This page is a translated version of the page DE policy/Positionen and the translation is 92% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Here we offer one Overview of the content position from Wikimedia Germany e.V, must be detailed and accurate abstracts on the association's website. Further below follows an overview of this, which political themes we are monitoring and how much media coverage we are providing.

This overview is although mostly actual, we can not garantee with this, and for some practical reasons never completely. In this respect, the presentation here, despite all the detail, is always only of an informational nature.

3 political Program

1. Freedoms in the Digital : When the Freedom of Wikimedia is spoken, This ultimately means the freedom of all people to develop themselves. Since knowledge is passed on by means of media carriers, we have always been strongly committed to copyright policy. However, the free exchange of knowledge is also supported by liberties such as freedom of expression and freedom of information, ensured the freedom of art and science and the protection of individuals from third-party surveillance. Therefore we insert in Germany and Brüssel the opposite Politic for this, that these freedoms are not disproportionately curtailed in the digital area. We are involved in this field of action with the following projects, among others: We are involved in this field of action with the following projects, among others:

2. Regulamentation internation and European: Important legal general conditions are used on international level decisions and then in implemented national level. We work therefore, together with others civil society organizations, expertise to be jointly heard in the shaping of international rules. Increasingly, we are engaging in debates regarding the regulation of digital public spaces, especially with regard to disinformation. See also:

3. Public Money - Public Good: What is financed with public money is also public good. Or should be, in our opinion. This includes publicly funded research and software as well as all the, what government agencies create or commission themselves, Contents of public broadcasting, government financed Museum etc. Many products is also available digitally for free. We work towards, anchor this as a principle in law and institutional practice, inspire, educate and advise. Our tools range from confidential discussions to public campaigns. See also:

Theme Pages

  • Global Digital Compact: Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass die Zivilgemeinschaft mehr in das Projekt eingebunden wird, wie Friederike von Franqué in diesem Beitrag erläutert.
  • Wir begrüßen die Verabschiedung des Digital-Service-Acts (DSA) auf EU-Ebene und begleiten die Umsetzung des Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz auf Bundesebene, zusammen mit dem Bündnis F5, wie Lara Mieg in folgendem Blogbeitrag berichtet.
  • Zusammen mit weiteren zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen fordern wir von der Bundesregierung ein Transparenzgesetz. Da bis dato kein Entwurf vorgelegt wurde, haben wir dies selbst getan, welcher hier nachlesbar ist.
  • Unsere Aktivitäten bezüglich der EU-Urheberrechtsreform 2016 bis 2021.
  • Bald findet ihr hier auch unsere Themenseite zu KI.

Special Pages

Overview for politics positions to Wikimedia Germany e. V. (in progress)

