Programa Catalisador do Brasil/Planejamento 2012-2013
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Introdução e Participação
editSaudações, pessoal! Como é de conhecimento geral, a Wikimedia Foundation, junto com a Wikimedia Brasil, está trabalhando há alguns anos no Programa Catalisador do Brasil e mais recentemente anunciou a abertura de um escritório no Brasil e a implementação de um programa para fortalecer a Wikipédia em Português e outras iniciativas da Wikimedia. Muitos debates da comunidade e da Wikimedia Foundation em parceria com a comunidade resultaram na decisão desse novo passo que é o de se estabelecer no Brasil. Baseados neste acúmulo e histórico, publicamos aqui uma primeira versão do planejamento para o próximo ano fiscal (Julho/2012 - Junho/2013), com base em debates, encontros presenciais e em alguns dados estatísticos que nos ajudam a analisar o cenário. Portanto, abaixo você encontrará perguntas-chave e propostas iniciais que servirão de ponto de partida para desenharmos isso junto com a comunidade.
Queremos contar com a contribuição de editores e editoras mais experientes, com ideias, sugestões e reflexões de todos, incluindo os novatos, pra que a gente possa desenvolver um plano em que acreditemos - ou seja, que seja algo desejado pela maioria e realista o bastante pra não abandonarmos no primeiro obstáculo que encontrarmos pela frente. E desejamos trocar experiências e aprendizados nesse processo, construindo um plano integrado, que reflita a diversidade da comunidade e avance significativamente no crescimento dos projetos Wikimedia.
Como muito já foi pensado e planejado por tantos voluntários, trabalhamos na leitura de muitas propostas e debates prévios, mas nem sempre é possível recuperar todos. Portanto, trazê-los também às referências e propostas será super importante pra agregar ao histórico do que já foi feito por aqui.
As ideias que estão abaixo são gerais, mas trazem algumas das questões que consideramos mais importantes para o debate e o projeto.
A proposta é debatermos aqui no Meta, mas também organizando sessões no IRC e, onde for possível, debates ao vivo, encontros da comunidade etc.. Seria bem legal ver voluntários de uma mesma cidade se encontrando para debater propostas e trazer, para a página de discussão, suas impressões ou o que consideraram mais relevante dos debates. Não são necessários relatos formais, mas é legal compartilhar as conclusões a que chegaram e questões importantes levantadas.
Planejamento a partir da Discussão
editPessoal, a partir de vários debates desenvolvidos ao longo do semestre, procuramos detalhar melhor o planejamento para servir de guia da gestão do projeto. Fiz em inglês, com sugestões da Jessie sobre como organizar, apresentar etc. Acho que o planejamento abaixo reflete relativamente bem a maior parte das conversas que já ocorreram em vários espaços, mas evidentemente não se trata de um plano não sujeito a qualquer tipo de alteração. Mas era preciso delimitar, aprofundar, detalhar e discutir também com Anasuya e Jessie, perspectivas para o nosso plano tendo em vista as prioridades da Wikimedia Foundation, do movimento wikimedia em todo o mundo e aqui no Brasil.
Submeto aqui novamente à comunidade. Acho que, no geral, ela reflete bem nossa conversa e busca relacionar as propostas às prioridades definidas pela WMF no planejamento estratégico para o período 2010-2015.
Eventualmente algumas metas poderão parecer ousadas, mas acho que vale nos atermos menos a isso e tomá-las como estimulos, a não ser que considerem o ponto mais importante do que as ações, atividades e programas para chegar a elas. De qualquer forma, adianto que sei que um plano nunca agradará 100% a todos, no detalhe, mas creio que o importante aqui é termos consenso em torno das premissas, das linhas de ação e da proposta geral - lembrando que poderemos fazer mudanças mais "profundas" no próximo período, mas temos que dar conta de um plano mínimo de ação agora até para poder avaliar e dizer "foi bom", "não deu certo", "por que" e "o que sugerimos para o próximo período".
Além disso, inclui algumas ações que são muito ligadas à comunidade e dependem fundamentalmente dela. A ideia é trabalharmos juntos (articulação, organização, implementação e monitoramento), mas com forte participação de voluntários que queiram se envolver. Nesses pontos, a avaliação de vocês é crucial. Avaliar a possibilidade, o interesse, a disponibilidade e acrescentar o que vocês gostariam de fazer - seja acrescentando, seja em substituição. E o que esperam da WMF em relação ao que estiver no planejamento de vocês.
