Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2011/Candidates/ca
Els resultats es varen anunciar el 17 de juny del 2011.

Eleccions al Consell 2011 |
Organització |
Resum de dades |
Presentació |
Sóc en Capsot, l'editor espectacularment apreciat a les esferes més altes. Per a mi l'essència bàsica dels projectes és els seus editors i es mereixen molt més del que que estan rebent ara mateix. Si em trieu a mi, miraré de fer el millor que puga per a:
Com es pot deduir del meu blocatge a tots els projectes fa un temps, i que encara perdura a Meta, algunes persones prominents de les esferes altes em tenen por; doncs ara teniu l'oportunitat d'espantar-los votant per un dels pocs candidats que de debò es comprometen a fer canvis i a implantar veritat i transparència. |
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Presentació | In my day job I'm a computer security engineer and also translate books.
I joined the Hebrew WP in 2004. I’ve been an admin for 6 years and a bureaucrat for the last 4 years. I am one of the founders and the secretary of WM Israel. I give many outreach talks in different forums. I’m involved with nascent GLAM efforts in Israel. I’m deeply involved with Wikimania 2011, where I manage registration and scholarships, act as the program chair and handle OTRS. I presented in Wikimania ‘07 and ‘10, and attended ChapConf11 too. I believe in a grassroots movement that is large, decentralized and varied, with ample room for the community, the WMF, the chapters and other stakeholders to have their own unique positions, working together to accomplish our mission. If elected to the board, I intend to support activities to:
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Presentació | Vaig néixer i vaig créixer a la Xina. Vaig estudiar Enginyeria Elèctrica a Alemanya i ara hi visc i treballo com a especialista d'IT. La meva feina als projectes de Viquipèdia són sobretot bàsiques: Editar, traduir, tasques administratives, intentar resoldre conflictes i intentar ajudar als nouvinguts quan sigui possible. Em van elegir trustee a l'any 2008 i tornar a elegir a l'any 2009. De moment sóc el president de la junta.
Per si de cas que em tornin a elegir els meus objectius són els següents:
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Presentació | Sóc escriptor professional i consultant de llegibilitat.
Feia d'escriptor en relacions públiques i escriptura tècnica durant 21 anys. He estat membre del Grup de Llegibilitat de l'Associació Internacional de Llegir ("Readability SIG of the International Reading Association") i de la Societat de Comunicacions Tècniques ("Society of Technical Communications") des de l'any 1985. He estat molt actiu a la Associació Internacional de Llenguatge Senzill ("Plain Language Association International") des de l'any 1995. Des de 2001 he treballat com a consultant en llenguatge senzill i llegibilitat. Entre els meus clients hi ha l'Administració Nacional d'Aviació ("National Aviation Administration"), la Comissió d'Obres Públiques de Califòrnia ("California Public Utilities Commission"), el Departament d'Assumptes de Consumidors de Los Angeles ("Los Angeles County Department of Consumer Affairs") i el Departament de Serveis Socials Públics de Los Angeles ("Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services"). He escrit extensivament sobre llegibilitat i entre les meves publicacions hi ha Smart Language: Readers, Readability, and the Grading of Texts, Unlocking Language: The Classic Readability Studies, The Principles of Readability, i el Plain Language at Work Newsletter, tots oferit gratuïtament al meu lloc web lloc web, junts amb més material instructiu. Gaudeixo molt de contribuir a la Viquipèdia. He estat un contribuent important de les pàgines angleses La història de Los Angeles (The history of Los Angeles), Llegibilitat (Readability), George R. Klare, i William S. Gray. Estic interessat en sumar-me a la junta per poder fer més accessible al lector el llenguatge de la Viquipèdia. Hi ha un gran feix de material d'investigació sobre llegibilitat que podria tenir un gran impacte a l'augment del número de lectors. També estic interessat en treballar amb els editors de "Simple Wikipedia" i en crear un projecte de llenguatge senzill. També estic interessat en les discussions sobre polítiques generals d'editar. |
James Forrester (Jdforrester)
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Presentació | As a long-time Wikimedian I have done a bit of everything. I became an enwiki sysop in 2003 and founded its ArbCom; I'm now an enwiki CheckUser/OverSight, and Commons sysop. I help out each Wikimania, ran IRC, and even wrote bits of code. I was the Foundation's Chief Research Officer, Wikimedia UK's founding Secretary, and a few more rôles, but now outside the Wikimedia bodies (just a member of Wikimedia NL), I've gained some perspective. I work to open up the British Government, leading on strategy, technical issues, governance and finance, so the Board's duties are familiar to me.
I share community worries about some critical items for the Board:
We need better understanding between the projects - it's tough to find out what's going on to learn or offer help. As someone who only speaks English, I rely on translations, which are vital. I'd have regular project updates shared, as with Chapters, and restart the Embassy. |
Lodewijk Gelauff (Effeietsanders)
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Presentació | M'interessen molt les relacions en Wikimedia. Entre els editors, les organitzacions i el nostres lectors. En aquest moviment la fundació és una organització central important, però no n'és l'única.
