Wikisource Handbook/Proofreading and Transclusion

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Wikisource has a system to manually proofread each and every page of a book. By this process, it is always intended to keep texts, along with the style, exactly the same as the scanned pages, as far as possible. For this, various templates are used.

Template Explanation
{{Right}} To keep the text in right
{{Left}} To keep the text in left
{{Running Header|left|center|right}} To keep three texts in left, center and right in the same line
{{Center}} To keep the text in center
{{Block Center}} To keep a whole block of text in the center
{{Block Center/s}} & {{Block Center/e}} To keep a whole block of text in the center when the text continues to next page
{{Gap}} To provide a gap at the start of a paragraph or between two words
{{hyphenated word start}} and {{hyphenated word end}} To make the word appear hyphenated in the Page: namespace and remove the hyphen when the text is transcluded.
  • {{hyphenated word start|FIRST HALF OF WORD|WHOLE WORD}}
  • {{hyphenated word end|LAST HALF OF WORD|WHOLE WORD}}
{{smaller}}, {{x-smaller}}, {{xx-smaller}} To get smaller font
{{larger}}, {{x-larger}}, {{xx-larger}} To get larger font
{{nop}} To force a break in the text when a paragraph ends at the bottom of a page scan and a new paragraph in the same chapter will start on the next page.
{{DoubleHeightRow}} To provide space between two lines.
{{Rule}} To insert a black horizontal rule

There are numerous other templates for more complicated formatting style.



OCR and proofreading is done in page namespaces by Wikisource editors, but for readers, the text of the books should be kept in main namespace. Readers don’t need to go through the back-end editing work. Transclusion is the process to display the NS:Page texts in main namespaces. Transclusion is the process to display the NS:Page texts in main namespaces.