< Wikizine
![]() This is an old construction page of Wikizine. Do not edit it. To read old versions of Wikizine use the archives. To subscribe to Wikizine see here. To report news Talk page. |
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This is to get attention for the Wikimania 2006 event, in the hope that many users will register for it. It is requested to keep the notice online for one week. [Scholarship] There is a possibility to reduce your expenses if you like to come to Wikimania. You can apply for a scholarship. Requests must be entered before June 28th. === Politics === [Model] Anthere makes a comparison between the organisation of the Apache Software Foundation and the Wikimedia Foundation. And how Wikimedia can learn from that. Responses follow. === Policy === [Ombuds-wo-man] for CheckUser. On suggestion of Anthere; volunteers are welcome. The idea if to have a specific person to complain to about possible checkuser abuse. === New project proposals === [Medical] A proposal for a project with medical information. For once this proposal has received responses on Foundation-l. There is an older mailing list for people who are interested in this and related projects; Wikimedical-l. === Community === [Unused accounts] On the English Wikipedia is a proposal to delete user accounts who are never used. Around 70% of all existing accounts on the EN Wikipedia have no edits. Currently about 1,6 million accounts exist on the EN Wikipedia. === Media === [New York Times] The New York Times discovers semi-protection after six months. And interprets it that; Wikipedia is changing its "everybody can edits policy". Wikipedia has pages with limited access for years. And now with semi-protection Wikipedia is even more open then before. - you need a login - here you can get a login - comments of Jimbo about the NYT-article on his blog - And /. has something to say about this - also the French media has picked it up [WikiCoke] "Coke gets slammed on Wikipedia" - negative publicity [Local News] The "Sint Petersburg Times interviewed local celebrity Jimmy Wales. === Stats === [Age/edits] Some graphs are made about the relation of the time a user is active on the English Wikipedia and the number of edits the have done. [UploadStats] Ever wondered how big the database of Wikimedia is with all those pictures? [MailStats] The great Erik Zachte, the king of statistics, has made some interesting stats about the posting behavior on the mailing lists. What mailing lists are used? And how is the frequency of the number of posts evolving true the years? And who are the top-posters? === Other news === [WikiSymposium] An International Symposium on Wikis will be held on August 21-23, 2006 in Odense, Denmark. "Participants will present, discuss, and move forward the latest advances in wiki contents, sociology, and technology." This is a non-Wikimedia event. If you register today, June 19, you pay 470 EUR/594 USD. After the 19th it is 537 EUR/679 USD. Full-time students get a very large discount. Some food is included. [SoftwareWiki] LiteratePrograms is a unique wiki where every article is simultaneously a document and a piece of code that you can view, download, compile, and run by simply using the "download code" tab at the top of every article [WikizineBlog] beta-version is now online. Same contents as Wikizine by email but webbased and with talk-back option. Feedback is highly welcome. === Did you know ... === ... that the wikis support an easy for linking to RFC's? To use it is very simple. Let say you would like to link to RFC 1855, the netiquette-RFC. Just write RFC 1855 on the wiki. No brackets, only RFC one space and the number. To know what an "RFC" is, see; To specify where the automatically created URL points to, modify [[MediaWiki_talk:Rfcurl]]; === User quotes === It's better to learn some 'disgusting' things from wikipedia, rather than from some porn site. -- 12:01, 10 May 2006 (UTC) "To change time settings, do as Timwi instructed. To change _time_, on the other hand, is a great deal more complex, and I don't think anybody on this mailinglist wants to explain it." -- Mark Williamson ////////////////////////////////////////// Number of subscribers: 431 Editor(s): Walter, Sj E-mail: ihavenews AT wikizine DOT org ////////////////////////////////////////// makes no guarantee of validity. is not a publication of the Wikimedia Foundation. Content is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. Publisher:[[meta:user:Walter]]