Basque Wikimedians User Group/Strategy/2024-2027
This of here Basque Wikilarien the Culture Association 2024-2027 strategies done he is.
Basque Wikilarien the Culture Association in 2016 he created and from 2017 forward many dirulaguntza he has had to develop his projects. Dirulaguntzarik The biggest the Language Politics of Basque Government Sailburuordetzak emandakoa he has been. To this gratitude from 2018 today until the day the Education Programme that lengthens developing we have been able to, among others, and the association the fixed workers he has had after worm. from 2020 Navarra's Government, Euskarabidearen by means of, in Navarra to do the different projects dirulaguntza he has given to us, there, with the broken, the option to contract an other worker he has given to us that the. Dirulaguntza This egonkortu we have and, therefore, right now lanaldi no-in the whole a worker we have in Navarra with education connection they do not have that to do the projects. in 2021 begun and until 2024 Erasmus+ a project we are developing, Ireland and Frisiako with the associations at the same time.
In the/2022 2023 course Ikusgela we have put in the march, video pedagogical the available sareratzeko the big project. To do this project dirulaguntza the new we have got EJren HPStik, and some video bunches out of mission the funding also we have got, be EIMAko katalogoaren by means of, or the new partner by looking for gidoigintza to ease the expenditures.
Now six years we did not have amesten in this state we would exist that also. This structure the option he has given to us to do the big project, especially the Education Programme we have called that the. Of this programme baitan 5.000 students of the universities but more they have taken part, and close to 10.000.000 words they have increased to him by Basque Wikipediari, in the interval necessary to the articles of the big. Wikipedia And having linked the education they are , we believed, and our hypothesis he has showed: the good contents we have, between of the agents of the education the prestige we have won, and to do the pedagogical action Wikimediak which the platforms of the free knowledge the power that have we have showed. In this interval Txikipedia we have created, aitzindaria the project that is for the new publics. Ikusgelan Four groups we have created already, and we have got some of the videos in some other languages offer, from the production by Basque initiated. In the education Programme we identified the articles of the big importance the marked improvement they have had: 230% wide they are now, 29 millions karaktere with more. This if little he was, in the last two years thanks to done to the initiatives, Wikipedia all being the 10.000 article of the necessary he of the three languages that has a we are and, in two years, 12 posts we have done up until the languages rankinean, the biggest rise he has had that the language. Wikipedia All being of the 1.000 articles of the necessary in the list also marked we have done up, to all 18 posts, and nowadays in two lists we are first 20 Wikipedien between.
And what we've done in the last four years is not limited to that, of course. We've established relationships with a number of knowledge institutions. In addition to our work with universities, we have also reached agreements with the Summer Basque University to release textbooks, or offer pioneering scholarships for research in Digital Humanities. We've worked with several museums, like Soinuene, to expand and release knowledge about folk music. Or the Museum of Oats, to put some of the most important pieces of this artist's work into the hands of everyone. We have participated in the WikiLovesMonuments competition, upgrading and organizing a database of all protected elements in the Basque Autonomous Region. We have also released geographic information on all the megalithic monuments in Navarre. We have worked with the Elhuyar Foundation to contribute to technological innovation, but also to make the Elia translator available to wikilars. We've worked with organizations in the Northern Basque Country, giving talks. We've done radio shows about Wikimedia, and it's become a commonplace for us to communicate with the media.
EWKEko Many members WikiEmakumeok the initiative they have pushed, especially the active they of Durango and Oiartzun that are with the groups. The to underline he is in these groups they of those that take part the majority the women they are ,, wikilarien between nowadays still also gender that exists arrakala txikiagotzen having been the interesting contribution. Thanks to to their tireless job by Basque Wikipedian the biography of the women 26% but more they are, and erlatiboki if little biography we have also, 16.000 women but more they are gathered, often sakontasun with the big. WikiEmakumeok The group, however, they are not organikoki EWKEren the initiative.
Wikiliburu Some also we have pushed: Uliako the nature the that gathers, the on Cookery or journey of Basque Country-guide, by example.
We have also established, strengthened and stabilized international relations. We have attended numerous international conferences and meetings, including Wikimania, Wikimedia Hackathon, Celtic Knot or Iberocoop conferences. We supported the Wikimedia&Education conference, organized the first edition in San Sebastian, with the support of the Wikimedia Foundation, and attended the second one in Belgrade. We have established relationships with other organizations, such as Amical Wikimedia, Wikimedia España and several wikilas that are in a few languages. A member of the EWKE was involved in the discussions to define the WMF strategy, and we were part of the Fun Committee. We have been involved in initiatives and discussions around small languages, and we have helped several languages in Africa become automated templates.