Des que m'involucrés en Viquipèdia l'any 2005 he estat actiu en molts camps del moviment; aquests inclouen treballar com a steward, administrador del sistema in diversos wikis, cinc anys de pertinença a la junta de la Wikimedia dels Països Baixos i encara sóc un membre del comitè de seccions locals (Chapters). He organitzat conferències de Wikimedia, reunions de les seccions locals (Chapters) I sóc l'organitzador principal del projecte internacional "Wiki Loves Monuments" (A Wiki li encanten els monuments). En la vida diària estudio "Chemistry & Science Based Business (MSc)" (química i negoci basat en ciència) a la Universitat de Leiden. M'interessa especialment:
Reconec que no tinc totes les solucions per als problemes del món (ni tan sols per als de Wikimedia) - però intento estar obert per a ells. Respecte a molts temes tinc una opinió, però estic disposat a canviar-la, sempre que hi hagi bons arguments. M'encantaria fer-me'n un membre accessible i crític, però constructiu, de la junta de la "Wikimedia Foundation". Hi ha moltes més coses que m'agradarien compartir amb vosaltres, però aquest espai està limitat. Per tant feu-me qualsevol pregunta que tingueu! |
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Presentació | M'agradaria aprofundir en els valors del moviment.
Soc Profesor Doctor Enginyer Industrial a la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Vaig ser director de la Fundació Centre CIM i president d’Amical Viquipèdia. He contribuït a traduir al català el llibre “Viquipèdia descobrir, utilitzar, contribuir”. He organitzat un programa a 17 universitats espanyoles per aplicar la Viquipèdia. Soc un dels desenvolupadors del bot de suport a la traducció que es fa servir a la Viquipèdia en català. |
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Presentació | Wikimedia should be a model for open, community-led organizations.
I grew up in the USA, and have lived in Germany and Kenya. I studied physics at Harvard, and work at One Laptop per Child, fostering education and offline access to knowledge in the developing world. Since 2004, I have been a Wikimedia editor, translator, organizer and speaker. I started the Meta translators network, and published a Wikimedia newsletter in 5 languages. I served as a steward for 5 years. I have worked on outreach to universities and libraries, and in 2009 organized the Kiswahili Wikipedia Challenge. I led Wikimania 2006, and run the Boston wiki-meetup (since 2005). I was elected to the Board in 2009, and am its secretary. As Trustee I focus on transparency, long-term planning and community empowerment, including the strategic plan and movement roles projects. My current goals for the Foundation are to:
Patricio Lorente (Patricio.lorente)
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Presentació | I've been involved in es.Wikipedia and Commons since 2005. I am President of Wikimedia Argentina since 2007 and was lead organizer of Wikimania 2009. I took part in many Wikimedia-related initiatives, such as GLAM (Wikipedia takes..., free release of national TV historical footage), collaboration with the educational system and building an Ibero-American cooperation framework (Iberocoop). I'm also public leader of Creative Commons Argentina.
If elected, I will work to:
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Presentació | So far most attention has gone to the big Wikipedias with the argument that we gain the most by building on our strengths. As a result the development of other projects and projects with problems with their script have been stunted. I have actively sought solutions to alleviate this discrimination and I am involved in and the development of extensions like LocalisationUpdate, Narayam and WebFonts.
I am a prolific blogger and have written about Wikis and what not for several years. When I am elected to the board, I will advocate a Wikimedia Foundation that has the widest possible impact on our eco-system and on our goal of bringing information to all people of this world. I will seek this more in changes of the details then in a "revolution". We are doing great work but we can do better for all our languages and projects when we show a bit more flexibility and agility. I have been involved in GLAMs from the start and, I will seek improved outreach to our GLAM partners by at least providing timely data on their impact. Social issues prevent further development of our community, this will be one of my priorities. I will continue to blog in order to improve the discussion and communication of our movement. |
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Presentació | Within the WM family I am an editor and sysop on the English WP, am lightly involved in Wikibooks/Commons and was previously active on Wikinews. I am British, an Electronic Engineering graduate and work in information security (forensic analysis & software development).
I have a deep interest in freedom of speech and knowledge. I believe that free and open content of all kinds is essential to our future culture, after all “Knowledge is power”. The WMF provide a crucial cornerstone in the task to bring that power to everyone. If elected I will help secure the ideals of neutrality, freedom and collaboration that the board is tasked to defend. I am very approachable and can bring a unique mixture of free thinker, developer, writer and free content evangelist to the board to help support the project in an exciting new decade. As a highly active editor I’d hope act as a conduit between the broad work/perspective of the board and the views/ideas of the community. I’d work to make the board more accessible to the community, support the high level of independence of the Wiki’s and help foster greater camaraderie and stronger ties amongst all our volunteers. |
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Presentació | The Wikimedia projects are, in my opinion, one of humanity's noblest and most important endeavours. Free knowledge is the vision that brought us all together to collect millions of bits of wisdom, art, and culture for all to share and spread.
