< Wikizine
![]() This is an old construction page of Wikizine. Do not edit it. To read old versions of Wikizine use the archives. To subscribe to Wikizine see here. To report news Talk page. |
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EN Wikinews is using this already. You only need to put the path to audio file after that of the player. http:// - working example === Request for help === [Translators] are requested to help with the translation work for the board election. Currently there is not yet anything to translate. People who are willing to help can put there name on the list with volunteers === Foundation === [Election] - The election for a new member of the board of the Wikimedia Foundation will start on the first of September. Essjay and Datrio have been appointed as inspectors of the election. Aphaia will assist them as an alternate election official. [WMF Nederland] - The Dutch chapter is organizing a one-day conference in Utrecht, Netherlands. And this on 2 September 2006. The working language will be Dutch. Registration fee will be around 15 euro. Registration is now open. [WMF 中文維基年會] - The Chinese Wikimedia Conference will be held on August 26th and 27th in Hong Kong. The working language will be Chinese. Registration is now open. Registration for it is now open. [Wikimania2006] is from 4 until 6 August in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Subscription is still possible. [Archival] - Library of Congress, Holocaust Museum negotiate with Wikimedia regarding the issue of access to archival materials === Community === [No Consensus] was reached about the deletion nomination of the article about Angela. [Wikinews.ogg] - Announcing something is one thing, doing it and especially keep doing it that is something else. The English language edition of Wikinews has made already over 150 audio "news briefs". The also provide a feed of the recordings. [Persian WP] - The Persian Wikipedia has decided to restrict page creation to logged in users like on the English language Wikipedia. The reason is that the have a lot of problems with anonymous users who insert copyright violations. Most of those users are from Iran. And because Iran has not signed international copyright agreement those users have problems with the concept of copyright. === Awards === [Wikimania Awards] - For once Wikimedia is not receiving awards but giving them away. "The Wikimania Awards are a free content writing and media contest that takes place at Wikimania. The contest is for the best video, audio, image, and textual content created for use on Wikimedia projects over the past year." People are welcome do donate prices, join the jury and nominate articles or media. First price is a Nokia 770 Internet Tablet with the greetings form Nokia. === Media === [High profile] - The New Yorker and the LA Times has published two articles about Wikimedia worth of reading. The article of the New Yorker also mentions the existence of the projects Wikisource, Wikinews and Wikiquote. It is not common for these projects to get attentions in high profile media.,0,4744260.story - comments on the list about this === Other news === [Print] - If would like to have a decent printed version of a part of the English Wikipedia then that is now possible. Pediapress offers a very easy way to make a selection from the contends of EN Wikipedia and turn it in to a real physical book. That book is not free but the price looks fair. From the earnings of the "Featured Books" the donate 10% to the WMF. === Did you know ... === ... that you can add some more buttons to the edit toolbar? [[w:en:UserMarkS]] has written some javascript code that extends the default toolbar with many more buttons. If find some buttons not useful you can easily remove them from the javascript code. === Quote === "When I visited the offices in March, the walls were bare, the furniture battered. With the addition of a dead plant, the suite could pass for a graduate-student lounge." -- impression of the WMF world headquarters by Stacy Schiff, journalist. ////////////////////////////////////////// Number of subscribers: 462 Editor(s): Walter Thanks to: Krog E-mail: ihavenews AT wikizine DOT org ////////////////////////////////////////// makes no guarantee of accuracy, validity and especially but not limited to, correct grammar and spelling. is not a publication of the Wikimedia Foundation. Content is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. Publisher:[[meta:user:Walter]]