Vamos nessa! Mais uma etapa por aqui. Agradeço já a participação de todos os que já se envolveram nas ideias para esse planejamento e de antemão para aqueles que estão por vir.
Histórico e Introdução
editEm 2010, a equipe de Desenvolvimento Global da Wikimedia Foundation elaborou um plano estratégico de 5 anos, que envolve o desenvolvimento dos Projetos Catalisadores. Estes projetos buscam catalisar atividades da Wikimedia Foundation em países em desenvolvimento tais como a Índia, o Brasil e os países árabes, onde há um grande potencial em virtude de suas imensas populações, crescimento econômico e a crescente disseminação da banda larga[1]. O objetivo é que essas areas sejam em breve cruciais para o alcance das cinco metas estratégicas da Wikimedia Foundation: (1) aumentar a leitura, (2) aumentar o número de artigos, (3) aprimorar a qualidade, (4) aumentar o número de editores ativos e (5) diversificar a base editora[2].
The Portuguese Wikipedia and Brazilians
editThe Portuguese Wikipedia is currently the 9th largest wikipedia in the world, with more than 742 thousand articles and the 8th most accessed Wikipedia in the World.
Brazilians represent about 80% of active editors of the Portuguese Wikipedia. However, we only have about 5 editors per million of primary and secondary Portuguese language speakers. While, for italian speakers, this ratio goes to 43 editor per million of speakers, for german, 36, for English, 22, for Russian, 15, and so on[3].
This means we have too few editors for the potential of population speaking it. That could be obviously explained by educational, cultural and social reasons, but while access to internet and education both grow, editors in Wikipedia don't. We we unfortunatelly can't change the whole picture. Though we can work on our projects to make them better and larger.
Researches have been showing the web is shrinking [4] in recent years and we believe that not only diversity of content and voices is important, but it's also very crucial to foster knowledge sharing. And we believe emerging countries populations may play a key role on this.
According to the 2011 readers survey carried out by Wikimedia Foundation in Brazil [5], "55% of Wikipedia readers are considered Casual as they frequent the Wikipedia site less than 4 times per month. The Brazilian avid reader base of 45% is significantly smaller than other countries, with a gap of 20% between its avid readership level and the global average of 65%".
Wikipedia is the 11th most accessed website in Brazil [6], which compared to other countries it's not too good. While in the US this is the 6th most read website, and in India, Germany and Italy, it is the 7th, and in Russia, Colombia and Argentina, the 9th, Brazil stands in front of Turkey, Indonesia, South Korea and China, countries where control over information are possibly higher than in Brazil.
Brazil is the 8th country that most access Wikipedia, according to Alexa's rank and the Portuguese Wikipedia is the 8th most accessed wikipedia according to Alexa, probably because of its huge population (about 200 million people) [7]. Google, Facebook, YouTube, UOL and Globo (both news websites) are the most popular websites in Brazil. As shown in the readers survey made by Wikimedia Foundation, Brazilians are more likely to engage in social media than other countries. Our profile of readers is also younger than the average and the percentage of speakers in comparison to number of editors is one of the smallest.
All this means we have a huge challenge in Brazil: both increasing readership in comparison to other websites and especially bring more readers into an active profile, taking part in the community, sharing Wikipedia articles, reading them and collaborating more often.
General Assumptions
editThe 2010-2015 plan, which defined five strategic priorities for the Wikimedia Movement, which are:
- Stabilize infrastructure
- Increase participation
- Improve quality
- Increase reach
- Encourage innovation
The Brazilian Catalyst plan intends to address some of these priorities, through actions on the ground, built and developed in partnership with local institutions and the local community.
Through those actions, we intend to support Wikimedia movement in increasing participation, improving quality and increasing access to Wikimedia projects (their reach). Obviously, encouraging innovation and stabilizing infrastructure are as important as the other 3 ones, however, they're a bit beyond our capacities as an organization here, although we can support other types of innovation but technological as well as contribute to global enhancements as part of the movement.
