Lista de deseos de la comunidad

This page is a translated version of the page Community Wishlist and the translation is 100% complete.

La Lista de deseos de la comunidad es un foro para que los contribuyentes del proyecto Wikimedia compartan ideas o "deseos" para mejorar nuestro producto y tecnología, y luego colaboren entre sí y con la Fundación Wikimedia para priorizar y resolver estas oportunidades juntos. Para construir un software sustentable y multigeneracional, la Fundación Wikimedia necesita escuchar y colaborar con voluntarios sobre los desafíos y oportunidades para mejorar nuestros productos y tecnología.

Community Wishlist

Cómo se usa

  • Los voluntarios pueden enviar un deseo (solicitud de función, solución de errores, cambio de sistema) en cualquier momento. Alentamos a los usuarios a que presenten un deseo en su idioma nativo.
  • Los deseos presentados pueden ser revisados, comentados y editados por otros voluntarios, y aceptados por la Fundación.
  • La Fundación conectará los puntos entre los deseos y las organiza dentro de áreas de enfoque. Las áreas de enfoque nos ayudan identificar cuales problemas y sugerencias son más importantes.
  • Los contribuyentes pueden votar y comentar sobre las áreas de enfoque, que serán adoptadas por los equipos de WMF, Community Tech, afiliados o desarrolladores voluntarios.
Publica tu deseo

📢 Últimas actualizaciones

March 12, 2025: Multiblocks pilot

Multiblocks, the #14 wish in the Community Wishlist Survey 2023 will be released to the Polish-language Wikipedia by 20th March 2025 for piloting. We are also seeking additional wikis to pilot with.

With Multiblocks, admins get more block options: a sitewide and a partial block can run at the same time with different expiry dates. This eliminates the need to wait for the expiration of one block to apply the other. An admin may want to initially impose a temporary sitewide block on a disruptive user, and later keep their access to specific pages or namespaces restricted. This may be useful in cases of blocking Wikipedians heavily involved in editing specific namespaces or pages.

Currently, admins must wait for the first block to expire before applying a second one. They need to find other solutions like setting reminders to return and update the restrictions manually. With Multiblocks, this extra step is no longer necessary. As part of preparations for building Multiblocks, Community Tech has redesigned the Special:Block page using Codex. The block log has been repositioned towards the top of the page so the admins can easily access this information to decide the nature of subsequent blocks.

Blocks can now be applied using precise date selections, providing clearer and more consistent expiration settings compared to written time intervals such as "fortnights." These design changes serve as foundational steps for the Multiblocks implementation.

The refreshed Special:Block page is accessible via applying a url parameter ?usecodex=1 to the end of the link to an admin's block page. You can try it out. Give feedback about the refreshed Special:Block page on the project talk page.

Some communities may need to update their policies or guidelines for using Multiblocks. We encourage you to start considering these needs if they apply to you. Community Tech is here to support your discussions and will also be listening to how communities wish to approach this.

Thank you for your patience as we work towards delivering this helpful new feature.

Actualizaciones previas

Algunas áreas de enfoque

A partir de agosto de 2024, la Fundación lanzará su primer lote de áreas de enfoque. Cada área de enfoque está compuesta por tres o más deseos que comparten un problema subyacente.


Media formats, editing, and display

Volunteers noted the importance of supporting new file formats and improving features and tools that can allow users to upload high-efficiency images to Wikimedia sites, have an easier editing experience and improved use of media players.
In progress

Template recall and discovery

We're building a better way for new and experienced contributors to recall and discover templates via the template dialog, to increase dialog usage and the number of templates added.

Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks

Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks, so they can focus more on editing articles or other on-wiki activities. We'll know we're successful if we can cut down on the number of edits in review and improve moderator satisfaction.

Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks

Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks, so they can more efficiently review and uphold the quality of content on their wikis. We'll know we're successful if this work improves editor or patroller satisfaction and reduces the "queue" of things to review.

Deseos mas recientes

Estos son los deseos presentados recientemente. Puede aprender más sobre cada deseo individual, y ver otros deseos en las mismas áreas de enfoque. Si no encuentra lo que usted busca, puede submitir su deseo para tomar en cuenta.

Título Área de enfoque Tipo Proyectos Hora (UTC) Estado?
Blocking proxy IP address AbuseFilter Improvements System change Todos los proyectos 2025-03-14T05:45:17.000Z14 de marzo de 2025 In progress
Bots detecting copyvios on Commons (image reverse search etc) AbuseFilter Improvements Feature request Wikimedia Commons 2025-03-13T19:07:02.000Z13 de marzo de 2025 Open
AbuseFilter hit notifications AbuseFilter Improvements Feature request Todos los proyectos 2025-03-13T19:06:35.000Z13 de marzo de 2025 Open
Allow viewing of edit filter logs for IP ranges AbuseFilter Improvements Feature request Todos los proyectos 2025-03-13T19:06:14.000Z13 de marzo de 2025 Open
Allow abuse filters to be hidden to only oversighters AbuseFilter Improvements Feature request Todos los proyectos 2025-03-13T19:03:07.000Z13 de marzo de 2025 Open