them to the public in many different formats, with a modern e-shop style interface (using the portals to give them suggestions), but also clearly indicating that readers can correct any errors they find (eventually making new formats that allowed this to be very easy, as simple as highlighting what they thought was a mistake and this being marked up for editors, or being told that it was actually in the original, and perhaps giving an explanation of what it meant in those cases) awareness of the project would increase such that Wikisource would be able to provide a far more comprehensive service, on a par with first Gutenberg, then Internet Archive and finally Google Books.
Easy to use and understand. Something like apply. Something that is not only for the tech geeks but also for the dinosaurs like myself who think the computer is only screen deep.
Where we can get old/ancient and the latest information
Każda książka powinna mieć swoją wizytówkę - kilka słów zachęty, streszczenie lub ciekawy urywek, jakaś ilustracja ze środka lub strona tytułowa lub ilustracja z commons - i po kliknięciu powinna być łatwo pobierana. Myślałam także o bardziej atrakcyjnych okładkach dla książek - jakiś zestandaryzowany, wspólny szablon, gdzie można dodać zdjęcie z Commons na okładkę, tytuł i autora.
Wow! Wikisource should be a place where there is audible text for the blind & others. Colors should be available for background and text which exists for me by my request. I use it to prevent snow blindness or Eye Strain while working long periods of time. I went to the doctor three times before I asked for and got any color of text and background when editing. It saves to whate pages though. Illustrations, especially ornate letters of vartious choices of fonts would be niice. Make it as good as MS-Word and then make it better. You make suggestions and let us look them over. Remember, not everyone knows the technology or terms such as TEI &c. I am age 66 and have no interest in complications for relaxation by having to read codes and technical things created by younger generations who live that. I am aware of the advances through my sons.
partnerships and collaboration with GNU savannah! Well, this survey is about dreams, so the mine is to edit content in emacs as we do online, but also commit changes to git repo… For that we need a workflow and news tools, but IMHO, the sources we are working on should be seen as source code, the data shoud be available before packaging in readable formats. We could also allow people working separately as in GitHub, others in a central repo on wikisource to merge many contributions… But the most important for me is working on emacs offline… under git…
Most important project of Wiki. There should be text of all books available.
הרבה הרבה יותר תורמים וכתוצאה מכך יותר טקסטים. תורמים שעובדים בשיתוף פעולה ולא כל אחד בנפרד על פרויקט משלו (Hebrew: many many more contributors, and so many more texts. Contributors working together rather than on personal projects.)
Ability to export in properly formatted eBook reader formats, send right away to device, when it's possible (for example Kindle). That may also include embedding fonts.
Clarifier (et simplifier) la signalisation relative aux tâches de relecture, de corrections et de validation.
Absolute Access
All the tex available in epub (and other formats), with a reliable modernisation of the text. A better place in wikipedia for the book available.
I would like to see proofreading accelerated with some automation. We humans spend too much time on this task. The volume of text to be imported is massive and the slow process of getting them proofread will continue to hold us back. After the text gets formatted, a rules-based engine could check and find minor flaws or make suggestions. An experienced editor can format many pages only to have them left untouched waiting for a proof reader. I find it takes me twice (or 3x) as long to proofread a page than it does to format it. I understand the merits of the buddy system, but there are many text in the 500+ page category that get ignored because it's too labor intensive to get them through the full workflow.
It's very Web 2.0. I can collaborate in real time via in-site chat which shows what page each user is working on/viewing at any given moment. I can also sort this list based on how close the topic is to my own area of interest, or whether the user is working within the bounds of a particular WikiProject. Then I can message the user to give assistance or just to say hi and that I am available if help is needed. The chat area also reports updates from Recent Changes that are relevant to me. There are some annotations explaining hard-to-understand passages or informing the user of classic interpretations of a work (no original research, of course). Wikilinks to Author pages, topical Portals, and Wikipedia articles abound. Talk pages are used to discuss user's views on a work or their interpretation(s) of it. It is easy to add, delete, and rearrange pages in a source document to correct a scan that has missing or duplicated pages. Also, my laptop is now plated with gold and I don't have to work my day job!
I would like to give priority to the already scanned and present texts, before importing new others. I would suggest "stop" periods to import of new books, to work better on back log tasks. Furthermore, I'd like to see more care with images: an index would be at 100% quality only if it has also all the illustrations.
I gave a talk about Reference Commons in 2010, when I was in the middle of the Dictionary of National Biography digitisation. Since then more text has been posted (now 99% of the public domain text). But, importantly, tools have been written that crosslink the DNB WikiProject on Wikisource with that on Wikipedia. This gives a concrete form to the old idea of merging encyclopedias. In other words, take any PD reference work that is divided into articles, post those on Wikisource, and use technology to start assessing the Wikipedia coverage of the topics. This goes beyond library and archive functions, to a dynamic relationship with Wikipedia. There is actually more to do here, than with images.
Editing isn't a scary and arcane process; a reader should be able to intuitively figure out how to emend a transcription error. Information about a work is in one place and automagically get propogated to all the work's different incarnations. There are a large number of active and organized Wikiprojects, rather than everyone off in their own corner.
The ideal Wikisource would have: (1) The world's major works of literature, all supported by scans and translated into all major languages, with parallel text capability for comparison. This would include Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, English, French, Russian, etc, etc. (2) Old issues of major journals and newspapers (3) Key scientific and mathematical texts, especially those which first published a scientific name of an organism (4) Coordination across languages for texts, so that you would not need to know the language of publication to find a work. Right now, all texts are principally organized within a particular language Wikisource, so you need to know the language of publication, find that wikisource, and then be able to navigate to the author/work IN THAT LANGUAGE, which can be difficult or impossible.
A site which allows for ready access to public domain or commons documents in both original form and transliterated forms, with at least quick links to translations as required.
No thoughts
My Wikisource of dreams is a library very similar to Project Xanadu, namely an hypertextual library with thousands of interconnected texts and books, a system for pointing at single citations and quotes, a great integration with Wikipedia and Commons. I'd like to have a section of the project dedicated to translation from users: moreover, I'd like a system to annotate texts and share annotations. I'd like a localized OCR for each Wikisource, one that could learn from texts and human correction of OCR. I'd love that Wikisource could learn to develop microtasks and gamification, as projects like Zooniverse.
interesting, elegant
I want to see wikisource as an authentic, informative, userfriendly resource for research, creativity and reading pleasure
Integration with Wikidata. More language-specific tools.
ספריה מורחבת של ספרי עיון ביהדות מתקופות ומזמנים שונים, לצד ספרי עיון משמעותיים בתחומים נרחבים. (Hebrew: a comprehensive library of Jewish reference books from different periods, alongside major reference sources in other fields.)
Un equivalent a Commons on els llibres en domini públic o amb llicències lliures estiguin disponbiles, tant per ser referenciats com per ser visualitzats o descarregats en els més diversos formats. Un lloc també on els editors contribueixin aportant les seves publicacions i d'on pugin agafar textos per fer-les. Un lloc on es puguin fer traduccions de qualitat i revisar-les de textos clàssics o rellevants. Un lloc on els organismes públics o amb esperit de contribució als bens públics hi aportin els textos que generen perquè puguin ser consultats,utilitzats i referenciats. Un lloc on els llibres que contenen imatges també hi puguin ser.
Un lloc on sigui fàcil ajudar a transcriure un llibre, que fins i tot ho pugui fer des del mòbil mentre sóc al tren. Que sigui fàcil i identifiqui clarament les diverses etapes. Per exemple: Puc transcriure, fer proofread o consultar, i ho puc fer d'una manera fàcil i entenedora. Que els botons de generar epub o PDF siguin molt visibles per a que tothom pugui gaudir fàcilment dels esforços fets pels voluntaris. Crec que el percentatge de 99% lectors/ 1%editors a l'enciclopèdia baixa a viquitexts. La Viquipèdia és difícil d'editar però molt fàcil de consultar. Hem de fer viquitexts més fàcil de consultar, per fer el projecte més atractiu i captar més editors. I fer més visible un lloc on convides a la participació de nous usuaris.