As we will see throughout this document, we have more hypothesis than answers on why Wikipedia and other projects struggle to grow. There are lots of discussions on why is that as well as on whether growth barriers are, at this moment, the major challenge for the Portuguese Wikipedia. We work with the premise, however, that this tripod growth-quality improvement-reach is the basis for Wikimedia projects sustainibility. Considering none of our projects are static, on the contrary, they are pretty dynamic, mid and long term sustainibility do imply growth and bringin new editors in.
However, growth and quality improvements on Wikimedia are more like an opera played by an orchestra, that requires tune and harmony, so it doesn't completely mess around the concert. On the other hand, being aware that bringing new and unexperienced volunteers do require attention and work, and do impact the existing community, but is a basic condition to reduce the current workload on a relatively small community (in comparison to number of articles, new volunteers and so on), to allow, in the mid term, new volunteers to become experienced and share with the current existing community the responsibilities and workload, as well as their knowledge and pleasure in collaborating.
We'll be running online and offline activities, embracing Wikimedia projects with a special attention to Wikipedia. All activities should somehow adress any of these strategic priorities, since our resources are short and our time, too.
This doesn't mean we plan to rush on everything we do, as it doesn't mean we plan to do everything ourselves. We know we can work together on common projects as well as in a complementary way. We have no doubt that there's one single basic condition to have success in here: having the community willing to make changes to achieve certain goals. The important is, at this point, to make sure we all have our goals clear so we can discuss and work together.
This plan has been built out of the planning we discussed on meta. I must admit I found it difficult to consolidate very concrete ideas in all areas of interest throughout the debate and needed to kind of come back to a dark room to work on it and share this back with you all.
Please make sure you share your ideas and support us in visualizing how to get there, that is, how to go in the direction of our 5 strategic priorities. This plan will be run until June, 2013. We have plenty of time to plan the subsequent period.
editThis project aims at implementing the Brazil Catalyst project, which consists in strengthening and creating processes and dynamics with the Brazilian community, documenting learnings and processes, aiming at growth of Wikimedia projects in Portuguese in Brazil.
By community, we mean the group of volunteers that collaborate with and promote Wikimedia projects. The online community is formed by thousands of people. Wikipedia counts with about 15 hundred active editors, and more than a hundred very active editors. Wikimedia Brasil, the active group of volunteers who promote Wikimedia projects is now incorporated and have about 25 associates and about 40 contributors throughout Brazil. They promote the idea of sharing knowledge, organize workshops, participate in events, establish partnerships and engage more people into Wikimedia projects and collaborate with WMF in the plannings for the catalyst program.
The perspective of WMF is to keep working in collaboration with Wikimedia Brasil, preventing that WMF somehow clouds the vollunteers movement and organization, as well as the other way round.
Specific Objectives
edit- Support the development of community projects in partnership with the Wikimedia Foundation, aiming to raise awareness of Brazilian society about the Wikimedia projects
- Support the development of projects aimed at increasing the contribution and the entry of new users in the Wikimedia projects in Portuguese.
- Support the development of projects that aim to increase retention of new employees in the Wikimedia projects in Portuguese.
- To support the community in the development of processes that aim its own growth and autonomy
- To document activities, projects and results, and most importantly, learnings and processes valuable for improvements and information sharing.
RATIONALE: Re-activating growth in Wikimedia Projects, especially on Wikipedia, will foster the development of the project and re-engage volunteers in actions to allow more growth making projects more sustainable
Outcome Targets
edit- Participation: Average of 1650 active users in Wikipedia
- Growth of 10% of new users
- Growth of 20% of Brazil Wikimedia community (volunteers involved in projects as well editing and administration site)
- 15% growth in active users Wikiversity, Wikibooks and Wikisources
- Content: 800,000 articles by June 2013
- Quality: Growth of 10% in good and 5% featured articles
- Readership: 10% increase in readership from June 2012 -> June 2013
Programs and actions
editGeneral researches
editBecause there are almost different 300 language wikipedias, that's not surprising that we lack information, researches and detailed evidences on each of them. Despite all investments in research in Brazil3, after 8 months working for Wikimedia Foundation, I realized we still lack information to understand the main bottlenecks and challenges for Wikipedia Growth in Brazil. We have a lot of assumptions and hypothesis that gather relations with “internal” and “external” reasons why the Portuguese Wikipedia hasn't been growing. Among “internal” ones, one could mention the environment and conflicts, the existence of few very active editors overloaded with administrative responsibilities, a great variety of rules making a very complex regulation system, and others. Among the external ones, one could say hypothesis would comprise a bunch of assumptions such as the Wiki code as well as CAPTCHA as obstacles for editing, little awareness with regards to its collaborative model, lower levels of education and knowledge production, low levels of trustwothfulness contrasting with actual high levels of use, digital divide, as well as an increasing concentration of people's internet time spent on Facebook and other social networks.
