CampaignEvents/Collaboration list/pl

This page is a translated version of the page CampaignEvents/Collaboration list and the translation is 20% complete.


Współpraca (ang. Collaboration List wcześniej znana jako Event List) to globalna, zautomatyzowana lista wydarzeń na wiki. Można uzyskać do niego dostęp, przechodząc do SpecialːAllEvents. Ta funkcja, będąca częścią pakietu Rozszerzenie CampaignEvents, centralizuje wydarzenia z różnych wiki w jednym kalendarzu. Organizatorzy nie muszą wykonywać żadnej dodatkowej pracy, aby ich wydarzenie pojawiło się na liście. Tak długo jak będą korzystać z narzędzia Rejestracji na wydarzenie, ich wydarzenie będzie widoczne dla użytkowników na całym świecie. Lista współpracy zawiera również filtry, dzięki którym użytkownicy mogą łatwo wyszukiwać określone typy wydarzeń.

Ta funkcja została stworzona przez Campaigns team. Dzięki temu projektowi chcemy ułatwić ludziom znalezienie wydarzeń, które ich interesują. W ten sposób więcej osób może przyłączać się do wydarzeń, współtworzyć wiki w ramach wspólnych wysiłków grupowych i łączyć się z innymi współautorami. Chcemy także ułatwić organizatorom promocję swoich wydarzeń, aby mogli dotrzeć do nowych odbiorców, którzy mogą być zainteresowani ich wydarzeniami. Wreszcie, chcemy zapewnić wszystkim większą widoczność w zakresie organizowania wydarzeń w ruchu.


Efekty tej pracy mają korzenie w powtarzających się zapytaniach o globalny kalendarza wydarzeń na wiki. Wysłuchaliśmy tego typu próśb w ankiecie dotyczącej życzeń społeczności (zobacz Kalendarz wydarzeń globalnych), w Phabricatorze (zobacz T303863 i T1035) oraz we własnym office hours a także komunikacji z organizatorami. Mówiąc szerzej, efekt tej pracy jest powiązany z pracą naszego zespołu nad ulepszeniem event discover na wikipediach. Z naszych badań dowiedzieliśmy się, że wielu organizatorom trudno jest promować swoje wydarzenia na wiki, a wielu autorów nie wie, jak znaleźć wydarzenia, które mogą ich zainteresować. Lista współpracy ma na celu pomóc w rozwiązaniu tego problemu.

Chociaż w użyciu jest wiele kalendarzy, nie było takiego kalendarza jak narzędzie Współpraca: globalny, automatyczny, z filtrami wyszukiwania i na wiki. Dzięki temu kalendarzowi mamy nadzieję, że zapewniemy łatwość użtkowania w sposób, który jeszcze nigdy nie był dostępny. Jednakże rozumiemy również, że narzędzie Współpraca jest nową funkcją i możemy wprowadzić wiele ulepszeń. Planujemy rozszerzyć i dopracować listę wydarzeń z czasem, czerpiąc inspirację z poprzednich wniosków i przypadków użytkowania, które zostały udostępnione przez lata.

Our Approach

First, we want to improve the Collaboration List by making it more user-friendly and intuitive. We have documented many of the potential improvements in T362881. Our first priority is to allow users to hide/display ongoing events (T365859), and we would like to hear from you all about what we should work on next.

Second, we want to add more search filters, so users can more easily find events that interest them. To do this, we will need to collect more data from organizers when they enable event registration, such as: the wiki(s) of the event (T366765), the event type (T355253), and the event topic (T362259). For in person and hybrid events, we also want to collect more precise data on the location of the event, so we are interested in geocoding support (see T316126).

Third, we want to make the Collaboration List more discoverable in the future. Right now, the Event List is not something that someone can naturally stumble upon in the wikis, but we want to change this. We are interested in identifying potential pathways of discovery for users that can feel useful and non-intrusive.

Finally, we are planning to expand the Collaboration List to include WikiProjects. This way, we can make it easier for people to find not only events, but also groups and communities on the wikis that may interest them. Through this work, we can also begin collaborating with the people behind WikiProjects, so we can learn about how we can better support them and their workflows.

