CIS-A2K/Reports/Newsletter/March 2022

Wikimedia session in Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh
CIS-A2K is developing partnerships in India for the last few years. Now, CIS-A2K partnering in the North East region of India to enrich the content related to geography, culture, and biodiversity of the region on Wikimedia projects. The partner of the North East region is Rajiv Gandhi University based in Itanagar is one of the leading institutions in Arunachal Pradesh. Firstly, the introductory session planned on Wikimedia projects was conducted on 3 March at the Arunachal Institute of tribal studies on the university campus. A total of 20 students, research scholars and faculty participated in the two-hour session. In the session, the possibilities to integrate the academic assignments read more...
Launching of the GLAM project with RIWATCH, Roing, Arunachal Pradesh
editRIWATCH is a Research Institute of World's Ancient Traditions, Cultures and Heritage which is a non-profit community-based organisation and cultural research institute in North East India, located in the village of Khinjili near the town of Roing at Lower Dibang Valley district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. It has an ethnographic museum focusing on the culture and tradition of Arunachal Pradesh and North East India at large. It also has a collection of images, and audio and video files depicting the rich cultural tradition of different tribes and indigenous people of the region. Contributions occur in several projects like Wikipedia, read more
Pune Nadi Darshan 2022 photography contest
editPune Nadi Darshan 2022 is a photography contest which is conducted by CIS-A2K and the Rotary Olympiad team. On the occasion of 'World Water week', CIS-A2K and Rotary Water Olympiad team have planned a photography campaign cum contest - Pune Nadi Darshan 2022 - on Wikimedia Commons from 16 March to 16 April 2022.
International Women's Month 2022 edit-a-thon
For this time, A2K collaborated with the Art+Feminism campaign. To follow the collaboration, A2K created a few dashboards under Art+Feminism 2022. For this time, seven languages Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, and Telugu entered this event. During these two days, all the language Wikis were updated with ~170 or more than 170 new articles. 39 users participated in this event, and 22 participants are from the Punjabi community only. In this event, the Punjabi community contributed collectively. They have organised their on-ground event which was supported by CIS-A2K. They have organised their own event Women's Week 2022. The community organised the event on the same dates and days. The gathering of Wikimedians created or expanded content related to women. For these two days, community-created 103 articles and 149 articles edited from the Punjabi community 22 editors participated physically or online. They mostly edited Wikipedia, Wikisource and read more...
Indic Wikisource Proofreadthon March 2022
editCIS-A2K has been conducting proofreadathon for the last year. Proofreadathon 2022 to promote the online activity to the Wikisource project, CIS-A2K team organised a Proofreadthon for Indic Wikisources. On all Indic Wikisource, we have community chosen a short selection of classical texts to be proofread. Each page proofread will win points for the proofreader, as described in Rule section. Every page helps and it is not necessary to complete any text within this edithon, just to add to the work done in making these available to all. This is open to experienced Wikisourcers and new volunteers who want to give the project read more...
Relicensing & digitisation of books, audios, PPTs and images in March 2022
editCIS-A2K has had a partnership with Vigyan Ashram for a year. The relicensing and digitisation of content on Suryanamaskar were completed. It includes the 9 books, 3 charts, 4 PPTs and 22 audios by Subhash Khardekar, an expert in the field based in Nashik, Maharashtra. The material was digitised at Vigyan Ashram, Pabal and uploaded on Commons here - Subhash Khardekar. A similar project of digitisation of books by Purushottam Pandurang Gokhale is also in progress. The books are being scanned at Lek Ladki Abhiyan, Satara, Maharashtra and uploaded on Commons here -Books by Purushottam Pandurang Gokhale. Two authors from Sangli - Rohini Tukdeo and Suresh Mahajan - relicensed their 5 and 14 books read more....
Presentation on A2K Research in a session on 'Building Multilingual Internets'
editCIS-A2K is working on research work. Presentation on A2K Research has done in a session on 'Building Multilingual Internets', at the Global Digital Humanities Symposium, Michigan State University. As a field of study that has been premised on the ‘digital’, the growth, access, and use of the internet and digital technologies are integral to much of digital humanities (DH) practice, scholarship, and pedagogy today. The research paper observations from read more
Ongoing events
editPune Nadi Darshan 2022 photography contest
editPune Nadi Darshan 2022 photography contest is going on. CIS-A2K and Rotary Water Olympiad team have planned a photography campaign cum contest - Pune Nadi Darshan 2022 - on Wikimedia Commons which is going on till 16 April 2022 or it may be extended. Till now 164 images are uploaded on the Wikimedia Commons and all the photos are related to the Pune rivers.
Two days edit-a-thon by local communities
editApril is Dalit History Month and Indic communities are going to celebrate it. They are following two days mini edit-a-thon model. CIS-A2K is trying to engage or encourage the communities for conducting edit-a-thon on their own. Punjabi community is going to organise an event on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti. It will be on 13-14 March.
Santali Wikimedians is also conducting the edit-a-thon on from 13 April to 15 April. It was for three days. The report is going to be published read more...
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