However, many of these assumptions are in great part not more than hypothesis that haven't been proved. Also, some of these obstacles are beyond Wikimedia Foundation's capacities for making the necessary changes.
Nevertheless, two surveys/researches would be very valuable for the sake of measuring the impact of the catalyst program in Brazil and evaluate how effetive and positive has been the investment. Despite highly costful, I would reccomend the Foundation hired a survey now and again in 2,5 years time, so we can assess improvements developed through our program:
- To hire a survey on perception regarding the Portuguese Wikipedia (or even a Benchmark on the catalyst project areas). (PERHAPS MANNY's RESEARCH WOULD BE ENOUGH?)
- Manny's research? Can who wrote this point out what is it about? --Ezalvarenga (talk) 15:43, 15 January 2013 (UTC)
- This is the report mentioned: Research:Brazil_Readers_Survey_2011_Findings--Oona (WMF) (talk) 19:55, 15 January 2013 (UTC)
- Thanks, Oona. I made some questions there. --Ezalvarenga (talk) 21:09, 15 January 2013 (UTC)
- This is the report mentioned: Research:Brazil_Readers_Survey_2011_Findings--Oona (WMF) (talk) 19:55, 15 January 2013 (UTC)
- Manny's research? Can who wrote this point out what is it about? --Ezalvarenga (talk) 15:43, 15 January 2013 (UTC)
- To hire a survey on Wikipedia usability in Brazil.
Education Program
editRATIONALE: The education program aims at contributing to the production of good quality content into Wikipedia by bringing high quality editors, as well as diminuishing barriers between Wikipedia and the academy and educational institutions, and raising awareness on the importance increase the commons of free knowledge, specially those for educational purposes.
That's important to note that Brazil faces a challenge to expand more broadly our program under its current model given the conditions available and low capacity to engage more ambassadors (Brazilian community is quite overloaded and there are few experienced editors available to engage in more time consuming activities of the program). Working with a premise that the model should be sustainable and scalable, avoid conflicts with the existing community and improve Wikipedia articles with the help of campus and online ambassadors, we decided to analyse our available data from running and concluded courses to find solutions to improve a educational program aligned with its goals, and a lot of learnings from the first pilot and its second phase have been documented in order for us to tackle the existing problems [8].
Some of these challenges and limitations, however, are related to our conditions in place on the Portuguese Wikipedia, in which we have only 37 administrators, 118 rollbackers and about 1465/1500 active editors. A recent simple diagnosis developed by our team raised some interesting findings. While articles promissed by professors represent about 12,8% of articles proposed for the English Wikipedia in the US Education Program, we have less than 3% of admins and rollbackers in comparison to EN-WP, and less than 5% of active editors. Our experienced wikipedians are terribly overloaded with administrative tasks and rarely have the time to support newbies and students in editing activities. We have tried to train new ambassadors, but it's proved that one, two or even three training sessions are not enough to make them confident and experienced in order to help students develop articles that are well accepted in the Portuguese Wikipedia. That has made professors ask for our team's help, which is currently formed by one person and part of a second's person time, making us drive a lot of attention to training sessions and follow up in Wikipedia, making a decision to expand the number of students and editings much more complex.
We're developing alternative models to experiment (such as the thematic model, connected to Wikiprojects), and have also learned that the class asssignment are more likely to be successful in courses in which professors are higly engaged and able to lead editing activities and reviews. We are also going to try translations from good articles mainly of English Wikipedia, since this seems to be the most effective to generate bytes when you don't have enough volunteers for a successful crowdsourcing dynamics and translations have shown to be a good model in other places or even on the Portuguese Wikipedia.
About the Education Program in Brazil
editThe Education Program of the Wikimedia Foundation in Brazil was named Wikipédia na Universidade (Wikipedia in the University). Through this project, students and professors work together on assignments on Wikipedia, with editing activities, promoting and sharing knowledge worked along the semesters and improving the quality of the articles in the encyclopedia.