Open Questions

Note: The old term of "Event List" is kept in this section for continuity, since we used this old term in the talk page discussion.

Below, we have some questions for everyone, and we look forward to reading your feedback on the project talk page.

  1. What are your overall thoughts on the Event List?
  2. Jak poprawić narzędzie Wydarzenia?
  3. Jak możemy sprawić, że narzędzie Wydarzenia będzie bardziej dostępne?
  4. We want to expand the Event List to include WikiProjects. What do you think of this idea, and do you have any suggestions for how we can do this?

Status updates

March 4, 2025: Separate sections for ongoing and upcoming events

We have updated how we handle ongoing and upcoming events. You can now view them in separate sections, which can be opened and closed. This way, you can easily find upcoming events to join. You can also find ongoing events that have already started but continue within a selected date range.

January 31, 2025: Test events excluded from Collaboration List

Organizers can now indicate if an event is a test event (such an event that they created in their sandbox) or a live event (i.e., an actual event that will be held) when they configure Event Registration. All test events will be excluded from the Collaboration List.

January 29, 2025: Search for events by topic

You can now search for events by topic in the Collaboration List. The way it works is that we now give organizers the option to specify up to 5 topics associated with their event. If they choose specific topics, then their event will show up if a user searches for events for that specific topic on the Collaboration List.

January 14, 2025: Search for events by wiki

You can now search for events by wiki in the Collaboration List. You can search for events on one wiki or multiple wikis. The way it works is that we now ask organizers to specify wiki(s) of their event when they configure registration. They can choose no wikis, all wikis (open to everyone), or specific wikis. If they choose all wikis, then their event will show up for any wiki on the Collaboration List. If they choose specific wikis, then their event will show up if a user searches for events for that specific wiki on the Collaboration List.

January 8, 2025: Collaboration list promoted in Event Registration workflows

The Collaboration List is now promoted through six pathways in the event registration workflows, which are: when an organizer enables or edits registration, when a participant registers for an event, when a participant receives a registration confirmation email, when a participant receives an email from an organizer, when a user clicks on "More details" on the event page, and on the EventDetails page. In this way, we allow more people to discover the Collaboration List on the wikis, so it is easier for them to find events or WikiProjects that interest them. In the future, we may consider new ways of surfacing the Collaboration List to contributors as well.

You can now find links to a given Wikidata item for a WikiProject in the Collaboration list, which can be found by clicking on the pencil icon next to each WikiProject listing. The purpose of this link is to encourage all contributors to edit and improve the Wikidata items, so that we can all benefit from more comprehensive and detailed information about WikiProjects.

October 29, 2024: Collaboration List launched

The Event List has now been expanded to include a new tab, which is called "Communities." When you click on the tab, you can find all the WikiProjects on the local wiki that you are on, as defined by Wikidata. Now that we have expanded the Event List to include WikiProjects, we have decided to rename it the "Collaboration list", since it is a place to find many different forms of collaboration on the wikis.

As next steps, we are now working on making the Collaboration List more discoverable, which can be followed in T377861.

August 30, 2024: Expanding the Event List to include WikiProjects

We have begun early development work to expand the Event List to include WikiProjects. We will do by this by creating a new tab ("Communities"), which will display WikiProjects. Meanwhile, events will continue to be displayed, but they will now be under the "Events" tab. For this first version, we will only be displaying WikiProjects on the local wiki that the user is on. So, for example, if a user is on Swahili Wikipedia, they will see the WikiProjects of Swahili Wikipedia. However, we may consider further improvements in the future so that users can search for and discover WikiProjects across wikis.

Overall, we decided to pursue this expansion because we believe that the Event list can be a place of discovery for not only events, but also communities and groups. We want to start with a simple first version of this expansion, so we can learn from community feedback, but we may issue further improvements after the initial release. We may also want to rename the Event List, since it will no longer focus on events only. We are thinking of calling it the "Community List," but we want to know what ideas other people may have.

To learn more, you can see design examples of this expansion in T368115 and you can follow to work to build the simple first version in T372691. You can follow the list of ideas for potential improvements after our initial first version in T371623.