Hau guztia posible izan da wikilarien lanaren bidez eta egitura sendo bat lortu dugulako. Hala ere, baditugu zailtasunak. Instituzio publikoen bidez lortutako dirulaguntzak ez dira hazi azken bost urteotan, eta dirulaguntza berriak eskuratu baditugu ere (Erasmus+, adibidez), bizitzaren kostuaren igoerak eragin handia izan du gure proiektuen hazkuntza posiblean. Azken urtean ezin izan ditugu proiektuaren muina baino urrunago doazen ekimenak egin, eta asko bertan behera utzi behar izan ditugu aurrekontu murriztuaren ondorioz. Adibide batzuk ematearren:
- It's no longer possible to offer scholarships for digital humanities. The result of this scholarship was the creation of the Ikusgela, Be[di]rada (a didactic unit for teaching philosophy subjects through Wikipedia) project or Emartistak (a catalogue of female artists), among others. We can't afford the cost anymore.
- Dagoeneko ez da posible EAEko museoekin lan egitea, Hezkuntza Programarekin guztiz bateragarria ez delako eta dirulaguntzaren baitan jada ez dagoelako horretarako lekurik.
- In the last three years with the Schools of the Basque Country done Txikipedia the project to edit, where every year 1.000 students but more they take part that, he is unable to more growing, he is not because money the management the new educator that will do to take. Without money, the project reduce beharko he is in the next year.
- I can't keep up with international relations. The possibility of this reduction is limited by the grant from the Government, but even if it exists, the options are very limited. EWKE does not have the funds to pay for such a trip, and we would be dependent on WMF's offer of scholarships (there was no scholarship to go to Wikimedia this year, for example). We couldn't even have an international conference.
- It's also hard to do competitions that have worked so well so far. Even if we have a small budget, we should cut back on that. We don't even have the option to organize initiatives like WikiLovesMonuments or WikiLovesEarth, if we have to give a reward.
- Dirulaguntza gehigarriak eskatzeak administraziorako dugun langile bakarra itotzen du, denbora berean askoz dokumentazio handiagoa kudeatu behar duelako. Beti dago aukera deialdi berrietara aurkezteko, baina deialdi horien eskari, justifikazio, dokumentazio eta jarraipenak behar duen denbora kudeatzeko ez dugu pertsonalik.
- Langile bakoitzak diru-laguntza zehatz bati erantzuten dionez, oso zaila zaigu hortik ateratzea eta lan gehigarriak egitea. Une honetan Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan ezin dugu GLAM ekintzarik egin langileen bidez, eta, kontrara, Nafarroan ezin ditugu Hezkuntzari loturiko ariketak egin.
Zer lortu nahi dugu?
2024-2027 tartean aurreko lau urteotan izandako hazkuntza egonkortu beharko dugu, hazten jarraitu ahal izateko. Oraingo egoeran posible dugu ekintza kopuru minimo batekin jarraitzea, baina ezinezkoa da hazkuntza, eta orain arte egindako ekimen asko ere kanpoan utzi beharko genituzke, prezioen igoeraren ondorioz. Beraz, ez dugu norabide aldaketarik egingo: jarraituko dugu egiten ari ginenarekin, baina eraginkorrago. Mundu osoko Wikimedia Mugimenduak erabakitako arlo estrategikoetako batzuen arabera antolatu dugu hurrengo urteotako lana.
EWKEren jasangarritasuna handitu
- Hurrengo lau urteotan, jasangarritasuna handitzeko, dauzkagun dirulaguntzez gain, finantziazio erregularra bilatuko dugu Wikimedia Fundazioarekin. Honek aukera emango digu orain arte helburu zehatz baterako diru-laguntzen barnean justifikazio zaila zuten proiektuak garatzeko.
- Orain arte proiektuen koordinazioan egon den langilea Zuzendari Exekutibo izendatu, estrategiak modu eraginkorrean garatu ahal izateko.
- EWKEren barne bizitza handitzeko bideak antolatuko ditugu. Urteroko zita presentzial bat sustatu, ikasteko, eztabaidatzeko eta elkarrekin aurrera egiteko.