Q17. What do you think are the biggest obstacles for the Wikisource community? Average value Standard deviation Responses
Lack of volunteers 76.00.00 24.21.00 146
Lack of available scanned texts 40.35.00 30.33.00 111
Lack of public awareness 65.13.00 26.23.00 146
Lack of support within the Wikimedia community 45.35.00 28.31.00 130
Lack of necessary technology 47.12.00 31.59.00 120
Other 84.36.00 24.07.00 25
מקורות חיצוניים שמפרסמים את הספרות הקלאסית (בדרך כלל בחינם) אבל אינם מוכנים לאפשר את השימוש בטקסטים ברשיון חופשי. (Hebrew: External sites that publish classic texts free of charge but do not allow re-use under a free license)
Complexity, barriers to entry
Lack of quality control of the produced texts
Schlechter Umgangston
Non-friendly actions of administrators regarding new contributiors (in some cases)
L'imprécision de la documentation de la syntaxe (French: the lack of clarity in the documentation about the syntax)
lack of critical approach towards editions
קיימת נוקשיות בנתינת רשות להוסיף חומר. אנשים לא רוצים להפסיד את זכיות היוצרים שלהם ולא מוכנים לתרום או להרשות שימוש. אנשים מפחדים לתרום. אנשים מפחדים לחשוף את עצמם ודעותיהם (Hebrew: Difficulty in getting permission for releasing content. People guard their own copyright and do not allow free re-use. People are afraid to contribute. People are afraid to expose their profiles and their views.)
Bureaucracy of specific administrators
Lack of imagination
lack of awareness compared to wikipedia
Entry point criteria for new users
too often MediaWiki software changes
brak wsparcia prawników (problemy z interpretacją praw autorskich)
audio for the blind
new workflow like the only one suitable for free software hackers (meaning not as in wikipedia)
Lack of gold-plated laptops
Lack of collaboration
Insufficient coordination across languages
Wage labour disrupting everyday life
Lack of time
Manca iniciatives de col·laboració GLAM i amb institucions

10th aniversary (Q19, Q20)


About 70% of responders wish to celebrate the 10th Wikisource anniversary. From the answers given and the discussion in the mailing list, it was decided that each community would celebrate the anniversary independently and that a proofreading contest would be organized by some.