The education program began in the United States with a project called Public Policy Initiative, a partnership with universities to create and improve entries on the subject in the English Wikipedia.
In Brazil, isolated initiatives had already been undertaken when, in the second half of 2011, a teacher from UniRio (Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro) asked support frmo the Wikimedia Foundation to develop a work with Wikipedia. In the very late of 2011, Brazil got its first contractor to develop a pilot in Brazil, involving five courses in four universities (USP, UNESP, UniRio and UFRJ).
There were many lessons learned in this first phase of the program, and we have obtained some positive tangible results, and a lot of learnings. Based on them, Wikimedia Foundation in Brazil decided to open a public call and expand the program to 15 courses.
To address and face some of the current challenges of the Education Program in Brazil based on the class assignments model, we are willing to prioritize:
- Online support centralized at Café dos novatos (or some other place similar to Teahouse) where all participants can ask questions about articles development and editing
- Professors driven model: the Wikipedia assignment must be led by professors involved in the program and familiar with Wikipedia. Classes where professors don't take the lead have proved to be usually unsuccessful.
Currently, the program is being implemented by professors from more than 10 universities in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Espírito Santo.
During the period July 2012 to June 2013, Wikipedia na Universidade proposes to present:
- Documentation of lessons learned and recommendations for those (both professors and wikipedians) who want to implement the program;
- Creation of communication channels for professors and editors, as well as the creation of a network, and identity related to the Education Program in Brazil and in the World;
- Creation of teaching materials, printed and online tutorials in text and video, enabling multiplication of workshops;
- Establishment of partnerships with universities or other organizations that can support the program
- Design during the semester a plan to create a sustainable growth of Wikipedia ambassadors, if we see it's possible and necessary, for the second semester
- Establishing partnerships with language and translation schools
- Designing, planning and implementing a pilot with a thematic approach for contributions on Wikipedia, re-activating WikiProjects and involving experts
Products and outcomes:
- At least 15 professors involved in the network (professor driven, mechanisms for community support and mainly WMF learnings, with medium WMF support)
- Introduce at least 1 professor from other educational levels (light support WMF support)
- Partnership with Universidade Gama Filho on translation courses
- 10 tutorial videos and creation of a WikiProject so that the community can create other videos in the future (ideally help with the scripts by the community and possibly a WikiProject where they can lead the making of other videos, similarly to what we have at the English Wikipedia)
- At least 3 educational materials printed: 1 for university professors, 1 for students and 1 about for ambassadors (a more general one for a broader audience of educators and potential contributors in the country)
- Extensive online material, looking ahead to the future
- Improvement of the actual help system of Wikipedia in Portuguese, working with the community
- Step by step to implement the project
- Involved 60 students and/or active editors by June 2013
- At least 60 improved articles or new ones (emphasis on improved) until June 2013 accepted in Wikipedia
- 10 stories published
- 15 wikipedians involved
- 1 to 2 WikiProjects re-activated. A more likely to be re-activated would be the medicin WikiProject, on which we would be able to count on the collaboration of institutions we have been talking to, such as Fiocruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a public institution related to the Ministry of Health), FMUSP (Medicine School of the University of São Paulo), NGO called IFMSA (students of medicine interested in studying abroad who develop activities to get advantages for school exchanges), in a coordinated way with Wikipedia’s Medicine Translation Task Force [9]
1) Reactivation of one wikiproject:
- Number of active veteran Wikipedians: >= 5
- Number of new contributors that become active: >= 15
- Number of topics being discussed on the WikiProject talk page: >= 2 / month
- Acomplish tasks in group: >= 3
- Number of articles considerably improved by the group: >= 20 (until June)
- <bytes> added by the group per article: >= 10k (very ansure about measuring only articles size. Some small improvements can be of gerat value, sometimes even more than a big article)
- Increase featured articles: >=2? (proposal)
2) Class assignments:
- Keep working with 10 professors whose courses went well, adding 1 new into the group and 4 from the tanslation courses
- Number of articles: >= 60
- Number of featured articles (included in total): >= 10
- Production of video tutorials in partnership with universities
- Number of students involved: >=120
Community Development
editRATIONALE: Every work developed by the WMF catalyst team has so far been done and should continue be built in partnership with the community. This aims at transparency, participation and sustainibility of the projects. Involving more people in debates is also a way of bringing in a wide variety of knowledge and intelligence, as well as it may help community members develop different know-hows based on our common experience and allows more intense accountability on projects and results. Also, for the initiatives to continue after the end of the catalyst program, that's important that community members are active part of the process, developing sense of ownership with regards to decisions and processess.
