This page is a translated version of the page CampaignEvents/Collaboration list and the translation is 75% complete.


協作清單(以前稱為活動清單)是一個在維基中的全局、自動的活動清單。進入SpecialːAllEvents即可存取。此功能是 CampaignEvents扩展的一部分,可將各維基上的活動集中到一個行事曆上。組織者不需要做任何額外的工作,就可以讓他們的活動出現在協作清單上。只要他們使用註冊活動,全世界的使用者都可以看到他們的活動。協作清單也包含篩選器,因此使用者可以輕鬆搜尋特定類型的活動。



這項工作源於長期以來對於在維基上有一個全球活動行事曆的要求。我們在社群Wishlist Survey (見全球活動行事曆)、Phabricator(見 T303863T1035),以及我們自己的當班時間和與組織者的溝通中,都聽到了相關的要求。更廣泛來說,這項工作與我們團隊改善維基上活動發現的工作有關。透過研究,我們了解到許多組織者很難在維基上推廣他們的活動,許多貢獻者也不知道如何找到他們可能感興趣的活動。協作清單旨在協助解決這個問題。




其次,我們希望增加更多搜尋篩選條件,讓使用者可以更容易找到他們感興趣的活動。為此,我們需要在主辦單位在啟用活動註冊的時候收集更多資料,例如:活動的wiki(T366765)、活動類型 (T355253),以及活動主題 (T362259)。對於親身參與活動和混合活動,我們也希望收集更精確的活動地點資料,因此我們對地理編碼的支援也感興趣(請參閱T316126)。






  1. 您對活動清單的整體看法為何?
  2. 如何改善活動清單?
  3. 如何讓「活動清單」更容易被發現?
  4. 我們想要擴大活動清單,以包含WikiProjects。您對於這個想法有什麼看法,您對於我們如何做到這一點有什麼建議嗎?



March 4, 2025: Separate sections for ongoing and upcoming events

We have updated how we handle ongoing and upcoming events. You can now view them in separate sections, which can be opened and closed. This way, you can easily find upcoming events to join. You can also find ongoing events that have already started but continue within a selected date range.

January 31, 2025: Test events excluded from Collaboration List

Organizers can now indicate if an event is a test event (such an event that they created in their sandbox) or a live event (i.e., an actual event that will be held) when they configure Event Registration. All test events will be excluded from the Collaboration List.

January 29, 2025: Search for events by topic

You can now search for events by topic in the Collaboration List. The way it works is that we now give organizers the option to specify up to 5 topics associated with their event. If they choose specific topics, then their event will show up if a user searches for events for that specific topic on the Collaboration List.

January 14, 2025: Search for events by wiki

You can now search for events by wiki in the Collaboration List. You can search for events on one wiki or multiple wikis. The way it works is that we now ask organizers to specify wiki(s) of their event when they configure registration. They can choose no wikis, all wikis (open to everyone), or specific wikis. If they choose all wikis, then their event will show up for any wiki on the Collaboration List. If they choose specific wikis, then their event will show up if a user searches for events for that specific wiki on the Collaboration List.

January 8, 2025: Collaboration list promoted in Event Registration workflows

The Collaboration List is now promoted through six pathways in the event registration workflows, which are: when an organizer enables or edits registration, when a participant registers for an event, when a participant receives a registration confirmation email, when a participant receives an email from an organizer, when a user clicks on "More details" on the event page, and on the EventDetails page. In this way, we allow more people to discover the Collaboration List on the wikis, so it is easier for them to find events or WikiProjects that interest them. In the future, we may consider new ways of surfacing the Collaboration List to contributors as well.







我們已經開始了早期的開發工作,以擴大事件列表,包括WikiProjects。我們將通過創建一個新的標籤(「社群」)來實現這一目標,該標籤將顯示WikiProjects。與此同時,事件將繼續顯示,但現在它們將在 「事件 」標籤下。在第一個版本中,我們只會在用戶所在的本地維基上顯示WikiProjects。因此,舉例來說,如果使用者在斯瓦希里語維基百科上,他們將會看到斯瓦希里語維基百科的 WikiProjects。然而,我們可能會在未來考慮進一步的改進,以便用戶可以搜尋和發現跨維基的WikiProjects。

