CentralNotice/Request/Meeting WP:FIP in Stuttgart on 19 August 2022

Meeting WP:FIP in Stuttgart on 19 August 2022

Central Notice Settings

What is the campaign duration?
  • 12 August 2022 → 19 August 2022
Which projects will you be targeting?
  • Wikipedia
What languages will you be targeting?
  • German
Do you wish to show banners to Logged In users, Anonymous Users or Both? Do you want to target users with a specific number of edits or average monthly?
  • Logged in users and anonymous users

What countries will your campaign target?

  • Germany / state Baden-Württemberg

Banner/Campaign Diet:

  • To be determined by Central Notice admin

What is the purpose of the campaign? How will you measure the success of the campaign?

Description - Invitation to WP working group „Frauen in der Politik“ (WP:FIP) on 19 August 2022 (17-19 Uhr) in Frauenkulturzentrum in Stuttgart - repetition of banner for meeting on 22 July 22. Last time we had again a notable success: a newcomer joined us.

Metrics -

What banner(s) will you use? What will be your landing page?

Banners - Please use the standard banner with logo File:Logo WP Frauen in der Politik Stuttgart.svg and text:

„Unsere Wikipedia-Gruppe „Frauen in der Politik“ trifft sich regelmäßig in Stuttgart. Wir wollen uns gegenseitig beim Schreiben in der Wikipedia zu unterstützen. Fokus ist ein gemeinsames Projekt auf dem Themengebiet „Engagierte Frauen“. Wir freuen uns über erfahrene Wikipedianer:innen und auch über weniger Erfahrene, die mit uns auf diesem Gebiet arbeiten wollen.
Am 19. August treffen wir uns wieder in Präsenz im Frauenkulturzentrum Sarah in Stuttgart.
Sei dabei und mach mit!“.
Show to users reading pages with the following categories (incl. subcategories): Frauen, Feminismus, Frauenrechte, Frauengeschichte, Stuttgart, Namibia

Landing Page - https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Stuttgart/FIP/Workshop_Frauen_in_der_Politik_(Kurzvorstellung)
Type of grant -

Link to grant -



Central Notice admin comments


Hi Leserättin, am I seeing correctly that your banner is not yet active? Did you ask DerHexer, do you still need it? Ciell (talk) 15:35, 14 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Ciell thank you for asking. No it is not yet active. I did not contact Hexer separately. If one of you starts it it would be great. Best wishes --Leserättin (talk) 17:51, 14 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Leserättin, sure. If you ping Martin next time, I'm sure he'll be happy to help and make sure the banner is ready on time. In the meanwhile, please check the preview for your banner here and let me know if it's good and I can turn it on. Ciell (talk) 15:15, 15 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Ciell thank you. That's perfect. Next time I won't be so shy ;-) and ping Hexer. Best wishes, --Leserättin (talk) 15:25, 15 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the review, I have enabled the banner. Ciell (talk) 15:31, 15 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]