EU policy/Reports and studies

This page is intended to be the gathering place for government, university, industry and other types of reports regarding the EU copyright directive. It's aim is to keep track of the different reports being published and their main arguments.


Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property and Growth


UK, commissioned by the UK government in 2010.

Focus of interest was the Intellectual Property and Growth Review commissioned by the UK government in 2010. An informative Wikipedia article. The actual report.


USA, commissioned by the Republican Study Committee in 2012

Actual report.


With no copyright protection, it was perceived that there would be insufficient incentive for content producers to create new content – without the ability to compensate them for their work. And with too much copyright protection, as in copyright protection that carried on longer than necessary for the incentive, it will greatly stifle innovation. In addition, excessive copyright protection leads to what economists call “rent-seeking” which is effectively non-productive behavior that sucks economic productivity and potential from the overall economy.

It is a system that picks winners and losers,and the losers are new industries that could generate new wealth and added value. Proposing a new structure of copyright protection: A. Free 12-year copyright term for all new works – subject to registration, and all existing works are renewed as of the passage of the reform legislation. If passed today this would mean that new works have a copyright until 2024. B. Elective-12 year renewal (cost 1% of all United States revenue from first 12 years – which equals all sales). C. Elective-6 year renewal (cost 3% of revenue from the previous 12 years). D. Elective-6 year renewal (cost 5% of revenue in previous 6 years). E. Elective-10 year renewal (10% of ALL overall revenue – fees paid so far).

Related Documents by RSC

  • "Three Myths about Copyright Law and Where to Start to Fix it". The paper discusses four potential policy solutions: (1) reform statutory damages; (2) expand fair use; (3) punish false copyright claims; and, (4) limit copyright terms and have heavy disincentives for renewal.

Data Protection Reform


11kbw Analysis of the reform proposals


original document

Stanford Law Review


Article in the Standford Law Review discussing the Right to be Forgotten. Although somewhat old (February 2012) it gives a good overview of the issues and defines three possible practical categories: data uploaded by me, data uploaded by me but copied by others and data about me uploaded by others.