Kideen gaitasunetan inbertitu, barne ezagutza kudeatu
- Of the members formaziorako the resources we will create, the inside discussion improving and to increase the understanding. Formazio Between of these resources attempt presentzialak also they will exist, instrument better to know and we of the that do new to be.
- We will ensure that we are a part of international forums, because we can improve by learning from what others do.
- Egiten duguna hobeto dokumentatzeko tartea behar dugu. Horretarako ere baliabide gehiago behar ditugu, dokumentazioan eman beharreko denbora eduki dezagun.
Euskal irakurleen esperientzia hobetu
- Garrantzi handiko gaiak eta artikuluak euskaraz egon daitezen ekimenak bultzatuko ditugu. Bereziki, Wikipedia guztiek izan beharreko 1.000 eta 10.000 artikuluen zerrendetan hobetzen jarraituko dugu.
- Interneteko bilatzaileetan euskaraz bilatzean dauden arazoak aztertu, eta horien inguruko lobby lana egingo dugu hurrengo urteotan, dagokion eragileekin elkarlana sustatuz. Euskaraz sarean aritzeko, eta egiten dugun lan guztia ikusgarriago egiteko presioa egingo dugu.
- In addition to Wikipedia, we will also develop campaigns and initiatives to increase the presence of the medium in other projects. Our aim is to provide a more complete experience in Basque.
The new subject to the job identifying
- Development Jasangarrirako the job to identify the new subject ranged with the Objectives we will do in the next year. Around of the climate change, around of the health of the women or around of the human rights the programmes we will create, but the innovation he will be the key of this part. These subjects identifying and the new partner to farm we will look for.
- We will work to identify knowledge gaps about Basque culture and history and create editing houses around them.
- WikiLoves lehiaketetan parte hartuko dugu, monumentuen lehiaketaz haratago. Horretarako baliabideak ditugula ziurtatuko dugu, eta eragile berriekin lankidetza bilatuko dugu.
In the free knowledge innobatu
- Ikusgelaren By means of video by Basque pedagogical of the available ekosistema increasing we will follow. In the march the group that are eguneratu and feeding we will follow, and in the cooperation the new group to put in the march in the job we will be. Every year less by those to create 40 videos saiakerari we will hold to him, and this by Basque Wikipedian every year 200 article irudiztatzea he will cause, this influence biderkatzeko the strategies inplementatuko we have. Alor With this to the motive educations Education of the Opened Resources (Open Educational Resources, OER) potential biderkatzailea ikusarazteko the jobs we will do, baita in the general Commons-en the contents of releasing in favour sentsibilizazioa also. Created all content to carry to some other communities of language in the promotion we will follow, and language gutxituon between base amankomunak to create to a the ways we will look for, done the job berrerabili and each other to help.
- Wikipedia kontsumo ohitura berrietara moldatzeko eztabaidatan parte hartuko dugu, etorkizunean ikus-entzunezkoetan natiboagoa den teknologia bat garatzen bada, modu aktiboan izango gara hor. Teknologiak ahalbidetzen badu, aurrerago eduki multimediek orain testuek duten wiki edizio sistema izan beharko dute. Hori gertatuko balitz, Ikusgela proiektua irekitzeko aukera izango genuke.
- Txikipediaren The technical use we will improve, in the next years Wikidatan in the right txertatzeko the option that are by seeing, the project way. This the option he will give to show more informations, and to get the connections of some other languages, like this how better to understand what article we have that.
- Podcastak egiteko aukeran sakonduko dugu, baita audio-azalpenen bidea urratzen ere. Ezagutza beste formatu batzuetan emateko bide berriak probatu.
- The developments of the artificial intelligence Wikimedian he to the influence that has fore we will take to him, on of this continuous contemplating and two aldeetako in front of the practices attentively by maintaining: our contents creating and eguneratzean this technology language gutxiagotuetan he in the paper that can be from a side, and these instruments entrenatzean the free encyclopaedia he by the paper that has warning constantly.
With more agents coordinated
- We're going to start new relationships in education and GLAM. We're going to try to do three exercises with these guys, as much as possible: EWKE, an educational institution, and an outside operator. Our goal will be to develop projects around free knowledge.
- We will put in place resources to coordinate with international operators, especially to link the potential talent among Basque wiccals to WMF and the Wiccals Movement.
- We'll join more movements for free knowledge, find common strategies and find best practices.