Абстрактна Вікіпедія/Оновлення/2020-10-14

This page is a translated version of the page Abstract Wikipedia/Updates/2020-10-14 and the translation is 43% complete.
Оновлення Абстрактної Вікіпедії Translate

Абстрактна Вікіпедія (список розсилки) Абстрактна Вікіпедія в ICR Абстрактна Вікіпедія в Телеграм Wikifunctions on Mastodon Абстрактна Вікіпедія у Твіттері Абстрактна Вікіпедія у Фейсбуці Абстрактна Вікіпедія на Ютубі Сторінка проекту Абстрактні Вікіпедії Translate

Конкурс назв: Сьогодні ми завершили перший тур конкурсу назв.

Wikimedia Community voting.
Wikimedia Community voting.

Було подано 176 пропозицій і понад 500 голосів за них. Дві пропозиції є, безумовно, лідерами голосування: Wikilambda та Wikifunctions. Ще чотири пропозиції пройшли перший тур: Wikimedia Functions, Wikicode, Wikifusion та Wikicodex. Тепер ці шість пропозицій пройдуть першу попередню перевірку юридичною групою Фонду Вікімедіа, і ті, хто пройде перевірку, увійдуть як кандидати у другий, заключний тур конкурсу назв. Другий тур почнеться 27 жовтня і триватиме два тижні до завершення голосування 10 листопада.

I am very excited to see the creativity of the community making so many proposals, and for so many people having joined the voting.

The OutReachy program.
The OutReachy program.

Outreachy: Abstract Wikipedia also submitted a task to the Outreachy program. Outreachy is a program that was started in 2006 by the GNOME Foundation, and has grown in scope and in the number of participating organizations over the years. The goal of the program is to increase the diversity of contributors to free and open source projects by providing internship opportunities. Wikimedia joined the program in 2013 for the first time, and there have been many interns that have been mentored by the Wikimedia Foundation within the Outreachy program.

Перед реалізацією нового вигляду.
Після реалізації нового вигляду.

Поточна ситуація: For Abstract Wikipedia we have created a task that aims at analyzing the current code base in the Wikimedia projects. The wiki of functions aims to make a diverse range of functions available to the Wikimedia projects: unit conversions, calculations, formatting, and much more. Currently, the Wikimedia projects already have a mechanism to solve some of these use cases, by using Scribunto modules written in Lua.

The task is to take stock of the current situation. What kind of problems are being solved with the Lua modules? Which of these are available across many of our projects? Which of these are suitable for the approach that we plan for the wiki of functions, i.e. can they be resolved with purely functional solutions without access to context? Do modules have small, but important differences between their implementations in different projects?

We are curious to see the results of this work, and it will directly feed into our roll-out plans to support the Wikimedia projects we plan for next year. It will hopefully help us identify which functions would be most valuable for the projects, and how to allow the projects which are interested in doing so to use them and rely on the new repository of functions.

Розробка: Our own code base has also been developing. A new view mode is now available that considerably improves the display and readability of ZObjects in the wiki (see screenshots of before and after). The development of the programmatic evaluation of the content based on its types is ongoing, which is the last big part of our work on Phase β.

Зовнішні публікації: Smashing Magazine published Developing for the Semantic Web, which uses Abstract Wikipedia as its vehicle, but goes well beyond the scope of Abstract Wikipedia and discusses the meandering history of Semantic Web technologies and its current incarnations and hopes.

What can you do?