Specific Objective: Support the growth of the community, especially the amount of active users, the retention of new users, as well as reading the Wikipedia in Brazil.
Being quite open and not controllable, these goals should be understood in a broad perspective, and we should be aware that we'll be experimenting quite a few things to track results and document both process and outcomes in order to sum up the community knowledge about the project, creating paths for the growth, although not being able to make this happen directly though this set of actions.
Actions Support the organization of local and national meetings
- Support the implementation of outreach events, workshops and networking
- Support the implementation of projects and task forces, etc. hackathons.
- To support the community in experimenting with new policies and resources ***
- Research, document and analyze the bottlenecks and growing community of Wikipedia ***
- Create database with information about availability of wikimedistas to perform activities
- Promoting campaigns to attract new users
- Implement usability research, analyze and propose improvements in the templates and help pages, with the community
Products and expected outcomes:
- Achievement of 12 local meetings and one national meeting
- Participation in and / or completion of 12 outreach activities by the Wikimedia Foundation and 24 community
- Participation in or completion of three task forces and / or hackathons etc..
- Implementation, documentation and analysis of 4 trials of policy change and / or create new resources / tools / policies: eg. CAPTCHA, template changes, providing tools for non admins to combat vandalism and blocking vandals,
- Document with recommendations for change from surveys and data collected and analyzed (carry out specific surveys among admins and very active editors)
- Database with mapping the availability of volunteers to develop activities
- 2 campaigns to attract new users.
editRATIONALE: Wikipedia is pretty known in Brazil, and as shown above, we offer the 8th highest access to the website. However, as it was shown above, while Brazilians are very likely to be in social media [10], they're not necessarily as likely to engage actively in editing - only 3% of readers also edit (a lower average than the global one). The main reason among Brazilian readers why they wouldn't edit is their insecurity and lack of qualifications to be an editor. According to Wikimedia Foundations research, they also want to know their efforts will benefit their Wikipedia cohorts.
Taking Wikipedia to where people are and make it closer to them, allowing them to ask questions on Facebook, creating an interacting channel that drives people into Wikimedia projects and that regularly shares news about them will increase readership and may make people feel closer and more likely to engage more actively.
Regarding media attention, a slight monitoring in 2012 showed how stories published this year - especially in April, May and June - brought in new editors into Wikipedia. However, this is not continuing. Creating stories out of good facts and interesting information aims both at improving perception on Portuguese Wikipedia as well as at increasing the number of new editors, volunteers and partners.
We should be aware we should develop another research like Mani did in about one year time to measure differenteces and/or hire a more content driven readers research as a starting point for comparison if possible.
Specific Goal: To create a positive agenda around Wikimedia projects and attract new editors
- Develop, together with the community, a communication plan
- Promote, together with the community, online campaigns to disseminate the Wikimedia projects
- Promote, together with the community, the Wikimedia projects in the media
- Create proactive and reactive processes, to the community, to handle media (individual responses agreeing processes, collective, distributed)
- Create a blog with daily posts and weekly update social networks with the community
- Create promotional materials for events and campaigns
- Create videos with volunteers speaking and inviting people to edit, giving tips
Goals and outcomes:
Community driven / WMF supported
- Expansion from 5200 to 10.000 the number of users on Facebook who "like" the page (this aims at having a regular audience that follow and multiply news about Wikipedia, as well as increasing readership - as one may see above, Brazilians are more likely to engage in social media like Facebook than other countries)
- Increase of 100% the number of followers on Twitter (although this is only managed by volunteers). It also aims at having a regular audience that follow and multiply news about Wikipedia
WMF doing together with community
- having 8 positive stories published in the media by June 2013
- Creation of a blog for stories on the Catalyst Program (Launch in January and 36 posts with news and highlights on actions of volunteers etc. by June 2013)
- Proposal of rebuilt of help pages and templates warning on Wikipedia
Internal and external Communications
- Hiring a professional for a 6 months service to develop improvements on help pages for newbies, for the Education Program, to document and work closely with the community, and to coordinate the creation of videos and other multimedia materials with the objetive of outreaching online both readers, general interested people, but also to materials to be used in workshops and other training activities.