Q19. Do you want to celebrate the international 10th anniversary of Wikisource on November 24, 2013? Responses Percent
Yes 101 69%
No 46 31%
Total 147 100%
Q20. If yes, which activity would you suggest?
Text Response
Eating cake.
Each Wikisource selects the transcription or projects they are most proud about and they explain why. Those explanations are translated into major languages for community awareness.
Whisky and transcribing gang the gither!
ognuno porti una scansione NUOVA da caricare prima su Commons poi ramificare su Source ecc.
Proofread-a-thon? GLAM project? (all in different countries?) Not sure.
Some international campaign for participation ? More active promotion, some workshops promoting Wikisource ?
A big online meeting with presentations about the Wikisource of our dreams.
Scan party in every city!
Sarebbe interessante poter reperire testi importanti per la nostra letteratura e/o rari e favorirne la rilettura.
Irgend eine Art von PR-Aktion.
riconoscimento personale a tutti gli utenti che abbiano partecipato ed introduzione della possibilitàdi download in formato EPUB
לא יודע... :-) (Hebrew: don't know :-))
Divulgazione all'opinione pubblica, alle istituzioni scolastiche. Creazione di una rete di interprogetti all'interno di vari istituti scolastici aderenti a iniziative di questo tipo. Aumentare la penetrazione del sito, del logo.
I don't know.
להוסיף ערך נוסף לויקיטקסט (Hebrew: add more content to Wikisource)
בפירסומו בויקפדיה (Hebrew: publicizing it on Wikipedia)
A concert from the music included in Wikisource
Wikisource proofreading games, won by the Wikisource language community that proofreads and validates more pages in a given timeframe
involving schools and universities
Avvio di un progetto innovativo per l'aumento dei collaboratori
Un workshop che insegni come si fanno i compiti basilari su Wikisource (caricamento, rilettura, uso dei template...).
FREE BOOK REQUEST DAY!!! Every user requests a book they'd love to see freely available, and Wikimedia goes you know what, let's give them a fraction of our funds and get all these books digitized and up on Commons, then all the users celebrate the awesome wisdom of Wikimedia by proofreading them and validating each others' texts, and peace and happiness reign.
no good ideas.
What is happening and Make it the Google Chrome topic for the Day
looking for new users
To have the highest quality of audible text for every wikisource book as an option. I understand that is not what you want for an answer but I understand problems blind people have. For my wife who is blind books are her World - the rest of it is BLACK. Yet, she has a Master's degree in Sociology through going to Baylor University in Texas and the University of Texas in Austin. Too, she worked in a large hospital in Texas for 31 years answering the phone at Scott & White (Main) Hospital. Now that is gone and she reads every day and almost all day hrough the Dept of the Blind USB drives and a reading machiine. Provide the Blind with something from Wikisourse and make a real awareness of wikisource difference. Don't just shrug this off. You want PR, go for this! -- William Maury Morris II
Announce separate domain for
אין לי מושג, צריך לעשות קבוצת חשיבה (Hebrew: no idea, needs a task force)
Meetup, some buzz in traditional and socla media, may be workshops.
Highlight the efforts of many silent contributors. Make the world aware of the vast, amazing resources on W/S.
An international Interwiki Project. For example, improving on the current coverage of Hans Christian Andersen. Danish Wikisource, which seems to have a pretty good coverage already, could participate with WS translations to those languages that allow it.
cup of tea
Same thing we do every day, electronically transcribe books.
Maybe developing or including documents specifically related to the development of wikisource itself?1
Una mega editathon sulle varie Wikisource, promossa sulle prime pagine di tutte le Wikipedie e di tutti i progetti fratelli. Sarebbe bello anche utilizzare il sitenotice dei vari progetti, si potrebbe chiedere alla WMF.
I would like to see it celebrated, but I don't have any idea how. Do something to raise the project's profile
Reaching out to children / students of all schools and colleges in underdeveloped world.
GLAM outreach events
Escanejar un llibre en 24 hores. Una viquimarató de viquitexts!!!





Higher participation than expected. The gender gap is also present in Wikisource and some measures should be undertaken to draw female editors. Progress done in this direction by the Wikipedia community will be tracked and adapted to Wikisource.



There is an accumulated technical debt on basic features (ePub export) that users wish to have solved. Other wishes like integration with other platforms, more outreach and visibility, might be easier when Wikidata is deployed. Initial contacts have been establlished with preferred partners and this route seems feasible. As for the Visual Editor, some work has been done by Gsoc grantees to facilitate deployment. Other projects are noted and they will be pursued on behalf of the Wikisource community (support for the extension translate, annotations, etc).



Partnerships and outreach will be best tackled by the WCUG, with the reasument that the Wikisource community has several preferences that must be respected.