Yet, without the support and guidance of a strong vision our projects flounder. The smaller projects become vulnerable to small self-selecting groups that care little for our founding principles, and even the biggest and healthiest of our project calcify into ineffective bureaucracies unable to deal with the responsibilities of being the greatest source of knowledge of Internet. There is a fine but critical line between avoiding interference in the projects and abandoning them without support or guidance, and my objective is to guide the foundation back to our roots. Neutrality, a welcoming collaborative environment, and true openness are not options, nor are our responsibilities to the readers – and subjects – of our projects. The Foundation must support those principles by action, not by looking away. Outreach is good, but let's first make sure our house is in order before inviting more guests. |
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Presentació | I am a steward, member of LangCom, ChapCom, RCom and Board of WMRS. I was the first president of WMRS and member of NomCom for its existence. I am actively working on various issues related to improving Wikimedia's capabilities. I am programmer and operator of a couple of bots.
I am sysadmin by profession and linguist by education. If elected, my focuses will be:
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Presentació | I contribute organized sets of biomolecular-structure & mountain/flower images to Wikimedia Commons, edit molecular structure & graphics articles on en:wikipedia (POTD 2009-11-19), and introduce Wikipedia editing in classes.
My research is on 3D structure of biological macromolecules. I am a Professor at Duke University; MacArthur Fellow; National Academy of Sciences USA; American Academy of Arts & Sciences; Institute of Medicine; President-elect, Biophysical Society. Our lab (joint with my husband User:DavetheMage) runs the MolProbity structure-validation web service (at, distributes our open-source software and open-access papers, contributes to the RNA Ontology Consortium and the worldwide Protein Data Bank Validation Task Forces, and is a development team on the PHENIX crystallographic software project.
Ferdinando Scala (Ferdinando Scala)
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Presentació | Quan era petit, somiava amb ser un autor de la Enciclopedia Galàctica, el repositori del coneixement universal descrit per Isaac Asimov en la seva saga de La Fundació. Vaig tenir l'ocasió de veure alguna cosa semblant en la meva vida i, a més, de contribuir. Dir "gràcies" per fer realitat els meus somnis és la meva més profunda motivació per ser voluntari per servir a la comunitat WMF.
En la meva vida diària sóc una comunicació digital professional, centrada específicament en la planificació estratègica, l'evolució digital i el desenvolupament dels mitjans de comunicació social. Sóc un venedor d'experts i orador públic, amb la pràctica com a entrenador en els sectors empresarial i acadèmic. Si sóc elegit, vaig a posar els meus coneixements sobre la disposició a:
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Presentació | used to work as senior trust relationship mgr for 15 yrs with citibank/csg. in between i have sucessfully restruct. our fam. business. began with 18 as illustrator / editor of high quality books.
loved medium-longterm strat. consid. are also asset 2day, as writer/painter: « teatime, samurai », compar. dalai LAMA with GANDHI, helped 2009 & counter proposal 2 OBAMA / court to postpone google-agreem. started in dec 2010 THE HOPE CYCLE ( with marocco & egypt (?!) - with happenings in libya, on 21st of feb 11, posted the new blog on fb white house with saying from 2010: "human rights are not, not negotiable." on 23rd of feb OBAMA quotes by amending: « nowhere » - on apr 15 human rights commission, UN geneva, fully adhered to official complaint dated 25th of nov 10 against wished apartheid in switzland (vote of 28th of nov. reverted!). I contribute since 2010 to commons, mainly to own categ. mischa vetere - due to heavy censorship 2010, all works are O.T.R.S. approved now, a lot – due to fascist tendencies - against discrim., world problem no. 1: HUNGER, education. here an example, used for recent german conf. about north afr. Revol.: following the invit. of ting chen, i would love to help to bring the wiki project further with all its diversity, increasing the quality level by encouraging participants. my contribution: to listen carefully, obtain a full overview, bring in strategical ideas. i am at the top of creativity - 2010: 1300 paintings! |
Urs Wäfler (Urs.Waefler)
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Presentació | Vaig néixer i créixer a Suïssa. Vaig estudiar a l'Institut Federal Suís de Tecnologia a Zuric, i ho vaig deixar sense obtenir cap diploma. Vaig treballar per al Fòrum Econòmic Mundial en la seva Reunió Anual de Davos, i vaig ser professor de secundària. Actualment treballo en la indústria del software i segueixo estudiant informàtica mercantil.
En el cas de ser elegit, els meus objectius són:
L'educació es pot dur a terme a qualsevol lloc. És el nostre actiu més valuós, ha de ser un món obert i accessible per tothom – la humanitat només avança a través de la col·laboració. |
Kat Walsh (mindspillage)
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Presentació | In my day job I'm a teacher on secondary schools in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
I started to edit on the Spanish Wikipedia on Apr 30 2008, I was sysopped there on March 2010. I am sysop also on Commons and I frequently edit on spanish Wikinews where I am reviewer. I am system engineer and I am a teacher of computer sciences on secondary schools of Tandil, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. If I elected to the board, I intend to help in: