< Wikizine
![]() This is an old construction page of Wikizine. Do not edit it. To read old versions of Wikizine use the archives. To subscribe to Wikizine see here. To report news Talk page. |
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The user right to mar an edits as checked can be given to all users or to sysops only. To request to get this option active on your wiki get clear consensus on your wiki and make a BugZilla ticket about it. And then be patience. The request for the enabling of this function for Meta is waiting for some time now. [Thumb] Brion started a process of forcing old rendered png, jpeg and SCG thumbnails to regenerate. This will gradually replace old rendered images over the next couple days as several issues have been fixed recently. === Request for help === [Wikimania] Volunteers needed for the Wikimania Program Team === Foundation === [interview] Signpost interviewed Jimbo Wales, asking him questions that our readers have submitted. === Community === [1000000th] article on the English language Wikipedia will be written very soon [Wikibooks] has been cited as an authoritative source of information. Who would have thought that was possible?,294698,sid14_gci1165662,00.html [proposal] A new project proposal for a genealogy wiki currently at === Media === [Chinese WP] February 20, Washington Post about Chinese Wikipedia Series, and a letter appealing for an unblock for zh.wikipedia === Other news === [INSPIRE] new EU directive can put more intellectual property rights on geographic data in the European union. Wikimedia projects are using data like this. [Multilingual] A first draft sorts out which features a future Multilingual MediaWiki should have. === Editorial === Dear readers, First I would like to thank you all 300 readers of Wikizine. Knowing that there are actually people reading this, and I suppose find it useful, makes it all worth while. I would like to ask for your assistance for Wikizine. Wikizine exist for reporting news for the Wikimedia community about the Wikimedia community. And Wikizine needs your help, the Wikimedia community. There are three points about with I ask your cooperation; 1th Report news from your home-wiki or from your personal experience when using the wiki. Most news can be found on public mailing lists and specific pages on the main wikis. But frequently I, Walter, find interesting global-wikimedia news in the village pump of my home-wiki, WikipediaNL. Or discover by pure luck changes to the behavior of the software. If I can find interesting things on my local wiki I suspect that on many other wikis are also interesting things to find. News that not can be found on other places. Please share your local news when you think it is interesting for the global Wikimedia community or when you discover a modification to the software. 2th There seems to be still many users who do not know of the existence of Wikizine. Inform on your wiki the users about Wikizine. Many will not care about news from the Wikimedia world and only be interested in working on there articles. But those who are interested should be informed about it. I think especially about your sysops. You can put a "Wikizine-banner" on your user page or, if there is no objection by your community, on some highly visible page like the "village pump". 3th One of the main problems for informing many users in the Wikimedia community is the languages barrier. The glue for the communication between the projects is English. Wikizine is written in something that is supposed to be English. You, the reader of Wikizine, understand English. But that is not enough. It is my hope that you, user of your project, editor, sysop or ambassador, act as a gateway for the news that you read in Wikizine for your wiki. Inform your local community about the news in your own language. If you do that then Wikizine has succeed in his mission. Thanks for your attention, Walter Vermeir Editor-in-chief Wikizine === Quote === Stan Marsh "I am sorry that I killed your mom but the squirrel told me that she was evil." Mountain lion cub "You got tricked by a squirrel? Jee, you are not to smart, are you mister?" From "[[w:en:South Park]]" ////////////////////////////////////////// Number of subscribers: 310 Editor(s): Shizhao, Walter E-mail: ihavenews AT wikizine DOT org ////////////////////////////////////////// makes no guarantee of validity. is not a publication of the Wikimedia Foundation. Publisher:[[meta:user:Walter]]