Free knowledge Stand Anmerkungen und Verweise
Free knowledge means inside content, that either rights anyway (public domain) or are released under free licenses
Free licenses been just Standard- or Public Licenses that comply with the terms of the Open Definition, as amended from time to time.
The strict stance of the Wikimedia communities on the extent to which content must be released in order to be included in their projects is correct and important - because these projects could not be run sustainably with more restricted releases. February 2022
Public money - public good! #ÖGÖG Last updated Notes and references
Wikimedia Deutschland is committed to ensuring that archive content, publicly commissioned software, digitized holdings of cultural institutions, and much more are freely usable by all. 2023 Overview Public Money - Public Good!
What has been significantly financed with public funds must be freely available to the public November 2018 Position Paper, Dec. 11, 2018
All federally mandated contractors must oblige their contractors (e.g. law firms, scientific institutions, agencies, IT consultancies) to release all work results for re-use July 2021 Included, inter alia, in the resolution of the 26th General Assembly on the federal election.
Knowledge content that is significantly self-financed by broadcasters (especially news, magazine and general contemporary formats) must be free to use April 2018 Campaign #ÖGÖG in ÖRR 2020
People interested in use must be able to clearly recognize whether a work of public authority may be freely re-used or not November 2016
Publicly funded software projects must be open source projects by default (Public Money - Public Code) April 2018
Freedom of information laws must be further developed into transparency laws so that government information is actively published by the authorities and does not first have to be requested by application July 2021 Included, inter alia, in the resolution of the 26th General Assembly on the federal election.
Data sets for which public authorities are responsible must not be subject to any copyright or ancillary copyright or database rights, except in justified exceptional cases, but may at most be restricted in their usability under data protection law. November 2017
Open data regulations must include a legal right for citizens to access data, which can be enforced at least by means of a representative action by civil society organizations. July 2021 Included, inter alia, in the resolution of the 26th General Assembly on the federal election.
Even if public functions are fulfilled in privatized form (such as the Federal Law Gazette as a product of the privatized Bundesanzeigerverlag), it must apply that registers and other content managed in this way are freely reusable November 2017
Politically strengthening digital volunteering as a form of engagement Last updated Notes and references
Commitment to the community is shifting more and more to the web. This requires a good political framework. December 2022 Political Brief "Strengthen Digital Volunteering! Demands for a contemporary promotion of engagement"
Common good as a central variable in data policy Last update Notes and references
In the digital age, data is an increasingly important way to map the world, make it discussable and understandable, and - with the exception of personally identifiable data - must be common property July 2019
Nicht personenbeziehbare Daten sind metaphorisch eine Art Grundwasser der Informationsgesellschaft und ihre Verfügbarkeit muss möglichst groß, der Umgang mit ihnen frei möglich sein December 2018 See Presentation of the data groundwater pump as an object to the data metaphor.
Free access to information, including when it is in data form, is a basic prerequisite for the free development of people in the digital age and, in particular, for knowledge justice, participation, and democratic digitization December 2018
Freier Zugang zu Informationen, einschließlich wenn diese in Datenform vorliegen, ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für die freie Entfaltung der Menschen im digitalen Zeitalter und insbesondere für Wissensgerechtigkeit, Teilhabe und eine demokratische Digitalisierung May 2020 Blogpost zur Datenstrategie der Bundesregierung vom 27.01.2021
Ein Primat wirtschaftlicher Erwägungen darf es in der Datenpolitik nicht geben May 2020
Nur mit einem notfalls rechtlich zu erzwingenden Zugang zu gesellschaftlich relevanten Daten in den Händen von Wirtschaftsunternehmen kann Netzwerk- und Lock-In-Effekte im Netz und damit einer freiheitsgefährdenden Machtkonzentration entgegen gewirkt werden August 2020
Es ist auch Aufgabe des Staates, für mehr Kompetenz der Menschen beim Umgang mit Daten zu sorgen

Gemeinwohlbezug in der Datenpolitik muss auch in Form einer Berücksichtigung und Würdigung des digitalen Ehrenamts sichtbar werden

September 2020
Making cultural heritage digitally accessible Last Updated Notes and references
Cultural heritage must be as freely accessible as possible, on the web as well as in museums, libraries and archives - what is not on the web is not in the world. December 2016
Any copyright protection must be limited in time and these time limits may not be further extended May 2017
Where possible and reasonable for creators, protection periods for intangible assets must be shortened May 2017
There must be no new exclusive property rights on intangible assets beyond industrial property protection January 2017
The legal status of public domain must be explicitly designated by law and, if necessary, enforceable against other interests. December 2016
Ownership of the original works (buildings, paintings, sculptures or other originals) may affect the usability of the cultural content of the works only to the extent strictly necessary. September 2018
We reject a "right to the image of one's own cause September 2018

Overview of media topics relevant to our work

The following table shows the current status (mid-2021) of which topics are currently relevant for our work and how. The terms roughly follow the thematic classification typically used in print and online media. The table is sorted from the inside out according to how intensively we are involved in the respective topics, from active to only occasionally commenting to passively following. The center of the table shows the media topics that are most relevant to us.

personal data / data ethics Hate speech Block Chain Technology, Non-Fungible Tokens Lifelong learning, public education platforms Network demographics (by age, region)
Right-wing populism on the Internet Algorithm Ethics / Artificial Intelligence Diversity in Wikipedia & Co. digital sustainability
Net neutrality Competition / Innovation / Business Models Platform regulation The Knowledge equity digital volunteering
Common good in digital policy Principle "Public money - public good!" incl. public service broadcasting Digitization in Education / Open Educational Resources (OER)
Transparency legislation Disinformation / Trust in information Access to Knowledge (A2K) / Civil Society in Global Forums Access to Knowledge (A2K) / Civil Society in Global Forums Freedom of expression / censorship Counterterrorism on the Net
Elections / Election results in terms of network policy Copyright after the EU copyright reform Informationsfreiheit / Autoritäre Staaten / Wikipedia-Sperren illegal vs. undesirable network content / delicate balancing of interests