CentralNotice/Request/Wikivacaciones 2018

Wikivacaciones 2018

Central Notice Settings

What is the campaign duration?
  • 1st December 2018 → 31th January 2019
Which projects will you be targeting?
  • All
What languages will you be targeting?
  • Spanish, English
Do you wish to show banners to Logged In users, Anonymous Users or Both? Do you want to target users with a specific number of edits or average monthly?
  • All users

What countries will your campaign target?

  • Colombia

Banner/Campaign Diet:

  • To be determined by Central Notice admin

What is the purpose of the campaign? How will you measure the success of the campaign?

  • Description - Contest about touristic attractions in Colombia.
  • Metrics - Number of participants & uploaded images.

What banner(s) will you use? What will be your landing page?





Gracias por el aviso. Podríamos usar "Participa de Wikivacaciones. Sube fotos de tus vacaciones y ayuda al conocimiento libre". Sí, https es mejor (siempre olvido escribirlo). Sí, actualizaremos la información invitando a participar en el concurso de este año. Sahaquiel9102 (talk) 03:56, 5 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Perfecto. Me pongo con ello. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 12:59, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Sahaquiel9102 and Superzerocool: Los banners ya están en marcha y activados. Por favor avisad aquí si hay algún problema. Un saludo. —MarcoAurelio (talk) 15:41, 8 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Central Notice admin comments
