Broer på tværs af kulture 3. udgave, 1. til 31. december 2019
Velkommen til Wikipedia redigerings konkurrencen der omhandler kulturen i Latinamerika, Rusland, Mellemøsten og Nordafrika!
- What?: The Bridges across Cultures contest is an editing contest organized by different Wikimedia affiliates with the goal to promote cultural exchange between three regions of the world: Latin America, Russia and the Middle East & North Africa (MENA). Its third edition will be organized in December 2019.
- When?: The editing contest runs from 00:01 December 1st to 23:59 December 31st, 2019 (UTC).
- How?: To participate, you first need to subscribe to the list of participants. Then, create or expand articles related to the participating countries according to your language. The articles created should be related to one of the following categories:
- Litteratur
- Musik
- Visuel kunst, film og TV
- Mad og traditioner
- Monumenter
- You can also take a look at the list of proposed articles in case you need some inspiration!
- According to the level of improvement of the articles, you will receive points and the winner will be the participant with the most points at the end of the contest.
- There will be extra points if you edit articles regarding prioritized countries or regions!
- Who?: Any Wikimedia user signed in the list of participants before 23:59 December 31st, 2019 (UTC).
- Where?: For the 2019 edition, you can participate in the following Wikipedia editions:
Hvis du redigerer i denne Wikipedia udgave...
... kan du redigere om denne region.
Arabisk, persisk og tyrkisk
Spansk og portugisisk
 Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
Russian, Bashkir, Lezgi, Chechen
 Mellemøsten og Nordafrika
- Why?: The goal of the contest is to promote cultural exchange between different regions of the world. Although Wikipedia has been an unique opportunity to expand the access to knowledge from every corner of the world, there is still a difference in the quality of articles and a bias towards Western European and North American content. We expect this contest can help to promote cooperation across the world and increase the access to content with a global perspective.