Special Projects
edit- Create pages for and update all Wikimedia projects underway in Brazil to appear on page project tracking
- QR Code: partnerships with cultural, biological and tourism or cityhalls
- Residence at the National Library (Wikisources, Commons, improvements entries in Wikipedia)
- Residence at the National Archives (Wikisources, Commons, improvements entries in Wikipedia)
- Partnership with Fiocruz to promote Wikimedia between health professionals
Note: setting specific goals for each project. However, the goal of the partnership is to contribute to strengthening the community (expanding the involvement of volunteers), as well as attracting new editors, improvement and creation of entries and increased penetration of Wikipedia
Institutional partnership
editMark up definition:
Starting process | |
Under development | |
Finalizing process |
Expected Results
editAction | Results | Output Measurements | Who is in charge | Resources needed | Priorities addressed |
6 local meet-ups and one national meeting (cities: SP, Rio, Recife, Salvador, Campus Party SP + one per region TBD with WMBR) (Next steps: check who is interested in leading local meetings, build partnership with a local institution decide the date and check needs for production) |
Strenghtening community relations and involvment in projects, increasing leadership and responsiveness | 2 volunteers per state where meetings take place with high capacity of reponsivess and involvement in projects | WMF (Oona +1) and APR-CCL | 1 producer + 6 volunteers | Participation (retention) Collaboration (strenghtening of community and of the movement) Readership (awareness) |
6 Wiki training workshops with meet ups (cities: SP, Rio, + one per region TBD with WMBR) (Next steps: check who is interested in leading local meetings, build partnership with a local institution decide the date and check needs for production) |
Increase editorship and reading, as well as what is a good article | Capacity building of 90 editors, retention of 20% | WMF (Oona + 1) | 1 producer + 12 volunteers + print and online materials | Content (article creation) Participation (retention) Quality (meetups with experts participation and feedback) Collaboration (strenghtening of community and of the movement) |
Participation in and / or completion of 12 outreach activities (next steps: create an events' calendar for 2013) |
Raise awareness on how Wikimedia works, increase readership and increase editroship | 6 stories on media, increase in 10% of readership, 20 new registered editors / month that we can track | WMF (Oona +1) and APR-CCL | 1 outreach grantee or short term contract + 6 volunteers + marketing/promotional materials | Collaboration (strenghtening of community and of the movement) Readership (awareness) |
Implementation, documentation and analysis of 4 experiments on the community: CAPTCHA, applying consensus for changes on policies, implementation of new tools to combat vandalism, campaign for IPs to create accounts, task-force in mentoring program | Creation of a better environment to work, increase of editorship, increase numbers of admins and rollbackers (next steps: create the agenda and get feedback on whether it's possible to go on with community's new proposal) |
+ 8% of new editors, + 10% admins and rollbackers | WMF (Oona and data analyst) + Community | WMF BR + Tech team SF (we need to know whether it's possible to go on with experiment breaking the group of non autoconfirmed users) + Data analyst + Global Evaluation team + 4 volunteers | Content (deletion of articles, policies and culture), Quality (diversity of perspectives), Participation (retention) |
Survey / research with admins rollbackers (next step: finish questionaire started here) |
Get to know better the reality and needs of this small groups (38 and 108) | 40% of respondents | WMF (Oona) | Data analyst | Quality (vandal fighting) Participation (retention) |
Database for mapping the availability of volunteers to develop activities (next step: create questionaire) |
Have a clear idea of who can do what and how much in the community | database with info on availability of 200 volunteers | WMF (Oona) | WMF (SF) - development of the research page (and server to keep data) | Participation (rentention and involvement in the movement) |
2 campaigns to attract new users (one viral + one to attract IPs to create accounts) (next steps |
Increase editorship | Increase new editors in 2%/month and increase active editors in 5% | WMF + WP community | Short term designer and video maker | Participation (acquisition/conversion) |
Creating a blog and updating regularly (next steps: get a domain in WMF, hire a designer, hire one communications freelancer to lead the blog and invite Gama Filho University to be a partner in translating some WMF global blog posts) | Create a space to share regular to the non wiki audience what we`ve been doing, share stories of volunteers, have a page for partners | 24 stories, of which 6 creating stories in major media | Oona and communications short term contractor | short term contractor for Comms | Readership (awareness), Participation (motivation to continue) |
