Africa Environment/Microfunding/Climate Change Translate-a-thon

Submit of request
This request for micro-funding to Africa Environment has just been submitted by [[User:WikiCleanerBot|WikiCleanerBot]] on 6-02-2025 and is awaiting support.



The Representation of Climate Change topics of Nigeria and African contents has gained only but little visibility on Wikipedia. Climate change negative impacts especially the 2022 Nigeria Flood that submerged properties and took a lot of lifes have affected(Africans) Nigerians especially Anambra State(though this is a global Crisis). Despite the negative impacts,many Nigerian lack the understanding of Climate Change especially it's causes and it's impacts. But it is of Great importance to tackle the lack of understanding, Misinformation and Disinformation on Climate Change for a us to have Sustainable Environment and Development in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. This project aim to bring solutions to identified problem on climate and environmental issues and increase youths involvement in Climate Change advocacy. The project will help build knowledge and information that support climate action. It will bridge information gap by providing accessible informations. we will recruit New editors to contribute to fight Climate denialism. The major part of the project is Creating and Improving Climate related topics on Wikipedia(adding Citations, Creating Climate paragraphs on each State ofNigeria represented on Wikipedia) ,translating Wikipedia contents on climate , Women Climate activist to Igbo language and the Nigerian pidgin and creating/representing them as items on wikidata which includes representation of Igbo language and Nigeria pidgin Climate topics. This will increase the Visibility of Climate Change Contents and increase awareness in Nigeria because knowledge being shared in one's language makes it easily accessible. This project will also increase the Visibility of Women Climate Activist and encourage partnership with non Wiki organization like the Development initiative for Technology and Empowerment (NGO) to develop knowledge gained. We will improve/create Wikipedia and Wikidata contents, upload photos on Wikicommons, Increase Skills for translating articles to Igbo language and the Nigerian pidgin.



This project will be a 3 days training and Edit a thon that will focus on creating and translating contents on Climate Change and Women Climate activist to Igbo language and the Nigerian pidgin. The Challenge we plan solving here; Recruiting participants to join in contributing to Sustainable environment, bridging information and knowledge gap, increasing the visibility of Women especially Climate activist, labeling local Women on wikidata, adding Citations on Wikipedia articles about Climate, improving articles about Women Climate activist on Stub. This project will be organized by Wikimedia Anambra Network on 4th -6th March,2023.

Project funds will be paid to individual account which is dedicated on behalf of the Network


Akwugo Organizer Who will be facilitating on Editing the Igbo and the English Wikipedia.She is an Experienced Wikimedian who loves Contributing to access to open knowledge.She is a linguist who loves Contributing to language visibility and Environment Sustainability. A member of the Wikimedian for Sustainable development and Wikitongues.

Ngostary2k She is a certified Librarian and The Cordinator of Wikimedia Anambra Network. She will be Facilitating on Editing Wikipedia and Wikidata.She is a Certified Wikimedia Trainer of Reading wikipedia in the Classroom and a WikiAfLibs Alumni. She is an experienced Wikimedian. She belongs to Nigerian Wikimedia Group; Ig Wikimedia User Group, GLAM. Ngozi is passionate about adding reliable and verifiable sources on Wikipedia.

Sayvhior A Wikimedian who has participated in Many Wikimedia projects and he will help in Ensuring the safety and full participation of The participants especially the New Editor.

Timzy D'Great A Wikimedian experienced both in the English and Igbo Wikimedia projects he will facilitate on the Igbo Wikipedia and the Nigerian pidgin and assist in the English Wikipedia training.A Member of the Igbo Wikimedians User group, Wikimedia User group Nigeria and one of the project lead of Anambra Network.



This project will help us achieve a sustainable environment by educating participants and creating Contents on Climate Change, it's impacts and mitigation Measures.At the end of this project, We will achieve

New participants 10

Number of old participants 20

Total Number of Editors 30

Number of Coordinator 4

Articles created/improved 150

Number of Events 3

At the end of this training and Edit a thon,we hope to learn climate Mitigation Measures, language barrier will never be a hindrance to knowledge equity, How many local Women Climate activist were made Visible on Wikipedia and wikidata.The total Pages translated. We will use the Outreach dashboard to measure our contributions.


Object Unit price (€) Quantity Total (€)
Venue (includes public address system and power supply) $150 3 $450
Transportation for participants $5 34 $170
Food for Participants $20 34 $640
Data support $5 34 $170
projector $16 3 $48
Total $1,478

Any changes made to the budget after the application is submitted will void the application. You will then need to submit an updated application.


  • Anthere :
  • Papischou :