Create communication materials templates do be adapted for new partnerships (banners, folders etc.) for events (next steps: hire a freelance designer) | Have a visual identity for events and promote Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Brasil, Wikipedia and other projects | Create 3 templates (presentations tamplates, banner template and folder template) | WMF | Short term designer | Readership (awareness), Participation (acquisition) & Quality (diversity) |
Education: Documentation of learnings | Sharing knowledge and learnings throughout the Wikimedia movement with relation to the Education Program | Example | WMF (Everton & Oona's revision) | Survey answered, WMF support with graphs and global template for learnings from the Education Program | Quality & Participation |
Education: Creation of teaching materials, printed and online tutorials in text and video, enabling multiplication of workshops (next steps: besides the ones listed above for creating videos, ask for translation of brand new materials and plan new help pages with |
Create a "step-by-step" for implementing the project | Example | WMF (Everton + Oona's supervision) | Global Ed. Program | Content (help, coaching), participation (acquisition, conversion and retention) |
Education:Establishment of partnerships with universities or other organizations that can support the program (next steps:(informal?) terms of agreement with Gama Filho, Fiocruz and Unesco |
Increase governance, reach and support for the Education Program | At least 15 professors and 60 students involved in the network + at least 60 new or improved articles until June 2013 accepted in Wikipedia | WMF BR (Oona and Everton working together on partnerships, Everton leading relations with professors, ambassadors and community) | WMF-SF legal and Admin teams | eadership (awareness), Participation (acquisition) & Quality (diversity) |
Designing, planning and implementing a pilot with a thematic approach for contributions on Wikipedia, re-activating WikiProjects and involving experts | Experiment a Wiki-based project with existing and active volunteers to improve content and re-engage wikipedians, professors and experts | 1 to 2 WikiProjects re-activated, active experienced Wikipedians: >= 5, new contributors that become active: >= 10, topics being discussed on the WikiProject talk page: >= 2 / month, accomplish tasks in group: >= 3, articles considerably improved by the group: >= 20 (until June), <bytes> added by the group per article: >= 10k (?? quality X quantity?) Increase featured articles: >=2? (proposal) | WMF (Everton) | Learning sharing | Quality (experts participation), Content (coaching), participation (acquisition & diversity) |
Class assignments | Example | 15 professors, articles: >= 60, featured articles: >= 2, 10 video tutorials in partnership with universities, students involved: >=60 <=120 | WMF (Everton & Oona supervision) | Wikipedia community, ambassadors and teaching materials (Ed.Global Program) | Quality, Content (coaching), participation (acquisition & diversity) |
Education | Example | Example | Example | Example |
Resources needed
editIn general terms, that would be important that we figured out how to work well together considering Brazil Catalyst Program counts on a remote staff, has to work in close partnership with the community and will be, in the near future, be developed by a partner organization, hopefully keeping our team.
Resources we may need from WMF SF
edit- Global Development team for sharing knowledge across global initiatives (monthly meetings on specific themes, one-to-one meetings regularly reported on a common platform, etc.
- Global Education team (production and translation of materials, interviews and blog postings, certificates signed and sharing of merchandising materials to be printed in Brazil)
- Learning & Evaluation: support on metrics and regular colleting and visualizing data
- Information referece on other agreements and partnerships (especially India)
- Tech support (implementation of changes required for experiments, as well as information to support debates, as well as sharing of knowledge through new tools that could be localized)
- Editor engagement team: sharing of knowledge and meetings for discussing ideas to be implemented or tested on the Portuguese Wikipedia (why not often testing in Enslish and one more language, to analyse impacts, being the Portuguese Wikipedia a candidate for a few experiments?)
- Legal and admin: hirings and contracts
Local resources needed
edit- Data Analyst hired
- Short term contractor for communications/marketing/events
- Short term contractor (person or company) for videos making
edit- ↑ Digital Landscape Report
- ↑ See Strategic Plan
- ↑ Editor per million of speakers
- ↑ Despite the growth of internet and mobile use by world population, one may see a decrease on the usage of non-Facebook web.
- ↑
- ↑ Alexa -
- ↑ Alexa -
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